Taylor McEwen admits to “smoking weed every day” during traffic stop

22-year-old Taylor McEwen was jailed Wednesday evening when police pulled over a silver 4-door Chevy Sedan with a broken taillight on Harrison Road after they observed it turn into a Save A Lot grocery store, park, and immediately leave without using a turn signal. When police ran the tags, it showed that one of the owners had an outstanding warrant from a different county. Before stopping, the driver committed another traffic violation by running through a red light. A warrant from Sumner County was discovered after identifying McEwen as the passenger and running his name. When McEwen was taken into custody, 9 grams of marijuana were located in his pocket, along with a black rifle located under the seat. The rifle had a full magazine and a round in the chamber. The rifle was pointed in the direction of the backseat where a two-year-old child was sleeping. McEwen admitted to “smoking marijuana every day,” which deemed him a habitual user. Under federal law, habitual drug users are prohibited from possessing a firearm. McEwen has a history of gun-related charges, including a previous incident in 2021 for felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Adam Williams vandalizes property at Psychiatric Hospital, damages worth over $5,000

19-year-old Adam Williams was jailed on November 16th for destroying property inside TriStar Centennial Parthenon Pavilion. The facility’s director, Mr. Ronald Haskamp, stated that Williams was admitted on October 27th. During his stay, he destroyed $5,886 worth of property. On October 29th, officers were called to the facility after Williams had destroyed multiple doors of the area where he was being housed. Mr. Haskamp stated the damage done to the doors cost $5,000 in repairs. When Williams was asked why he destroyed the doors, he stated, “Because he was angry.” Officers viewed video surveillance that was recorded on November 13th that showed Williams pouring liquid onto a computer, causing $886 worth of damage. After being medically discharged from the facility, Williams was taken into custody.

DUI: Zachery Baker has one “12 oz Corona” before driving

31-year-old Zachery Baker was booked early Friday morning after officers observed him speeding down I-40, going 82 mph in a 55 mph zone. When the police attempted to pull Mr. Baker over, he yielded and nearly struck the cushion barrier. While speaking with Baker, officers could smell alcohol coming from his vehicle and asked him if he had anything to drink, to which he replied that he didn’t. His speech was slurred, his eyes were bloodshot, and he staggered while walking. He finally admitted he had one 12oz Corona an hour before the stop. Mr. Baker then performed poorly on sobriety tests and was transported to Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital for a blood sample before booking.

Jordan William Nealy charged with child pornography; admits attraction to minors

34-year-old Jordan William Nealy was the Snapchat account holder responsible for uploading one child sexual abuse material file, a CSAM file, in a private message thread on May 19. The picture depicts a nude, prepubescent minor female in a sexually suggestive pose. The Metro Nashville Police Department was able to identify Nealy and uncover the message thread with the CSAM file that shows him discussing his sexual attraction to minors. Nealy was taken into custody for the sexual exploitation of a minor on November 20.

Zahnitra Rahshae Kelly charged after concealing two burritos at Love’s truck stop

27-year-old Zahnitra Rahshae Kelly was at Love’s on W Trinity Lane in March when officers were dispatched regarding a shoplifter. Jeffery Sauvie, security for Love’s, advised officers he observed Kelly pick up two burritos, hide them in her pocket, and go to the restroom. Then, Sauvie followed her, announced himself, detained her, and found the burritos in a nearby trash receptacle. He wished to prosecute, so Kelly was cited for theft. Kelly failed to appear in court in March and was taken into custody on November 19th.

Ashleigh Woods Wilson falls asleep driving with cup of wine in her hand

33-year-old Ashleigh Woods Wilson was sleeping in her vehicle in the middle of Murphy Rd. and West End Ave. on November 19th. Officers were dispatched to assist the Nashville Fire Department personnel and were advised Wilson had a cup of wine in her hand when they arrived. Wilson was visibly intoxicated as she told officers she had been drinking at a party before driving her vehicle. She refused to take sobriety tests but later provided a blood sample. Officers were notified of her previous driving under the influence charge in March 2015 and placed Wilson in custody for an open container violation and DUI-2nd offense.