DUI: Michael Lamb attempts to remove his license plate after crashing into utility pole

35-year-old Michael Lamb was arrested for driving under the influence after being involved in a car accident on Higdon Road on July 11th. When officers arrived at the scene, they spoke with Lamb. Officers then immediately noticed the smell of alcohol coming from his breath. Officers also observed Lamb’s unsteadiness on his feet, watery eyes, and slurred speech. Lamb was taken into custody as officers suspected him of being intoxicated. While in custody, Lamb explained that his front bumper had fallen off, causing him to spin and crash into a mailbox, ultimately hitting a utility pole. Witnesses of the crash informed officers that they saw Lamb attempting to remove his license plate to conceal it before the officers arrived. Upon searching Lamb’s vehicle, officers found several open small jars of moonshine and detected the smell of alcohol. Lamb refused to perform sobriety tests as well as the implied consent. Officers also discovered that Lamb did not have a valid driver’s license due to a prior DUI conviction. As a result, Lamb was charged with DUI and driving without a license on July 12th.

Erin O’Connell grabs roommate during altercation, tells police she wasn’t paying rent

41-year-old Erin O’Connell was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, Erika Covac, at their  Hickory Brook Drive residence on July 11th. Officers spoke with O’Connell over the phone, and she told them she wanted Covac to leave her house. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke to Covac, who stated that O’Connell had grabbed her wrist, causing an injury. Officers observed the injury; however, Covac denied any medical treatment. Officers then spoke with O’Connell, who stated that Covac had been living there since March but had not paid any rent and was not on the lease. O’Connell told officers that she wanted Covac out of the house and physically grabbed her. While speaking with officers, she admitted to assaulting Covac, saying, “I know I should not have done that.” Officers then determined O’Connell to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Kendrick Fugett caught by US Secret Service at Nashville International Airport on multiple fraud charges

32-year-old Kendrick Fugett was caught trying to use a counterfeit driver’s license at the Nashville First Horizon Bank on July 10th. Fugett attempted to open a bank account for Syberus LLC under Richard Bell. On July 11th, Airport officers, airport police investigators, and Task Force Officers with the US Secret Service Nashville Cyber Fraud Task Force stopped Fugett and his partner as they tried to fly back to Dallas, Texas. Both were taken into custody for identity theft and forgery. During an arrest search, law enforcement discovered numerous fraudulent IDs, credit cards issued to the name on the counterfeit IDs, and financial documents indicating new bank accounts with the IDs. They also had paperwork involving Syberus LLC, which was presented at the bank, and a large amount of money. The money was from a withdrawal from a financial institution, which was made with one of the fraudulent IDs. Fugett’s partner had most of the fraud evidence in his carry-on bag with some of the money, while Fugett had the remainder. All the evidence of fraud was seized, and they were transported to booking on July 12th.

Russell Childs found unable to stand outside storage building, tells police he was “not drunk”

54-year-old Russell Childs showed signs of intoxication near the Representative John Lewis Way South Public Storage Building late July 11th. Officers observed him leaning against the wall and spoke with him, during which he reeked of alcohol before admitting to consuming alcoholic beverages earlier in the day, adding that he was “not drunk.” Childs was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Maghan Brown jailed after falsely claiming someone was stabbing people at 505 High Rise Condominiums

38-year-old Maghan Brown called 911, stating there was an active aggressor at the 505 High Rise Condominiums on Church Street late July 11th. Brown advised that there was an individual stabbing people in the lobby. When officers arrived, they spoke with the staff, who told them there had not been an incident at their location. Officers searched the surrounding areas and canceled their request for medics. Then, dispatch called Brown and learned she was near Rosa L Parks Boulevard and Monroe Street. Officers then spoke with Brown, who stated that she received a call that there was a man at 505 High Rise stabbing people. When officers further questioned her, she became incoherent and erratic, with her speech and story not making sense, so they detained her. While on the way to booking, Brown told officers that she had called 911 to get psychological treatment from a hospital. Brown was then taken into custody for falsely reporting an emergency on July 12th.

Jody Spears Jr. steals $1,100 from Fairfield Inn hotel room after following guest inside

32-year-old Jody Spears Jr. stole from Kyle and Anna Miller’s Fairfield Inn and Suites hotel room late May 3rd. Surveillance footage showed Spears Jr entering the hotel lobby after following a guest inside. Then, he proceeded to the 3rd floor, where he entered Kyle and Anna’s room for approximately one minute before exiting the room and premises. It was later discovered that $300 was missing from Anna’s purse. When the Millers returned to North Carolina, they reported an additional $800 was missing from their luggage. A warrant was issued for Spears Jr’s arrest on May 23rd. Spears Jr. was later taken into custody for aggravated burglary, criminal trespass, and theft on July 11th.

