Vanderbilt University Nursing Instructor Tonia Moore-Davis slams husband’s arm in car door

44-year-old Vanderbilt University Nursing Instructor Tonia Moore-Davis had a domestic altercation with her husband, John Davis, at their Station Four Lane residence on May 29th. When officers arrived, they spoke with John outside their home. He stated that he and Tonia had argued about him wanting to drive his son to eat dinner. John provided officers with a video of the occurrence, which showed the two exchanging words while he tried to put his son into his truck. Then, Tonia jumped into the driver’s seat before slamming the door on John’s arm and attempting to remove their son from the backseat. John alerted the authorities following the incident. Officers reviewed a second video, showing the two struggling over Tonia’s phone. Then, when officers spoke with Tonia, she said she had redness on her arm from John pulling her out of the truck. Officers realized this could not be true due to video footage proving this never occurred. Tonia then changed her statement, stating the redness came from an incident in the garage, where there was no footage. Tonia said she did not want their son in John’s vehicle because he owns a gun and is a “reckless driver.” Tonia Moore-Davis was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Marquis Terrell booked refusing to leave Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

30-year-old Marquis Terrell was seen publicly intoxicated at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar near Broadway Street on May 26th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the staff of the bar, who stated that they had detained Terrell due to his intoxicated behavior. Staff also informed officers that earlier in the day, they had escorted Terrell out because he was extremely intoxicated. However, he proceeded to harass other people as he got back in line. Staff then asked Terrell to exit the line once more, and he became aggressive. Terrell then got in one of the staff members’ faces and posted up in an aggressive posture. Staff then took Terrell to the ground and detained him until they flagged officers down. Officers noticed he was extremely intoxicated, as well as his inability to maintain his balance. Officers then took Terrell into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct on May 27th.

Grace Geter attacks baby-daddy with knives for kicking her out of his home

21-year-old Grace Geter was seen assaulting her ex-boyfriend, Donavon Hammonds, at an Old Franklin apartment residence on May 25th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Geter, who stated that she had been kicked out of her home. Geter claims that she was staying with Hammonds, her ex-boyfriend with whom she shares a baby, until she got back on her feet. Geter informed officers that she was pushed, hit, and forced out of the home by Hammonds.

Officers then spoke with Hammonds, who stated that he was allowing Geter to stay as a guest for a few days to find a permanent residence, but when she blocked him on social media, an argument started. Hammonds states that he then became uncomfortable with her staying there and asked her to leave. Hammonds proceeded to show officers footage of him asking Geter to leave his residence while holding their baby, in which Geter proceeded to pick up two knives, saying, “Put my baby down.” Hammonds then proceeded to give the baby to his new girlfriend and attempted to disarm Geter. During the struggle over the knives, Officers observed Hammonds lift Geter and slam her onto the floor, knocking one of the knives loose. Officers also observed Hammonds holding Geter’s arms, telling her to drop the knife in the footage, as well as Hammonds striking her twice in the head. Offices deemed Geter to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

DUI: James Fullilove drives to Circle K after Elm Hill Tavern refuses to serve him

52-year-old James Fullilove initially refused to leave Elm Hill Tavern on May 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with employees at the establishment, who advised them that they refused to serve Fullilove due to his level of intoxication. Employees added that Fullilove left in a blue Chevy Sonic and provided officers with the tags. Then, officers located the Chevy Sonic at the Elm Hill Pike Circle K, where they spoke with Fullilove. He reeked of alcohol as he gave officers his ID that stated it was not for driving use. Officers asked Fullilove to exit the vehicle, during which he stumbled, swaying side to side, before telling them he had one beer. He consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and after being informed of implied consent, declined to provide a chemical sample. This prompted officers to obtain a search warrant for two vials of his blood. Fullilove was taken into custody for driving under the influence, not having a valid driver’s license, and an implied consent violation.

