Chiu Fu Sheng steals multiple items from man’s apartment

44-year-old Chiu Fu Sheng was taken into custody for theft on June 20th. On May 1st, Kay Jackson went to the Family Safety Center and reported stolen property from Alan Anderson’s, her brother’s home and vehicle. Jackson stated that on January 28th, around 5:36 p.m., she told officers that Anderson had a seizure and could not speak to them. Then, Jackson said she and Lewis Johnson, the property owner, were at Anderson’s apartment. When they returned, a metal box that contained five property deeds and at least six vehicle titles had been removed from the drawer. She told them that, to her knowledge, Johnson was the only person with a spare key to the unit and that neighbors had seen Sheng leaving the premises after the theft occurred. Jackson informed officers that Anderson left two motorcycles with Sheng at a Clarksville storage building. Then, Jackson said Anderson told her he had $20,000 inside a pouch in his Mercedes, but when she searched for it, she could not find it, adding that his car appeared to have been rummaged through.

Officers then spoke with Johnson over the phone about the incident. Johnson told them that when he arrived at the apartment, everything seemed in place, but after returning on January 28th, around 4:20 p.m., he saw drawers and doors that were not opened when he left. He also stated he did not believe Sheng had a key to the unit. Jackson informed police that Anderson had the locks changed and cameras installed following the occurrence. Jackson added that she told Johnson to stay out of Anderson’s apartment, which he agreed with. A day later, Jackson caught Johnson under surveillance going through her brother’s items and provided officers with the footage. Jackson advised officers she wanted Johnson to return Anderson’s motorcycle jacket and 43X pistol. On April 24th, the police called Johnson about the missing property, and he told them he had returned the things he had stolen and that he did not know about the jacket or pistol. Jackson also stated that the neighbor told her that Sheng was at the apartment on the day the things were stolen. Jackson said she sent a certified letter through her attorney to Sheng asking for the items back. Sheng returned some of the missing things, including one pistol and four holsters. During a phone call, Sheng told officers she had returned all the stolen items from Anderson to Jackson. A warrant was issued for Sheng’s arrest, and she was later detained.

Clayvon Smith punches girlfriend multiples times in face during argument over cell phone

19-year-old Clayvon Smith had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Ieyonna Johnson, at her Richland Hill apartment on June 20th. Johnson told responding officers that Smith stays with her occasionally and that today they had argued over a cell phone. Johnson told police that this led to Smith slapping her in the face repeatedly and pushing her around, leaving visible scratches on her neck. Then, when officers spoke with Smith, he said they had a verbal dispute and that nothing physical happened besides them pushing each other. Smith added that he just wanted to get his belongings and leave. Smith was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Joshua Dodson jumps out of ambulance after taking “ice”, tells officers people are after him

42-year-old Joshua Dodson jumped out of an ambulance truck and ran down Highway 100 near Old Hickory Boulevard around 10 a.m. on June 20th. Medics alerted the authorities, who later located Dodson walking on the highway, sweating profusely and acting erratically. Officers noticed Dodson was making nonsensical statements and appeared as if he might run into the woods or traffic at any moment. Then, Dodson told police he had taken “Ice” and Suboxone and was worried that people were after him. While detaining him, Dodson was compliant but continued displaying paranoid behavior. Dodson was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Mark Blair threatens brother after being confronted for playing his music too loud

37-year-old Mark Blair was involved in a domestic altercation with his brother, Matthew Lamont Philips, at a Hickory Hollow Apartment residence near Bell Road on June 19th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Philips, who stated that he and Blair got into a verbal disagreement due to Blair playing his music too loud. Philips told officers that Blair approached him aggressively as well as yelled and called him names. Phillips stated that this placed him in fear of bodily injury. Philips also showed officers footage of Blair in the act, approaching Philips aggressively and yelling. Officers deemed Blair to be a danger, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Brooke Chamberlain swerves between lanes, pops tire on curb after drinking bottle of wine

28-year-old Brooke Chamberlain was seen driving under the influence near Murfreesboro Pike and Smith Springs Road on June 18th. Officers observed a vehicle that was unable to maintain its lane of travel and crossed the center dividing line multiple times. The vehicle was also observed swerving before officers noticed the tags had expired. Officers initiated a traffic stop, and Chamberlain, the driver, attempted to turn when she hit the curb on the right shoulder, popping her tire. When officers spoke to her, they noticed the smell of alcohol as well as Chamberlain’s slurred speech as she exited her vehicle. When asked, Chamberlain denied drinking any alcohol. Chamberlain was then asked to perform sobriety tests, which she consented to and performed poorly on. Proceeding this, she took a breathalyzer test and admitted to officers that she had drunk three-fourths of a bottle of wine before going out for the night. The bottle was located in the passenger seat of the vehicle. Chamberlain also admitted that she was coming from JBJ’s Nashville and had a couple of mixed drinks while there. Chamberlain’s breathalyzer sample came back as .130% BAC. Chamberlain was taken into custody for DUI and having an open container of alcohol on June 19th.

