Rachael Hall grabs man by biceps, pushes him into a chair

37-year-old Rachael Hall was charged with domestic assault when her roommate stepped between her and another person arguing and she shoved the victim, Andrew Jones, into a chair. On July 22nd MNPD arrived at Ridge Hill Dr. and spoke with Rachael, Andrew, and another person about a domestic disturbance. All three described the same scene of Rachael arguing with the other person, Andrew tried to step in the middle, but Rachael grabbed him by the biceps and pushed him into a chair.

Gelber Alvarado Cux charged with assault during ‘fit of rage’

33-year-old Gelber Alvarado Cux was charged with domestic assault after his wife and brother-in-law told police that he assaulted them in a fit of rage due to allegations of assault toward their child. On July 21st, police responded to a domestic call and utilized a translator to speak to Kindy Azvcely, Gelber’s wife, who told them that she witnessed Gelber holding their child in a way to restrict the child’s breathing. She stated that she confronted him, and he denied it and became irate. A physical altercation occurred between him and his wife, she grabbed his shirt resulting in her falling, and he began to kick her. She escaped the house and ran outside to tell her brother, Erwin Iran, who spoke with Gelber. Gelber assaulted Erwin too. He denied the entire encounter to the police, yet they determined him to be the primary aggressor due to Kindy and Erwin’s account.

Eerin Phillips bites her father’s hand in attempt to retrieve keys

18-year-old Eerin Phillips was charged with domestic assault on July 21st when police arrived at Murfreesboro Pike to a call for possible burglary and found her father, Burmell Phillips, who stated that Eerin and her sisters assaulted him. Eerin told police that she bit her father’s hand in an attempt to get her mother’s keys back; police noted that they saw fresh bite marks on Burmell’s hand.

Justin Rashad assaults girlfriend over apartment key

27-year-old Justin Rashad was spoken to by police after they arrived at his and his intimate partner, Kamryn Pucket’s, address for a domestic call on July 21st. Justin told the police that they began arguing over a key to their apartment and how he wanted her off the lease. He said she refused to give him the key while they argued outside the leasing office. Admittedly, Justin stated that he tried to retrieve the key from her several times and pulled her necklace off after she said that she did not want anything that he had given her. Kamryn confirmed that she felt threatened for her life after he grabbed the necklace, grabbed her to get the key, and the argument escalated.

Joshua Watch charged with assault outside of Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville

22-year-old Joshua Watch was witnessed by police participating in a fight outside of Jason Aldean’s bar on Broadway on July 23rd. Police broke up the fight between Joshua and the victim, Antonio Maldonado, then Joshua fled. They spoke to Antonio, who said that an argument started inside Jason Aldean’s. They were all kicked out, and then the argument continued outside until Joshua shoved and began hitting Antonio in the face. Antonio positively identified Joshua Watch and said he knew him. Police chased Joshua, eventually catching him; he resisted arrest by not cooperating with the demands for him to put his hands behind his back before finally being placed into custody.

Metro Council Candidate John Reed starred in adult film as “timid Tennessee boy”

#NSFW ‘Chip Currie’ is described as a “timid Tennessee boy” in an episode of the adult film series “Blacks on Boys,” of which he starred in a scene a few years ago. ‘Chip,’ who is better known as District 29 Metro Council candidate John Reed, plays the role of a small-town boy who says that interracial sex is frowned upon in his town, according to a plot description of the scene provided on several adult video sites. Reed provided a statement (full statement in story) revealing the video gave him the opportunity to earn the money he needed to survive. He says the decision, though tough, was about survival. He was then able to get out and create a stable and safe life for himself.