Jonathan Shannon strikes woman in face because dinner wasn’t made when he got home

49-year-old Jonathon Shannon was involved in a domestic altercation with Buckner Latoya at a Glenmeade Drive residence on June 1st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Latoya, who stated that she had spoken with Shannon earlier in the day, telling him that there was meat to make tacos but that she needed other ingredients. Latoya then told officers that Shannon had left the residence to go to the liquor store. When Shannon returned, he became upset that dinner had not been made because he was hungry. Shannon then struck Latoya in the face with his palm, causing her upper lip to bleed and become swollen. Latoya then called the police, causing Shannon to flee the scene. A warrant was issued for Shannon’s arrest that day. Shannon was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 12th.

Isabel Lewis assaults boyfriend for trying to break up with her

23-year-old Isabel Lewis had a domestic incident with her boyfriend, Bryce King, at his Enchanted Circle residence around 10:50 a.m. on June 12th. King told responding officers that he had been trying to break up with Lewis for several weeks. That day, she came over and started drinking alcohol, so he asked her to leave and escorted her outside, during which she became angry and kicked in his door while calling him derogatory slurs and hitting him repeatedly. Lewis admitted to kicking the door in but denied attacking King. She was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Victor Siles drunkenly assaults cousin during altercation

39-year-old Victor Siles had a domestic altercation with his cousin, Reyna Rodriguez, at a Brick Church Pike residence on June 12th. Rodriguez stated that Siles had been drinking and became violent, which led to him grabbing her left arm and causing a visible scratch. Apolinario Lajon, Rodriguez’s husband, corroborated her statements, adding that he witnessed Siles scratch her arm. When officers spoke with Siles, he told them nothing had occurred. Siles was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Keonta Howard punches Dad in face multiple times

25-year-old Keonta Howard was involved in a domestic altercation with his father, Torren Howard, at a Berkshire Place apartment near Porter Road on June 11th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Torren, who stated that he had gotten into an argument with Keonta, his son. Torren told officers that Keonta punched him multiple times in the face. Officers observed the swelling as well as a small cut to his face and a bloody nose. Keonta was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Errica Davis assaults roommate, destroys his phone while he tries to move out

26-year-old Errica Davis was involved in a domestic altercation with Timothy Spears, a roommate, at a Murfreesboro Pike Apartment residence on June 12th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Spears, who told officers that he came to the location to get the rest of his things so he could move out. Spears stated that while he was gathering his things, Davis became aggressive and locked him out of the bedroom. Spears’ phone was inside the bedroom, and when he was able to get inside the bedroom and recover his phone, the screen was shattered, which was observed by officers. Spears also informed officers that Davis had pushed him multiple times and grabbed him by the shirt collar, pulling him around. Davis then grabbed Spears’ shorts pocket, pulling him into the kitchen counter and injuring his wrist. Officers then spoke with Davis, who stated that Spears pushed her, so she locked herself in the bedroom. When she finally left the room, Spears went inside and grabbed his phone, but she claimed she did not know why his phone was broken. After seeing the phone and Spears’ torn clothes, officers determined Davis to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism.

Ghina Boles breaks into apartment with screwdriver

35-year-old Ghina Boles was taken into custody for aggravated burglary and criminal impersonation on June 10th. On June 2nd, officers responded to a break-in at Wallace Apartments. When they arrived, they spoke with the property manager, who stated he observed Boles breaking into the vacant unit next door. He advised she had been causing issues at the complex recently and provided them with the footage of the occurrence, showing Boles initially failing to break into the unit before returning with what appeared to be a screwdriver to open the door and close it behind her. An on-duty security officer and property manager confronted her and found she was rummaging through bags that the previous tenant had left behind. Officers could not locate Boles when they arrived but were able to identify her and obtain a warrant for her arrest.

Malcolm X. Townsend violently shakes girlfriend during argument

32-year-old Malcolm Xavier Townsend was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Constance Johnson, at a Moss Rose Drive residence on June 11th. Officers received a report of a burglary in progress, and when officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Johnson. Johnson told officers that she had entered her own home and was not breaking in. Johnson was able to prove to officers that she lived at the address. Johnson informed officers that she had argued with Townsend the night before. Johnson stated that as she left the house last night, Townsend grabbed both her arms and shook her in frustration. Johnson showed officers bruising on her upper arms that was caused by Townsend shaking her. Officers also observed text messages between Townsend and Johnson that consisted of Johnson informing Townsend that he hurt her and showed photographed proof of her injuries. Due to the bruising, officers determined Townsend to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Jairo Cortes chokes wife during argument over man approaching her at nightclub

24-year-old Jairo Cortes had a domestic incident with his wife, Jamie Lopez, at their Paragon Mills Road residence on June 8th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Lopez, who stated that she and Cortes argued at the nightclub, which continued to their house. Lopez stated the argument was over a man approaching her at the bar. Lopez said that Cortes had become aggressive and started questioning her about the unknown male, during which he struck and choked her, leaving visible marks on her neck and face. A third party stated he observed the occurrence and wished to remain anonymous. Cortes was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Jeremiah Mccurry caught in stolen Lexus GX 460 at Willow Pointe Apartment Complex

20-year-old Jeremiah Mccury was caught in a black Lexus GX 460 SUV at the Willow Pointe Apartment Complex on June 9th. When officers arrived, they observed Mccury sitting inside the Lexus at a dead-end near the complex. As law enforcement approached the vehicle, Mccury turned it on. An officer spoke with Mccury and obtained the tags, which indicated that the car was stolen. Mccurry was ordered out of the vehicle and taken into custody. During a search of Mccury, officers located a key fob in his right pocket. Jeremiah Mccury was taken into custody and charged with vehicle theft.

Joiunyque Maynard strangles mother during argument over phone bill

23-year-old Joiunyque Maynard was involved in a domestic altercation with her godmother and roommate, Sunnie Reed, at their residence on June 8th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Maynard, who stated that she was walking to the pool when Reed called her and asked her about the phone bill. After this, she went back to the residence, which is where the verbal argument started. During the argument, Maynard’s biological mother, Tranika Smith, arrived at the residence. Maynard admitted to officers that during the argument, she shoved Reed in the neck but was pushed away. Maynard admitted after being pushed away, she choked her mother, Tranika Smith, with both of her hands until Reed pulled her off. Maynard then proceeded to throw things outside as she was leaving the residence. Officers then spoke with Reed and Smith, who corroborated Maynard’s statements. Smith also informed officers that her blood flow felt restricted during the choking. When officers went to place Maynard into custody, she attempted to attack Smith again and resisted officers. Maynard was taken into custody for domestic assault, resisting arrest, and aggravated assault.