Roderick Lawson beats up grandparents after being confronted for smoking inside

24-year-old Roderick Lawson was involved in an altercation with his grandparents, John and Vivian Bowers, at their Putnam Drive residence on June 18th. When officers arrived, they spoke with the Bowers. Vivian stated that she smelled a weird odor in the house and believed it was Lawson, whom she had told not to smoke inside several times. When Vivian and John confronted Lawson, they started arguing. Lawson told them that this was his house and that he was kicking them out. According to the couple, during the argument, Lawson attacked them and knocked them to the ground. Lawson proceeded to grab Vivian by her legs and drag her out. Once she was outside, Lawson got on top of John and tore his shirt off. When officers spoke with Lawson, his statements aligned with what John and Vivian told police, but he kept saying that “grandparents attacked him.” Roderick Lawson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Edward Sims threatens to kill multiple people while drunk outside of Opry Mills Mall

55-year-old Edward Sims caused a disturbance at Opry Mills Mall on June 18th. When officers arrived, they observed him sitting outside the mall entrance, visibly intoxicated. Officers were advised that Sims threatened to kill three women as they walked out of the mall and later threatened mall security when they approached him with the police. After this, Sims tried walking onto the road and was deemed a danger to himself and others. Sims was taken into custody for public intoxication on June 19th.

Brandon Anthony assaults brother, kicks his door down during argument over trash

28-year-old Brandon Anthony was involved in a domestic altercation with his brother, Torrance Anthony, at a Westboro Drive residence on June 17th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Torrance, who told them that he and Brandon had gotten into a fight because he believed Brandon was going to assault him. Torrance claimed the two verbally argued about trash when he went into his room and closed the door. At this point, Brandon began kicking the door in an attempt to knock it down. Torrance then opened the door, assumed his brother was going to attack him, and put Brandon inside a headlock. Torrance and Brandon struggled throughout the home, fell to the ground, and separated. Officers observed damage to Torrance’s door, which was consistent with his statements. Officers then spoke with Brandon, who informed officers that the fight had started because Torrance had thrown trash in his room. Brandon stated this caused him to become angry and get into a fighting stance. Torrance responded to this by punching Brandon, which started the fight. Brandon also said that he did not remember anything after Torrance struck him. Officers then spoke with their father, William Anthony, who stated Torrance called him because Brandon was being violent but did not witness the assault. William told officers that he also saw Brandon break a vehicle window as well. Officers observed the injuries and deemed Brandon to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Jedidiah English grabs wife by throat, punches her in face after she confronts him for cheating

35-year-old Jedidiah English had a domestic altercation with his wife and mother of his children, Crystal English, at their Omni Hotel room on June 16th. Following the incident, Mrs. English called the authorities to the Haywood Lane Circle K. She advised officers that she went with Mr. English and his family to Nashville for his birthday. She stated they went out drinking, and once they returned to their hotel room, a heated argument ensued over him cheating on her. Mr. English became angry, grabbed her by the throat, and threw her down onto the floor. He then punched her in the face before squeezing her neck until she could get up and leave. After leaving, Mrs. English called her parents, who came and picked her up. Mrs. English sustained bruising and swelling to her left eye and scratches on her neck from the occurrence. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and then Mr. English was later taken into custody for aggravated assault on June 18th.

Anastasia Sanchez hits police officer after blocking Demonbreun Street

30-year-old Anastasia Sanchez was one of three drivers blocking the Demonbreun Street and 4th Avenue South intersection on September 17th, 2023. After officers observed this, they instructed them to vacate the roadway, which Sanchez refused repeatedly. Sanchez claimed she had to make a delivery and needed to go in the prohibited direction. When officers requested her driver’s credentials, she asked them if they were police, to which they replied, “Yes.” Sanchez stated, “Then, you are supposed to help me,” before bumping into Officer Ken Raymond Mahoney with her vehicle and driving away. A warrant was issued for her arrest on September 20th, 2023. Sanchez was taken into custody for aggravated assault on a first responder and evading arrest on June 18th, 2024.

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