Carol Hudson attacks boyfriend because other women were giving him attention on Broadway

31-year-old Carol Ann Hudson had a domestic incident with her boyfriend and the father of her child, Idelfonso Diaz, at Embassy Suites on Broadway in the early hours of May 17th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Diaz, who was “extremely intoxicated.” Diaz told officers they were drinking on Broadway when Hudson became jealous over females giving him attention, so he left without her to their hotel room. Hudson returned to their Embassy Suites hotel room, angry about being left alone and locked out of the room. Then, Diaz opened the door, during which Hudson became aggressive toward him. Hudson started attacking and biting Diaz, leaving a mark on his arm, inflammation to his neck, blood on his elbow, and scratches on his back. When officers spoke with Hudson, she was highly intoxicated as she told them that the blood on the hotel room wall was from an unknown accident. Hudson added that she messed up the room out of frustration but denied any assault occurring. Hudson was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Gary Pope drives down wrong side of I-65 after having “1 Beer”

33-year-old Gary Pope was observed driving on the wrong side of the roadway on I-65 near Mile Markers 78 and 79 in the early hours of May 18th. Officers located him driving on the left shoulder at Mile Marker 75, where they conducted a traffic stop. During the traffic stop, officers noticed Pope appeared confused, providing delayed answers to their questions. Officers asked him what time it was, and he believed it was 1:30 a.m. despite the sun being out, adding that he was coming from downtown Nashville, where he had “1 Beer.” Pope consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and, after being informed of implied consent, declined to provide a chemical sample. While being taken to booking, Pope asked officers repeatedly if they had contacted his job, which they did, and had to remind him several times. Pope was taken into custody for driving on the wrong side of the road, driving under the influence, and an implied consent violation.

Angie Garavito forcefully enters woman’s house during argument with boyfriend

24-year-old Angie Garavito refused to leave Maria Fernanda Gomez-Mancilla’s Hickory Hollow Parkway residence on May 18th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Gomez-Mancilla, who stated that Garavito had entered her home and would not leave, adding that this had been an issue in the past. Garavito walked up to officers, telling them that she and her boyfriend argued, and he left to come to Gomez-Mancilla’s home, so she went there to confront him. During their interaction, officers noticed Garavito reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication before admitting to having “5 beers.” Garavito was deemed a danger to herself and was taken into custody for criminal trespass and public intoxication.  

DUI: Jordan Gilbert found passed out, covered in vomit behind the wheel near SP Parking Garage

25-year-old Jordan Gilbert was found with an unidentified individual passed out in a vehicle with vomit all over themselves near the SP parking garage around 3:30 a.m. on May 18th. Upon arrival, officers located Gilbert, who appeared confused and reeked of alcohol as he admitted to drinking a “good amount.” Gilbert stepped out of the vehicle, consented to sobriety tests, and performed poorly. After being informed of implied consent, he refused to provide officers with a chemical sample. Officers then obtained a warrant for a blood draw. Gilbert was transported to Nashville General Hospital and was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation.

Jaydon Campbell attempts to walk to gas station after having “8 beers”, tells police he wants to go to jail

23-year-old Jaydon Campbell was taken into custody for public intoxication on Cane Ridge Parkway on May 19th. Campbell was observed stumbling and propping himself up against walls. When officers arrived, they located Campbell without shoes, showing signs of intoxication as he told them he was walking to the gas station and had too much to drink. Campbell added that he had “8 beers” as he provided officers with his driver’s license. When officers asked Campbell his age, he replied, “22. 23. 25.” Officers then gave Campbell a choice between going to the hospital to sober up or to jail. Campbell told officers he did not trust the hospital and “wanted to go with them to jail.” Campbell was detained for the occurrence.

Brady Leathley shoves sister to the ground during drunk argument at Airbnb

21-year-old Brady Ammon Leathley had a domestic altercation with his sister, Molly Michelle Leathley, at their 27th Avenue North Airbnb around 1:56 a.m. on May 19th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Molly, who was on the front porch, crying hysterically. Molly’s mother, Kelly Jo Johnson, then approached officers, telling them that Molly and Brady scuffled. Kelly stated that Molly and Brady returned from downtown Nashville intoxicated and argued on the front steps. During their argument, Molly said “mean things” to Brady about their father. Then, Brady shoved Molly to the ground, causing her to hit her head on the concrete. Brady then left the scene before police arrived. Molly told police that while on the front steps, her brother struck her in the face, which caused her to fall and hit her head on the ground. Officers located Brady nearby, and he told them, “Nothing physical” happened.  Brady Leathley was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Jesse Smith body slams man during altercation at Garth Brooks’ Friends in Low Places bar

38-year-old Jesse Michael Smith caused a disturbance near Garth Brooks’ bar, Friends in Low Places, in the early hours of May 19th. Officers observed Smith grab an unknown male from the front by his waist, lift him high into the air, and slam him onto the ground. Upon seeing this, officers ran over to intervene. While approaching them, Smith was in a fighting posture on top of the other male, who was trying to defend himself. Officers grabbed Smith by the arm and shoulder, shouting, “Stop. Police!” Smith was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Joseph Atencio booked after “lunging his head” at officers during altercation near Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

30-year-old Joseph Anthony Atencio was observed holding an open alcohol container near Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar around 1 a.m. on May 19th. When officers approached Atencio, they told him to throw away the can or give it to them. Atencio gave officers the can, then started cursing and throwing up the middle finger at them. Officers told Atencio to disperse the area immediately. Initially, Atencio walked away, but he then reapproached officers aggressively before “lunging his head” toward them. Officers again told Atencio to leave the area, and he walked away. However, Atencio returned yet again, yelling at officers and clapping in their faces. Atencio continued to approach officers, so they detained him for the incident. During their interaction, Atencio exhibited signs of intoxication, was sweating excessively, and reeked of alcohol while he admitted to consuming alcohol. Atencio was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Timothy Avery II threatens to shoot security guard at Greyhound Bus Station

23-year-old Timothy Lyndell Avery II was being disorderly at the Greyhound Bus Station on Representative John Lewis Way in the early morning hours of May 19th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the security guard, who said he asked Avery II to leave multiple times. Avery II refused and threatened to shoot him while “motioning to his waistband,” making him believe he had a weapon on his person. Officers then located Avery II, who initially fled upon seeing officers arrive. Avery II was showing signs of intoxication and reeked of alcohol as officers spoke to him. Avery II detained him for the incident and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Mark Kavanaugh flees from NFD medics, tells police “Of course, I was trying to get away!”

30-year-old Mark Robert Kavanaugh was taken into custody for public intoxication and resisting arrest on May 20th. On May 19th, NFD medics called the police near William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower, where they advised officers that they had been dispatched twice regarding Kavanaugh being too intoxicated. Medics added that Kavanaugh had fled from them before the police arrived. Officers then found him at the 4th Avenue North and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard intersection, attempting to escape from medics again. When officers approached Kavanaugh, they noticed he reeked of alcohol as he stumbled around “talking in circles.” Officers tried to detain Kavanaugh, during which he pulled away until they could place him in handcuffs. He told officers, “Of course, I was trying to get away,” and then continued being verbally combative with officers. Kavanaugh was deemed a danger to himself and was jailed for the incident.