Garrett Ingram goes full Mike Tyson on baby-mama’s ear during argument

22-year-old Garrett Ingram was involved in a domestic incident with May Street, his child’s mother, at a Lebanon Pike apartment residence on May 24th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Street, who stated that Ingram and she had been having ongoing issues for days. Street tells officers that they have been arguing that morning and that she finally told Ingram to leave. Ingram then proceeded to ask Street for his jacket, which she did not have. Ingram then searched Street’s belongings, and she pushed him to get him to stop searching in her bags. Steet told officers that Ingram shoved her, making her fall onto the mattress that was on the floor before he got on top of her and bit her ear. Refusing to get off of her ear, Street’s siblings came to attempt to pull Ingram off. Street then hit him in the face, and he finally let go of her ear. Officers observed a cut on Street’s ear before speaking with a witness who said they saw Ingram push Street and bite her ear. A warrant was issued, and Ingram was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 25th.

Daisean Thomas hocks loogie on Whiskey Row security guard during altercation

24-year-old Daisean Thomas had an altercation with a security guard, Bradley Lewis, at Whiskey Row on April 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Lewis, who had Thomas detained and advised them that he declined to service him at the front of the location. Lewis stated this caused Thomas to become hostile towards him and other staff members. Then, Lewis said that Thomas had spit on him and attempted to run away. Officers noticed mucus/saliva on Lewis’ shoulder while speaking with other employees at the establishment, who corroborated Lewis’s statement. Thomas admitted to spitting on Lewis but stated he “did not assault” him. He was then cited for the incident that day. Thomas was booked on the citation of assault on an officer on May 28th.

Zachery Doyle takes his shirt off & lays on floor after being kicked out of Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk

30-year-old Zachery Doyle caused a disturbance at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk around 11:37 p.m. on May 30th. Security at the establishment flagged officers down, advising them that Doyle had been kicked out of the bar for being disorderly, not wearing a shirt, and engaging in threatening behavior inside the bar. They told officers that Doyle was outside in front of the entrance, lying on the floor, refusing to move, and causing a hazard for patrons entering or exiting the location. When officers arrived, they located him trying to re-enter Kid Rock’s despite security blocking him. Then, Doyle started shouting and putting his hands toward security. Officers approached him and noticed he reeked of alcohol, showing signs of impairment. Officers told Doyle he needed to leave, but he refused and continued being belligerent, so they detained him. Doyle was taken into custody for public intoxication on May 31st.

Richard Reid assaults ex-girlfriend after she destroys his dead cat’s urn

46-year-old Richard Reid had a domestic disturbance with his ex-girlfriend, Andrea Galarza, at his Central Pike Apartment on May 30th. Reid told responding officers that he let Galarza into his unit to pick up her car keys. Then, he said, she broke a few dishes and his deceased cat’s urn when she entered his home. He admitted that once he had seen the mess, he pushed her down on her back, leaving a minor cut. Reid was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Daniel Emory punches son in face during argument

70-year-old Daniel Emory had a domestic altercation with Evan Emory, his son, at an Edmonson Pike apartment on May 30th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Daniel, who stated that he and Evan had an argument, which escalated when Evan got in his face. Then, he said he pushed Evan away, and when he got back in his face, he taunted Daniel to punch him in the face. Daniel admitted to taking a swing at his face, trying to hit him, but only grazed his chin. Then, he said Evan continued to taunt him, so he left and returned shortly after. Evan told officers a similar statement, adding that he never touched Daniel. He said he did not wish to press charges for the occurrence. Joyce Emory, a witness, advised she heard a loud commotion and saw Daniel punching Evan but did not know if he hit his face, only that they claimed he did. Emory was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Max Lastfogel steals $26,933 worth of merchandise from Electronic Express

29-year-old Max Lastfogel was taken into custody for theft on May 30th. On May 23rd, around 10 p.m., one of Lastfogel’s co-workers observed him exiting the business with property. Lastfogel told them that he had purchased the item for his home. On May 24th, management at the location checked and could not find proof of him buying anything. Then, when management reviewed the cameras, they showed Lastfogel entering the server room and turning off the cameras from 10:05 p.m. until 10:45 p.m. before leaving. The key card system showed Lastfogel swiping the key card to access the warehouse, where merchandise is stored. Then, further investigation led them to discover he had done this multiple times since at least April 2024. On May 30th, detectives spoke with Lastfogel, and under Miranda, he confessed to stealing multiple times, dating back to possibly February 2024. Lastfogel then wrote a list of 10 items he had taken. He walked with them through his home and pointed out 24 items he had stolen. Electronic Express management conducted an inventory check and found the value of the stolen property at $26,933.10. He was then detained for the occurrence on May 31st.

Margaret Maguire punches girlfriend, tells police she scratched herself while “watching a funeral”

27-year-old Margaret Maguire had a domestic altercation with her girlfriend, Emma Folchetti, at their Cleo Miller Drive apartment around 2:03 a.m. on May 29th. Folchetti told responding officers she and Maguire argued after returning home from drinking at a local bar. She said the argument escalated when Maguire punched her in the face multiple times, causing bruising to her face. Then, officers spoke with Maguire, who denied anything physical occurred between them and that she scratched herself while “watching a funeral.” Maguire was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Michael Sisk drunkenly calls police on himself at Redneck Riviera

44-year-old Michael Sisk was taken into custody for public intoxication on May 29th. Officers were called to Redneck Riviera on Broadway regarding a male calling 911, giving an address, and hanging up. When officers arrived, they spoke with security guards outside of Chief’s, who stated that they saw a “heavily intoxicated male,” later identified as Sisk, asking them to call 911. Chief’s security provided officers with a description of him, adding that he walked towards 1st Street. Then, police located Sisk underneath the Shelby Street pedestrian bridge, appearing to be visibly impaired. During their interaction, Sisk reeked of alcohol as he gave conflicting stories and became agitated with officers, so they deemed him a danger to himself before detaining him for the incident.

Micalene Schuyler unable to stand after getting drunk at Nashville International Airport

45-year-old Micalene Schuyler was denied boarding at the Nashville International Airport on May 28th when personnel found that she was intoxicated. When officers arrived, they observed that Schuyler was placed in a wheelchair due to her having trouble standing. Officers transported her to ground transportation to get her a taxi or Uber, but Schuyler was unable to get one or find a place to stay. Law enforcement deemed that Micalene Schuyler was unable to take care of herself, so she was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication on May 29th.