Yoshika Tucker hits ex-boyfriend in head with phone charger during altercation

48-year-old Yoshika Yevette Tucker was involved in a domestic disturbance with her ex-boyfriend, Daryl Maurice Seay, at her home on June 30th. Officers were dispatched to the Nashville General Hospital, and they spoke with Seay. Seay stated that he went to Tucker’s house to drop off his daughter because of prior custodial agreements. Once he arrived, he told Tucker that if his daughter wanted to call him, she would need to let him know. Tucker did not answer him, so he threw his daughter’s bag of clothes on the ground. According to Seay, Tucker’s partner, Michael, then approached him. Seay stated that Michael grabbed his body with a “bear hug” while Tucker hit him over the head with a phone charger block. Seay made his way to the night court to get an order of protection and then went to the hospital to get checked out. Tucker was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 11th.

Mauricio Espinoza Jr. threatens to “put a cap” in man after car accident

22-year-old Mauricio Espinoza Jr. threatened Robert Barnes after a car accident at the East Webster Street and South Gallatin Pike intersection on July 7th. Barnes was approached by the other involved driver, who advised that several people were responding to the accident. Espinoza Jr. arrived shortly after, approached Barnes, and started threatening him aggressively. Barnes said that he backed away from Espinoza Jr., which was when Espinoza Jr. yelled that he was going to “put a cap in” Barnes. Barnes stated that Espinoza Jr. then pulled out a black semi-automatic handgun from his right waistband and pointed it at Barnes. Barnes said he feared for his life and continued backing up toward his vehicle. The other involved driver and Several people who had arrived with Espinoza Jr. took his gun and put it in his car. Then, they told Espinoza Jr. he needed to leave the area because the police were on the way. Barnes stated Espinoza Jr. fled shortly after. Espinoza Jr. was later taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on July 11th.

Patrick Finney assaults woman & steals her keys after sleeping with her

29-year-old Patrick Finney was involved in a domestic altercation with  Prenciss Crowder, one of his sexual partners, at her Ireland Street residence on June 15th. Officers spoke with Crowder over the phone, and she claimed that a friend she has sexual relations with stole from and assaulted her. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with  Crowder again. Crowder stated that on the day before, June 14th, she had Finney visit her residence. She said they then began drinking and had consensual intercourse. Crowder claims that when she woke up this morning, she noticed her door was locked but knew she was not the one who had locked it. Crowder then noticed that her house key was missing from her key ring and informed officers that Finney did not have permission to take it. Crowder then went to get her key back from Finney by going to his 16th Avenue North property. Crowder then told officers that when she knocked on the door, Finney aggressively opened the door and pushed her away with two hands, causing her to hit the guard rail. Finney then proceeded to grab Crowder’s arms and drag her downstairs. Finney then shoved her against a car and told her to “chill out.”  Finney then returned to the residence, and Crowder returned to her home, where she called the police. Crowder also told officers that she was afraid of Finney because he made threats to her before, and she felt like he was capable of killing her. Officers observed an injury to Crowder, and Finney was deemed the primary aggressor. A warrant was issued for Finney that day. Finney was later taken into custody for domestic assault and theft on July 11th.

Clarence Wilson caught with over 18 pounds of marijuana at Nashville International Airport

29-year-old Clarence Wilson had drugs concealed in his luggage at the Nashville International Airport on July 11th. Detective Swisher deployed his narcotics detection K-9, Peggy, on a run of luggage from Spirit Flight 119. Peggy then gave a positive indication to a grey hard-sided “SWISS” suitcase with the tag name “WILSON/CLARENCE.” Once the bag was claimed, investigators approached Wilson, who consented to a search of his bag. During the search, officers discovered he had 14 vacuum-sealed bundles of marijuana, wrapped in numerous sweatshirts inside a large blanket with scented car fresheners, totaling 8,164.65 grams. When officers asked Wilson for his identification, he attempted to flee, disregarding their commands to stop. Officers also searched Wilson’s carry-on bag, where they found six 1-gram containers of THC wax and 2.5 28-gram packages of marijuana. Wilson was then taken into custody for evading arrest and possession with intent.