Jeremy Bauer punches boyfriend in face at Tribe

41-year-old Jeremy Bauer was involved in a domestic altercation with his boyfriend, Brett Finch, at Tribe on Church Street on August 9th, 2023. Officers spoke with Finch, who stated that he and Bauer were both drinking at a bar when Bauer walked up to him and punched him in the face. Finch claims this attack was unprovoked. Nicole McDonald, a witness to the crime, told officers that she saw Bauer walk up to Finch, punch him in the face, then leave the bar. A warrant was issued for Bauer that day. Bauer was later taken into custody for domestic assault on May 26th, 2024.

Maxemillion Graham charged after her 2-year-old child is found alone in hallway at Clarion Hotel

33-year-old Maxemillion Graham was taken into custody for three counts of child neglect on May 25th. Around 12:45 a.m., officers were called to the Clarion Hotel on North 1st Street after a guest located a 2-year-old, later identified as Graham’s nephew, in the hallway crying with only a diaper on. She brought the 2-year-old to security, who escorted them back to the room. When security got to the hotel room, the door was open, so they knocked three times, trying to announce themselves, but no one answered. Then, security entered and discovered two other minors, a 5-year-old and a 12-year-old, later identified as Graham’s children, causing them to alert the authorities. When officers arrived, they went to the room and met with Graham, who reeked of alcohol as she answered, showing signs of intoxication. She told them that she had been asleep the whole time and that her nephew must have opened the door while she was sleeping. Officers noticed empty beer cans on the room floor and spoke with her children, who stated they were okay and that their mom had been drinking a little bit. Security informed officers that Graham had left with two separate males throughout the night and provided them with security footage. The footage confirmed that she was not in the room when security went in the first time. Officers were in the hallway and could hear Graham inside the room cursing at someone and slamming her fist against something. Officers were advised that Graham needed to leave due to causing a disturbance. Then, officers had security knock on her room to inform Graham that she needed to leave. Once Graham answered, she noticed the police and attempted to flee back into the room. Officers followed her and apprehended her for the occurrence. Officers contacted DCS and waited with the children until they got there to make a safe plan for them.

Jorge Beristain-Mayol trespasses inside business, falls asleep in conference room

28-year-old Jorge Beristan-Mayol was caught trespassing and resisting officers at a business near 3rd Avenue North on May 25th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the victim, Kevin Bradley, who claimed that Mayol walked up to the business and looked inside while checking the door handles. Bradley then claims he was alerted via a ring camera and could not see anyone inside. So, Bradley went to the business, opened the front door, and saw Mayol sleeping in the conference room. Proceeding this, the victim became startled and called officers, fearing that something would happen if he tried to wake Mayol up. Officers then found Mayol inside the business, still sleeping when they walked in. Officers proceeded to make loud announcements, but Mayol did not acknowledge them. Officers then woke Mayol up, but he would not give officers one of his arms and kept jerking away while they attempted to detain him. Officers could smell alcohol coming from Mayol, and he also could not tell officers where he was. Mayol was then taken into custody for aggravated criminal trespassing, public intoxication, and resisting arrest.

Wesley Musser admits he was hungry after telling police “Just go ahead and take me to jail!”

41-year-old Wesley Leon Musser walked to police officers, placed his arms behind his back, and stated, “Just go ahead and take me to jail,” at Nashville Rescue Mission around midnight on May 28th. When officers asked him what was going on, he said he was hungry, adding that he wanted to go to the Mental Health Co-Op but could not give them a valid reason. Officers noticed Musser showed reeked of alcohol, showed signs of impairment, and was making nonsensical statements. Officers asked if he had consumed any drugs or alcohol, to which he stated he “maybe had one beer.” Then, officers informed him that the Mental Health Co-Op would not take someone who was intoxicated. Musser said he wanted to go to the hospital, so officers called medics to the scene. However, when medics arrived, Musser started cussing at them and had become disorderly. Musser was then detained for the occurrence. Musser was taken into custody for criminal trespass and public intoxication.

