Tourist Jason Hadley resists arrest after trying to force his way into Margaritaville

36-year-old Tourist Jason Hadley was one of 4-5 “drunk people” trying to force their way into Margaritaville around 10:17 p.m. on May 31st. Dispatch advised officers that they could hear a male “cussing out” the caller in the background while security tried preventing them from entering. When they arrived, they were advised that the group was denied entry due to their intoxication. Then, officers noticed Hadley, who reeked of alcohol, was refusing to move while standing in front of the entrance, causing a hazard to patrons. Officers gave Hadley a chance to leave, but he refused. This prompted Hadley’s friends to try pulling him away from the entrance, but he remained uncooperative. Then, while trying to get away from his friend’s grasp, Hadley turned around and started shouting profanities at officers. So, officers went to detain him, during which Hadley resisted, forcing them to use a takedown method to arrest him. Hadley was taken into custody for resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication on June 1st.

Katherine Sidwell gets wasted at Geodis Park while in the company of her 10-year-old son

40-year-old Katherine Sidwell had an altercation with Apex Security at a Geodis Park soccer game on June 1st. Upon arrival, officers located her with security and discovered she had fallen near her seat and hit her head. Officers tried to help her, but she became combative. She was visibly inebriated and believed she was in Sevierville, Tennessee. Sidwell started resisting arrest and would not walk on her own. She was transported to Nashville General Hospital and deemed unable to take care of herself. Her 10-year-old son was with her at the event. Sidwell was taken into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Angie Wells steals $1,458 worth of products at Ulta Beauty

41-year-old Angela Marie Wells, aka Angie Wells, was taken into custody for theft on June 1st. Around 5:30 p.m., VUPD noticed a vehicle matching the description of a previous shoplifter’s car in the parking lot of Ulta Beauty. The vehicle belonged to Angie, who, on March 30th and May 8th, was caught on camera leaving the property without paying for $1,458 worth of merchandise. The store manager, Elyssa Order, provided officers with the footage of the incidents. Officers issued her a trespassing warning. Wells was later detained for the occurrence.

Hayden Mikesell stumbles out of Ole Red and lies down in the middle of Broadway

21-year-old Hayden Price Mikesell was observed stumbling outside of Ole Red on Broadway in the early hours of June 1st. At some point, he fell in the middle of the roadway, lying on his back, so officers approached him and noticed he was visibly impaired. They asked him where he was staying and if they could assist him with getting an Uber or taxi. However, Mikesell did not know where he was going for the night and had no friends to call to meet him. Mikesell was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Kelly Obrien punches husband in face during argument at the Sheraton Grand Hotel

39-year-old Kelly Marie Obrien had a domestic incident with her husband, Ryan Edward Diaz, at the Sheraton Grand on May 5th. When officers arrived, they spoke with the front desk clerk, who stated that Obrien started arguing with Diaz in the lobby. They stated Obrien took his phone and threw it at him. Then, Obrien reapproached Diaz and punched him in the face, so the staff put the couple in separate rooms until the police got there. Diaz told officers that he and Obrien argued over how their child should be coached in basketball. Diaz said Obrien took his phone as he attempted to get an Uber to the airport. Diaz stated that Obrien started bickering about his drinking habits, saying she had never seen him in “this state of mind” before striking him multiple times outside. When the couple arrived in the lobby, he stated the altercation continued. During the argument, Obrien said, “I cannot believe we are going to break up over this,” threw his phone at him, missed, hit him a couple more times, and went back to their room, leaving scratch marks on his forearm.  Officers also reviewed footage of the occurrence, showing Obrien hitting Diaz repeatedly. Before officers could speak with her, Obrien left the hotel, so a warrant was issued for her arrest that day. Obrien was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 1st.

Ryan Schupp refuses to leave Margaritaville Hotel

38-year-old Ryan David Schupp refused to leave the Margaritaville Hotel around 9 p.m. on June 2nd. Upon arrival, officers located Schupp sleeping on the bench in the lobby, so they woke him up, during which he showed signs of inebriation. He could not tell them the name of the hotel he was staying at and appeared confused. Schupp was then taken into custody for public intoxication.

Chrisstopher Anderson kicked out of Dream Nashville Hotel for being too drunk

29-year-old Chrisstopher Anderson caused a disturbance at Dream Nashville late June 2nd. When officers arrived, they found Anderson returning to the hotel and spoke with security. Security advised the police that they wanted Anderson off the property. Then, police approached Anderson, during which they noticed he reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication. Officers asked him if he could contact a friend to pick him up, but he said he had lost his phone. Anderson also admitted to losing his hotel room key, adding he was unsure where to go. Anderson was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

BUI: James Lewis gets White Claw Wasted on Percy Priest Lake

27-year-old James Patrick Lewis boated his vessel near the “no-wake” zone of Percy Priest Lake around 8:05 p.m. on June 2nd. Officers noticed he did not have rear navigation lights as he headed towards the outside of Elm Hill Marina, so they conducted a stop. When officers approached the boat, they discovered it had an expired Kentucky registration and a White Claw near the helm. Officers prompted him with sobriety tests, and he performed poorly before refusing to provide a chemical sample. Lewis was taken into custody for boating under the influence and an implied consent violation.

Drunk in Public: Brentwood teen Burton ‘Gage’ Verner jailed after resisting arrest & using fake ID

18-year-old Brentwood resident, Burton ‘Gage’ Verner, was jailed late June 1st after causing a commotion that got the attention of parks police. Verner attempted to walk away from officers as they approached him but eventually gave them a fake Virginia ID and stated he was 21. Officers began to run the identification, and Gage tried to resist arrest and flee from the scene. He was eventually brought to the ground by officers and detained. Burton ‘Gage’ Verner was charged with public intoxication, resisting arrest, and use of false identification on June 2nd.

Nicholas Bahe charged with BUI after sunset on Percy Priest Lake

40-year-old Nicholas Bahe was reportedly operating a vessel on Percy Priest Lake on May 31st after sunset without the proper anchor light and with obscured navigational lights. According to TWRA Officer Clay Hetland, he observed this and activated his emergency equipment, stopping the vessel. He interviewed Bahe about the violations and observed the smell of alcohol coming from Bahe, who admitted to drinking while on the lake. Bahe performed poorly on field sobriety testing while aboard the TWRA vessel and was transported to booking after a stop at Summit Medical Center for a blood draw. Bahe was taken into custody for boating under the influence and a boating violation on June 1st.