Chrisopher Bean repeatedly asks to be arrested after being kicked out of Tootsies Orchid Lounge

27-year-old Chrisopher Bean attempted to re-enter Tootsies Orchid Lounge after being removed in the later hours of May 12th. Security for the establishment flagged officers down, and when police arrived, they repeatedly advised Bean to return to his hotel or walk away. Then, Bean stated he wanted to go to jail and put his hands out to be arrested. Officers told Bean they did not want to take him to jail and that he needed to leave the area. Then, Bean called his lawyer while telling officers, “Just arrest me,” and started walking toward the bar with his hands behind his back while telling officers, “Take me to jail.” Bean was taken into custody for public intoxication. While in custody, Bean could not remember anything and continuously asked why he was under arrest for DUI. Bean also called one of the officers “Baby“,” and changed his story of” and changed his story about what was happening multiple times.

Howard Lawson threatens wife with machete during argument, tells police he “got rid of it”

57-year-old Howard Maurice Lawson had a domestic incident with his wife, Etrenda Alston, at their Greens Circle Cypress Creek apartment on May 11th. When officers arrived, Alston advised them that she and Lawson argued, during which he pulled out a machete, causing her to fear for her life and call the police. Lawson told officers that he did pull out the machete during the argument, but only to clean it, not to harm “his wife of 30 years of marriage.” Officers asked him where he put the weapon, to which he said he “got rid of it.” Lawson was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Danny Medina jailed after driving the wrong way down one-way road

36-year-old Danny Medina was seen driving the wrong way on a one-way road near Ensley Boulevard late May 11th. While officers responded to a call for an unrelated incident, they observed this and approached Medina. As officers approached Medina, they noticed he reeked of alcohol and exhibited signs of impairment. Then, Medina consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was detained for the occurrence. Medina was taken into custody for driving under the influence on May 12th.

Tracey Dixon hits boyfriend in head, knocks his glasses off during altercation

52-year-old Tracey Dixon had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, George Claybrooks, at their Robert Cartwright Drive residence on May 11th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Claybrooks, who stated that Dixon had been verbally and physically abusing him. Claybrooks added that he was trying to separate himself from the situation and went to another room, where she followed and hit him in the head and face before pushing him, knocking his glasses off. Claybrooks stated, “This is a recurring thing that happens when Dixon drinks.” Dixon was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 12th.

DUI: Ferhat Akin blows .139% BAC after ignoring police attempting to pull him over

30-year-old Ferhat Akin drove between two travel lanes without using his turn signals near Lebanon Pike in the early hours of May 13th. Officers observed this and initiated a traffic stop, during which Akin continued driving for about a mile and had no explanation for not initially stopping. When officers spoke with Akin, he showed signs of impairment and admitted to having one alcoholic beverage. He consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Akin was informed of implied consent and agreed to provide a breath sample, resulting in 0.139% BAC. Akin was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

DUI: William Smithwick crashes his car, tells police “I plead the fifth!”

27-year-old William Cade Smithwick was involved in a car accident on I-40 around midnight on May 11th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Smithwick, who reeked of alcohol as he consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. William was read implied consent twice; during the first time, he said, “I plead the fifth! I want my lawyer present!” When officers sat Smithwick in the patrol car, Smithwick told them, “I will take my breath test at the precinct!” Smithwick was then explained implied consent again and declined to provide a chemical sample. Smithwick was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation on May 12th.

Jeffrey Morton violates order of protection by sending ex-girlfriend money for her child

23-year-old Jeffrey Tyler Morton was taken into custody for an order of protection violation on May 10th. On May 7th, Makayla Dawn Smith flagged officers down, advising that she had just received two Cash App transactions from her ex-boyfriend, Morton, whom her order of protection is against. The first transaction occurred on May 6th around 8:22 p.m. for $25, stating “for Silvia,” Smith’s child. Then, another transaction happened at 9:07 a.m. for $50, stating, “Silvia. Tell her I love her. Send pictures, please.” Smith said she wished to prosecute him for the occurrence. A warrant was then issued for his arrest.

Orlin Vareala-Zuniga destroys father’s car after going out to drink

22-year-old Orlin Isaac Vareala-Zuniga had a domestic altercation with his father, Orlin Joel Vareala-Media, at their Cedarmont Road residence on May 10th. When officers arrived, Media advised them that Zuniga had gone out to drink and had asked to be picked up. Media initially refused due to his son’s level of impairment until he told him he was going to walk home.

After picking him up, an argument ensued in the car, which escalated once they got to their house. Zuniga started hitting the windows before jumping atop the car, kicking the windshield, and breaking the glass. Media stated when he tried to stop his son from further damaging his car, Zuniga began striking him in the face, leaving visible redness. Dereck Rosales-Carbanal, a witness, stated he observed the attack after he heard the commotion outside his residence. He also corroborated Media’s statements. Zuniga was then taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism.

Cantaniya Davis assaults ex-boyfriend after he doesn’t let her go through his phone

23-year-old Cantaniya Davis had a domestic incident with her ex-boyfriend, Garret Brown, at their Village Hills Drive apartment around 1:00 a.m. on May 10th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Brown, who stated that Davis had woken him out of his sleep, requesting to go through his phone. Brown stated he told Davis no and went back to sleep. Then, Brown said she turned on the bedroom lights and asked for her keys. Brown said he had to take her key off of his key ring, and when he was taking the key off for Davis, she started striking the back of his head. Brown then tried running out of the unit to avoid further confrontation, but Davis prevented him from leaving. This was when Brown jumped off the second-story balcony and left the apartment. Davis was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Jonathan Cardona bangs head against police car after forcefully grabbing employee at Luke’s 32 Bridge

37-year-old Jonathan Cardona forcefully grabbed an employee at Luke’s 32 Bridge late May 12th. Security for the establishment flagged officers down, where they followed them across the street and located Cardona, who was detained due to his level of intoxication. While handcuffed, he became belligerent and uncooperative while kicking and banging his head against the vehicle. Then, officers attempted to help him into the back of the patrol car, but Cardona tensed his legs up and started screaming, refusing to put his legs inside. Officers were shown footage of the incident, which showed him shoving the staff member multiple times. Cardona was taken into custody for assault and resisting arrest on May 13th.