Robert Dodson exposes himself to Vanderbilt Nurse in restroom, asks if he can “stick it in her”

37-year-old Robert Earl Dodson was taken into custody for indecent exposure, assault on a healthcare provider, and false imprisonment on May 27th. Around 2 p.m., Corey Sullivan, a Vanderbilt Medical Center staff member, told authorities that she was escorting a patient, Dodson, to the restroom so that he could shower. Sullivan entered the restroom, and Dodson entered behind her, shut the door, pulled his pants down, and exposed himself to her. Then, Dodson asked if he could “stick it in her,” to which she told him to put it away and tried to leave the bathroom. Dodson grabbed Sullivan’s left shoulder, preventing her from leaving, and started to kiss her neck until an unknown individual tried to enter the restroom. After this, Dodson released Sullivan, and she exited the restroom. Dodson was later detained for the occurrence.

OnlyFans Model Rae Ricketts bursts into ex-boyfriend’s apartment & argues with him

30-year-old OnlyFans Model Rae Ricketts was involved in a domestic incident with her ex-boyfriend, Mark David Palomba, at his 19th Avenue South apartment late May 28th. Palomba stated that he heard knocking on his door earlier in the night. He looked outside and observed it was Ricketts, but he chose not to open the door. Palomba said that his partner, Lauren Kriste Redlowsk, thought it was security, telling them to turn the music down, and opened the door. Ricketts then barged inside and started arguing with Palomba. Redlowsk corroborated his statement, adding that she saw Ricketts mount him and put her hands on his shoulders, causing her to go inside the bedroom where dispatch advised her to stay. When officers spoke with Ricketts, they noticed she reeked of alcohol as she told them that she was allowed inside his apartment. She was crying loudly and causing a disturbance before they deemed her a danger to herself and others. Ricketts was taken into custody for aggravated criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication on May 29th.

DUI: Eric Fletcher scores .301% BAC during blood test after crashing car on Jacksonian Drive

51-year-old Eric Fletcher was involved in a car accident at Jacksonian Drive on May 26th. When officers arrived, they spoke with medics who told them that Fletcher smelled like marijuana. Officers made contact with Fletcher and asked him if he had been drinking or if he had been smoking marijuana. Fletcher confessed to having four beers and a homemade edible THC gummy earlier in the day. This led to officers requesting Fletcher to perform field sobriety tests. Fletcher consented to the sobriety tests but ended up performing poorly. Fletcher was then transported to a hospital, where the alcohol in his blood came back as 0.301% BAC. Due to Eric Fletcher being released in under three hours, he was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence.

Jonathan Seck assaults girlfriend while trying to take her phone during argument

55-year-old Jonathan Seck had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Jessica Mitchell, at a Notchleaf Road residence around 7 p.m. on May 25th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Seck, who initially told them nothing had occurred. Later, after Mitchell provided them with photos of her injuries, they detained Seck. Under Miranda, Seck stated he and Mitchell argued over her seeing other women texting him, during which she punched him three times. Seck then tried to restrain her and accidentally cut her lip with his watch. Officers spoke with Mitchell, who stated that Seck had taken her phone, and while attempting to retrieve it, Seck struck her in the mouth with the back of his hand, causing it to bleed. Seck was taken into custody for domestic assault on May 26th.

DUI: Helen Hawk drives on wrong side of road, causes head-on collision after one glass of wine

75-year-old Helen Hawk was involved in a vehicle collision while under the influence near South 4th Street and Shelby Avenue on May 24th. Officers responded to a vehicle collision, and upon arrival, they noticed that Hawk had driven onto the Exit 49 ramp, I-24 West, from Shelby Avenue. This resulted in a head-on collision, and Hawk was transported to Skyline Hospital. Officers spoke with Hawk, who stated she had no memory of the incident or being transported to the hospital. Hawk also admitted to officers that she had drunk a glass of wine as well as a vodka drink prior to driving. Officers then conducted numerous sobriety tests on Hawk and saw numerous indicators of impairment, and she was taken into custody for DUI on May 25th.

Alan Cloyd punches man for working on vehicle he was going to buy from him

78-year-old Alan Cloyd was seen assaulting a man at his Timber Trail Drive residence on May 11th. When officers arrived, they spoke with the victim. The victim stated that Cloyd came to his house while he was working on a vehicle in his driveway. Cloyd was reportedly upset because the victim was working on the car that they agreed he would sell to him. Cloyd proceeded to grab the victim by the shirt, pushed him into a brick wall, and punched him. Officers then spoke with Cloyd, who stated that he was upset because the victim was taking the engine out of the vehicle that the victim told him that he was going to sell him. Cloyd proceeded to tell officers that since the victim was being disrespectful, he slapped him. Officers cited Cloyd for the violation that day. Cloyd was later booked on the citation of assault on May 22nd.

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