Myven Virden refuses to leave husband’s apartment because their child was sick

26-year-old Myven Virden was involved in a domestic incident with her husband, Thomas Virden, at his Arbors of Brentwood Apartment on May 24th. When officers arrived, they observed Myven with her foot in the door, not allowing Thomas to close it. When officers made contact with Myven, she told them that she was trying to get her daughter, who was sick. Thomas informed law enforcement that his and Myven’s parenting plan entailed that today was his day with their daughter and that he had already contacted a doctor. Thomas also told officers that this was the third time Myven had been at his apartment since the previous night. Officers later confirmed that on May 23rd, at around 9 p.m., Myven was told by law enforcement to leave and not return. Myven Virden proceeded to tell officers that she was not leaving without their child, so she was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespassing. The couple has a history of altercations including a domestic assault incident in November 2023.

Throuple Trouble: Nathan Dunbar destroys girlfriend’s car with BB gun

29-year-old Nathan Dunbar was seen vandalizing property at a Barella Drive residence on May 25th. Officers spoke with Melissa Jones, Dunbar’s girlfriend, who stated that he had come to her residence and shot at her house with a BB gun. When officers arrived on the scene, they saw Jones’s vehicle in the driveway, and the back window, front passenger window, and front windshield were destroyed. Officers then spoke with Jones and a witness, Devin Buckner, who is also a boyfriend of Jones. They stated they both witnessed Dunbar shooting at Jones’ vehicle as well as grabbing a wooden plank and hitting the front windshield. Officers then received Dunbar’s address from Jones and made contact with him at his residence before placing him in custody. Dunbar then admitted to officers that he did go to Jones’s home and damage her vehicle windows and home. Dunbar was charged with vandalism.

Jacob Young stalks ex-girlfriend after they break up, says he’s in love with her

26-year-old Jacob Young was taken into custody for stalking on May 25th. On May 24th, Jasmine Costabile, Young’s ex-girlfriend, called the police to a Fernbank Drive residence. Costabile advised officers that Young had messaged her 43 times since April 11th, when she told him she did not want any more contact with him. She added that he showed up at her job at The Hustlers Club on Representative John Lewis Way South, where she notified her supervisor to have him leave as soon as he entered the bar. Costabile stated she had since changed jobs, adding that she now works at Midnight Express in Smithville, TN, which Young visited on May 17th when she wasn’t working. Costabile’s coworkers told her that Young asked them if she was there. Then, she said he had visited her residence three times since they had broken up. James Pruett, her roommate, confirmed that Young arrived at their home, adamant to speak with Costabile, but once Pruett mentioned getting the police involved, he left. Costabile said that on May 24th, she received multiple text messages from him stating he was in love with her. Following the investigation, officers obtained an arrest warrant for Young. He was later detained for the occurrence.

Joshua Hylton assaults girlfriend because she “refused to listen to him” during argument

21-year-old Joshua Hylton was involved in a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Jayden Goldthreate, near Elm Hill Pike on May 25th. When officers arrived on the scene, they saw a verbal altercation taking place between Hylton and Goldthreate. Officers spoke with Hylton, who stated that he was having a verbal argument with Goldthreate. Hylton told police the argument turned physical when she tried to walk away and “refused to listen to him.” Officers then spoke with Goldthreate, who stated that they only verbally argued but claimed that Hylton had held her down. Officers then noticed minor injuries on both as well as Hylton’s ripped shirt. Hylton was also found to have a semi-automatic handgun on him as well. Officers deemed Hylton to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Herman Merino assaults man with chain outside of Regal Movie Theater

37-year-old Herman Palacios Merino was seen assaulting someone with a chain outside the Regal Movie Theater near Thompson Lane on May 9th. Vanderbilt University Police received a report of assault from Cesar Ramirez, who claimed that Merino approached him and his partner outside the theatre and swung a chain at him, striking Ramirez all over his body. Ramirez sustained injuries to his face, arm, and abdomen. The chain was broken during the altercation and was recovered from the scene as evidence. The incident was also recorded and captured on security camera footage. A warrant was issued, and Merino was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on May 24th.

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