Arnulfo Juc-Sep hits wife with belt during argument over infidelity

30-year-old Arnulfo Juc-Sep had a domestic incident with his wife, Elsa Matilde, at their Thompson Place apartment late May 16th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Matilde, who stated that she and Juc-Sep argued, during which he grabbed a belt and struck her on the back with it, leaving a visible mark. Juc-Sep corroborated her statement, adding that they were arguing over infidelity. Juc-Sep was then taken into custody for domestic assault on May 17th.

Hamilton Thomas attempts to run ex-wife off the road, tells police he “just wanted to talk”

46-year-old Hamilton Thomas tried to run his ex-wife and the mother of his child, Audra Clark, off the roadway near Ezell Road Park on May 16th. Clark alerted the authorities, advising them that Thomas drove from his home in Memphis to Nashville and argued with her while she attempted to pick up their daughter from band practice at Antioch High School. She said she got into her vehicle and left the school to avoid confrontation. Thomas followed behind her and tried to drive her off the road, causing her to pull over at Ezell Road Park. Thomas then exited his vehicle and started hitting her driver-side window, attempting to get her to talk with him. When officers spoke with Thomas, he told them a similar story, adding that he was wrong for handling things the way he did and “just wanted to talk.” Thomas was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Taylor Wolf scratches boyfriend’s arms after learning he was messaging other women

31-year-old Taylor Shea Wolf had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Adam Smith, at their Dabbs Avenue residence on May 16th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Smith, who stated that Wolf had found messages from other women in his phone, which sparked an argument. Wolf then snatched the phone out of his hand and scratched his arms, causing them to bleed. Then, Smith stated he locked her out of the residence and called the police, afraid of what she might do. Smith said she left the residence before their arrival. Wolf was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 16th.

Robert Short violates order of protection by attending recital at Oak Hill School

34-year-old Robert Short was served an order of protection on May 7th. On May 9th, Sarah Short, the protected party, was at Oak Hill School in the auditorium for her child’s recital. Mr. Short walked past her and sat two rows behind her. Once she noticed this, she left and alerted security, who escorted Mr. Short off the property. Officers arrived after he had left and were provided pictures of him by Sarah’s Mother. Jeff Thomas, the security guard, confirmed that Mr. Short was present and had to be escorted off the premises. Officers observed the tablet the school uses for parents to sign in, which showed their names next to each other, indicating they were both at the location. Short was taken into custody for an order of protection violation on May 16th.

Peterson Pierre violates order of protection after appearing at woman’s home

36-year-old Peterson Pierre was taken into custody for a violation of an order of protection on May 14th. Dina Altidort called the police to the Davidson County Clerk Hermitage Branch to escort her to her Jackson Dowes Boulevard residence. She was scared that Pierre would be there because he threatened to kill her in a previous incident. Altidort added that Pierre said he would “expose” her and “choke” her if he were ever to see her again. Officers discovered that Pierre had been served an order of protection on May 13th. When they arrived, officers observed Pierre in front of her home. Pierre had the order of protection on his person and told police that he misunderstood the paperwork, unaware that he was violating it. Pierre was detained for the incident.

Torey Hayes resists arrest, demands to be taken to homeless shelter because his mother’s skin was “boiling off”

44-year-old Torey Connell Hayes had a domestic dispute with his mom at their Chateau Valley Residence on May 14th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Hayes, who stated the Social Security office had been stealing his Social Security money and had owed him for years. Then, Hayes stated that a man had stolen his idea and owed him. When officers spoke with his mother, she advised them that he suffered from schizophrenia and had permanent brain damage. Officers verified that he had not taken his medication and was unable to care for himself. After he received a copy of the report, Hayes demanded to be taken to the homeless shelter because he believed his mother was “possessed” and that her skin was “boiling off.” Hayes started walking away while officers tried to detain him, but he resisted until they took him to the ground. Hayes was taken into custody for resisting arrest.

Makiya Lowe trashes father’s home when she learns he is out with his ex-girlfriend

20-year-old Makiya Lowe vandalized her father’s Canady Avenue residence on May 14th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Marcus Allen Lowe, who stated that Makiya had trashed his house while he was gone and thrown documents over the residence. Officers then spoke with Makiya, who told them she had used her key to enter her dad’s house but had not found him. So, she called him and discovered he was out with his ex-girlfriend, whom she did not like. Then, Makiya said she threw documents and garbage bags full of his belongings around the property and broke a few mugs to “get back” at him. Marcus Allen Lowe was also previously arrested on February 29th for stealing his ex-girlfriend’s emotional support dog. Makiya Lowe was taken into custody for vandalism on May 14th.

Eric Limburg headbutts ex-girlfriend after he accuses her of flirting with Shell Gas Station clerk

36-year-old Eric David Limburg had a domestic incident with his ex-girlfriend, Kaci Pompell, at his Bellevue Road apartment on May 2nd. Kaci advised officers that she, Limburg, and a mutual friend had gone to Broadway for drinks together. Then, after they were done, she and Limburg shared an Uber back to his unit. When they arrived, they went to the nearby Shell Gas Station for food. While there, Limburg had become upset with Kaci, accusing her of flirting with the clerk. They exited the store, and Limburg attempted to drive away and leave Kaci at the gas station. However, Kaci was able to get into the car, during which an argument ensued on the way back to his apartment. The argument escalated when they arrived at the apartment complex’s parking lot, where Limburg slapped Kaci’s food out of her hand. The dispute continued inside the apartment, causing Limburg to go outside to calm down. When he returned, he approached Kaci aggressively and headbutted her. Kaci then ran to the bathroom, locked herself inside, and alerted the authorities. Once officers arrived, they noticed blood coming from Kaci’s nose as well as an injury above her eyebrows. Kaci stated the eyebrow injury was from a prior incident with Limburg. Officers then discovered that Limburg had existing bond conditions prohibiting him from abusing or threatening to abuse Kaci. Officers noticed blood coming from Kaci’s nose as well as an injury above her eyebrows, which Kaci stated was from a prior incident with Limburg. Limburg was previously arrested on March 18th for a domestic assault incident also involving Kaci Pompell, where he slammed her face into a suitcase. A warrant was issued for his arrest on May 3rd. Limburg was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 13th.

Joseph Harper refuses to leave Tribe after being kicked out multiple times, tells police “I’m just being dumb”

22-year-old Joseph Harper was causing a disturbance at Tribe on Church Street in the early hours of April 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Travis Staten, a security guard for the establishment. Staten stated that Harper had been told he was not allowed on the property multiple times, adding that Harper keeps returning. Staten said that Harper was asked to exit the club that night and returned after an unidentified friend provided him with a bracelet to re-enter. Officers located Staten in the lobby and asked him why he kept coming to Tribe despite being told to leave multiple times, and he told them, “I’m just being dumb.” Harper was cited for the incident that night. Harper was later booked on the citation of criminal trespassing on May 13th.

Michael Johnson caught trespassing at Nissan Stadium after AMA Supercross

40-year-old Michael David Johnson was cited for trespassing at Nissan Stadium on April 20th. That day, Johnson attended the Monster Energy AMA Supercross at Nissan Stadium. Johnson was given ticketing instructions stating individuals may not enter the field or track. Despite this, Johnson entered a prohibited area. Johnson was cited for the incident that day. Johnson was later booked on the citation of criminal trespass on May 13th.