Local Author Martina C. Jackson punches roommate in face during altercation

31-year-old Local Author Martina Celine Jackson had an altercation with her friend and roommate, Cierra Janay Hardin, at their friend’s house on July 29th. Hardin called the police to the Madison Flats on Brink Haven Avenue and told them she wanted to be transported to a shelter for the night. Hardin further explained that she and Jackson had a scuffle in the morning before she decided to go to a friend’s house. Then, Hardin stated that her friends invited Jackson over to have what she believed was a sit down to settle the earlier tension. Hardin said she and Jackson’s conversation escalated quickly when Jackson punched her in the face and head, causing her nose to bleed. Jackson was then taken into custody for assault on July 30th.

David Rice speeds down I-24 East in Mecury Milan while driving on revoked Michigan license

57-year-old David Rice was speeding in his green 2009 Mercury Milan on I-24 East on November 21st, 2022. Officers observed this, used their lidar, which recorded Cotton going 85 mph in a 70-mph zone, and then conducted a traffic stop. During the traffic stop, Rice could not provide a valid driver’s license. After a records check, officers discovered Rice’s license had been revoked in Michigan. Officers cited him for the violation for that day. Rice was later booked on the citation of driving on a revoked license on July 29th, 2024.

Devon Washington booked after smoking white rock-like substance in downtown Nashville

42-year-old Devon Washington and another individual were observed on surveillance cameras smoking a white rock-like substance from a pipe near Middleton Street and Ewing Avenue on June 26th. Responding officers detained Washington and the other party. Then, during a subsequent search of Washington, the police found a small glass “crack pipe” and a gram of marijuana. He was then cited for the incident that day. Washington was later booked on the citation of simple possession on July 26th.

Vanessa Culley caught with crack pipe after sleeping in Las Palmas parking lot

40-year-old Vanessa Culley was found asleep in the parking lot of Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant on Hayes Street on July 29th. Officers noticed Culley sleeping in the parking lot. Officers discovered that she had an outstanding warrant for her arrest, which they confirmed. Culley was then taken into custody, and during a search, a crack pipe was found in her back left pocket located inside a cigarette box. She was then transported and later charged with possession of drug paraphernalia.

Felicia Harlan drives recklessly, crashes into pole while following boyfriend in his car

30-year-old Felicia Harlan crashed into a telephone pole near the 21st Avenue North and Jefferson Street intersection on July 1st. Responding officers observed the pole across Harlan’s vehicle and noticed that Harlan had left the scene. Officers ran her information through NCIC, and when it came back, officers discovered she had no valid license. Then, Harlan advised officers that she was at Trinity Hills Apartments, where she began following her boyfriend in his vehicle recklessly, putting citizens in harm’s way. Harlan explained that she saw Kevon Green following her in a black SUV, adding that she panicked, hit the gas, and lost control before colliding with the pole. She was then cited for the incident that day. Harlan was booked on the citation of reckless driving on July 26th.

Robert Schaal throws drywall knife at ex-girlfriend during altercation

47-year-old Robert Schaal was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Cassandra Mcguire, while at their shared residence on July 2nd. On that day, Mcguire reported that Schaal, who lives on the same property but in another house, came over to her residence and threatened her with a drywall knife. Mcguire reported that the two talked about Schaal’s eye and the drywall work being done in the residence. Mcguire reported that Schaal walked out of the home with a drywall knife. Mcguire claimed that Schaal opened her door and threw the knife into the house. Mcguire believed that Schaal was throwing the knife at her, and it placed her in fear for her own safety. However, the knife was closed and thrown on the floor between the wall and a piece of drywall that was leaning against the left side of the residence. Mcguire claimed she was sitting behind a piece of drywall and was on the opposite side of the room. A warrant was issued that day for Schaal’s arrest. Schaal was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 26th.

Michael Smith caught with Magic Mushrooms after punching girlfriend for breaking up with him

30-year-old Michael Smith was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Bailey Borders, at her Lenore Street apartment on July 29th. When officers arrived, they reported that Smith was so intoxicated that he was incomprehensible. Borders told officers that when she attempted to break up with Smith, he punched a hole in her apartment door. Smith then punched Borders in the face with a towel wrapped around his hand, causing no injury. Eventually, Smith left the apartment, but he continued to lurk outside and refused to leave. Another woman, Borders’ friend and witness of the incident, later got into an altercation with Smith. During the altercation, she was bitten by Smith while she was trying to restrain him until police arrived. Once officers came into contact with Smith, an arrest search was conducted, and it was found that he had a sandwich bag of Magic Mushrooms in his backpack. Smith was later taken into custody and charged with domestic assault and vandalism.

McKenzie Hurgate booked after killing turkey while using cracked corn as bait

32-year-old McKenzie Vincent Hurgate, a Ramsay Solutions employee, killed a turkey with the aid of cracked corn at his Charlotte Pike residence on April 13th. TWRA officers observed that Hurgate checked in a turkey and did not have a valid license. Then, after interviewing Hurgate, officers concluded that he killed the turkey on his property. Hence, they allowed him to claim landowner exemption to fix the hunting without a license issue. However, Hurgate used bait as an aid, which is illegal in Tennessee. He was then cited for the occurrence that day. Hurgate was later booked on the citation of hunting with aid bait on July 22nd.

Joshua Giudice violates ex-girlfriend’s order of protection after driving erratically behind her

22-year-old Joshua Giudice violated the order of protection that his ex-girlfriend, Natalie Sisemore, had against him on May 27th. Sisemore stated that while traveling to another work location, she had turned from Harding Pike onto White Bridge Pike. She stated this is where Giudice drove his vehicle quickly and erratically behind her before passing her driver’s side. Then, Sisemore said that Giudice drove into oncoming traffic, causing other drivers to slow down and swerve to avoid collision with him. Sisemore provided officers with a description of Giudice’s blue 2011 Toyota Corolla, adding that she recognized his reddish, messy hair as he passed her. A warrant was issued for Giudice’s arrest on May 29th. Guidice was later taken into custody for an order of protection violation and a no-contact order violation on July 29th.