Jonathan Kelly smashes iPhone, points gun at man after stealing his bag

34-year-old Jonathan Kelly was seen stealing and pointing a firearm at people at a Church Street Airbnb on July 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Mario Goldthreate. He claimed that he had set his handbag on the windowsill of his Airbnb, and it fell down to the street level. Mario claims that he then observed Kelly run towards his bag, pick it up, and begin walking away. After this, he yelled at Kelly and watched him walk to a bus stop, sit down, and begin going through his bag. Kelly pulled out a firearm and was holding it in his hand as he was arguing with Mario and other bystanders. Teangela Brown, another witness, told officers that Kelly pointed the firearm at both her and Mario. Both Mario and Teangela claimed to have seen Kelly smash an iPhone on the ground, which was also in Mario’s bag. When officers arrived at the bus stop, they recovered the weapon from Kelly and observed video footage that witnesses took. The footage showed Kelly holding the firearm, going through the bag, and throwing the phone in the trash. When searching through Kelly’s property, officers found his bag, which contained various miscellaneous items that could be found in people’s cars, such as women’s jewelry, tools, a cracked tablet, and fire extinguishers. Kelly was then taken into custody for theft of property, vandalism, and two counts of aggravated assault on July 22nd.

Kristen Price assaults boyfriend, tells him she’s moving out after he cooks her breakfast

26-year-old Kristen Price was involved in a domestic disturbance with her boyfriend, Austin Marino, at their Brooke Castle Drive residence on July 21st. When officers arrived, Marino told them that he cooked breakfast for Price when he woke up. Once Price woke up, she told him she was planning on moving out of the apartment. This led to an argument that escalated to Price pushing Marino while he was in a chair, causing both him and the chair to fall to the ground. Officers observed a bruise on Marino’s arm. Price was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Aaron Stevens punches brother-in-law in face during argument over air fryer

44-year-old Aaron James Stevens was involved in a domestic altercation with his brother-in-law, Daniel Decuf, while at a Hyve Condominium Airbnb on 7th Avenue Street on July 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Decuf, who claimed that he was struck in the face by Stevens, who is his wife’s sister’s husband. Decuf informed officers that Stevens had struck him after an argument they had over an air fryer at their Airbnb. While officers were on the scene, they noticed a small cut on Decuf’s lip. When asked about the injury, he admitted that the injury came from being struck by Stevens. Officers then spoke with Matthew Damsen, a witness, who stated that he observed Stevens punching Decuf in the face, which caused him to fall to the ground. Officers then spoke with Stevens, who informed officers that Decuf was the one who started the altercation as he approached him aggressively. Both parties were intoxicated during the incident. Stevens was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on July 22nd.

Waheed Ashari booked after using his phone while driving down I-40

23-year-old Waheed Ashari was observed holding his cell phone while driving down I-40 near Mile Marker 209 early on September 21st, 2023. Then, Ashari looked down at his phone while talking, so officers conducted a traffic stop. Ashari told officers he was looking at his GPS. He was then cited for the occurrence that day. Ashari failed to book himself by November 17th, 2023, and his bond was forfeited on February 9th, 2024. Ashari was later booked on a citation for driving while using a cell device on July 21st, 2024.  

DUI: Scythia Benjamin crashes car after running stop sign, tells police she didn’t see it

36-year-old Scynthia Benjamin was involved in a car collision at the Pettus Road and Old Hickory Boulevard intersection on Sunday afternoon. Responding officers approached a white Toyota Corolla, where they located Benjamin, who appeared to be sleeping behind the wheel. When officers announced themselves, she opened her bloodshot eyes and spoke in a very quiet voice, making it difficult for them to hear her. During the investigation, Benjamin stated she did not see the stop sign until it was too late and ran it, resulting in her crashing into another vehicle. Then, she took sobriety tests and showed several indicators of intoxication. When asked, Benjamin insisted she had not taken any narcotics or consumed any alcohol. After being informed of implied consent, Benjamin agreed to provide a blood sample and then was later taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Alexis Trobaugh passes out on John Siegenthaler Pedestrian Bridge after consuming drugs

19-year-old Alexis Trobaugh was found publicly intoxicated, having passed out on the sidewalk of the John Siegenthaler Pedestrian Bridge on July 21st. Officers discovered Trobaugh unconscious on the sidewalk and attempted to wake her up numerous times to check her welfare, but she became visibly agitated upon awakening. Trobaugh sat up and spoke, despite this, her eyes were still closed. Trobaugh displayed exaggerated movements and reflexes. During interaction with officers, she appeared restless, excited, and irritable before she eventually admitted to her drug use. As the situation escalated, Trobaugh became irate, exhibiting erratic behavior such as flailing her body around and yelling. Concerned for her safety, given her level of intoxication and the environment, officers deemed she was too intoxicated and took her into custody for public intoxication.

DUI: Nathaniel Parker crashes car on Knight Valley Drive, tells police “I was at the club”

41-year-old Nathaniel Parker was arrested for driving under the influence following a car crash on Knight Valley Drive on July 20th. When officers arrived on the scene, Parker was behaving erratically, standing in the middle of the road. Parker refused to explain the situation, and repeatedly asked officers to look at his car. Officers then spoke with witnesses who confirmed that Parker was the driver. While speaking with Parker, officers detected the smell of alcohol and noticed Parker’s bloodshot eyes, as well as his inability to stand upright. Due to his condition, officers were unable to perform sobriety tests, and a brief search of Parker found that he also had a leafy green substance consistent with marijuana in his pockets. Officers then proceeded to search Parker’s vehicle, in which they found an alcohol bottle in the passenger seat that still had alcohol inside of it. While in police custody, Parker made statements such as “I was at the club” and told police “aside from being drunk, I did not do anything wrong.” As a result, Parker was arrested and charged with DUI, implied consent, possession of a controlled substance, and having an open container of alcohol in his possession.

Jliyah White throws food tray & cup of alcohol at security guard at Whiskey River Saloon

22-year-old Jliyah White was seen being disorderly outside the Whiskey River Saloon on July 21st. As officers arrived, the disorderly group of people were still near the bar’s entrance. While officers were interviewing a member of the security, Zaxery Farrellkerns, at the location, White threw a styrofoam tray full of food and a cup full of an alcoholic beverage at him. Farrellkerns and a coworker witness identified White as the assailant. While officers interacted with White, she was highly argumentative, uncooperative, and reeked of alcohol. White was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.

Carrie Coble jailed after setting man up to be robbed at gunpoint

26-year-old Carrie Coble was involved in the robbery of Samuel Benson on July 10th. Benson contacted law enforcement and told them about the incident. Coble messaged him on the day of the incident, asking for money. Benson agreed to meet with her at a residence on Mimosa Drive at around 4 a.m. Once Benson arrived, Coble was already outside waiting for him. As they were talking, Coble got out of Benson’s car and went to a different residence on Mimosa Drive to use the restroom. Benson noted that when Coble exited the vehicle, he heard a child crying. After a brief moment, Coble returned to the car, asked for and received $20 from Benson. Once again, Coble left the vehicle, but this time, Benson observed someone approaching him from the rearview mirror on his driver’s side. After looking down at his phone, Benson was struck with the butt of a shotgun by Opito Otim.

Another individual, Michael McCormick, approached the passenger side of Benson’s car, opened the door, and pistol-whipped Benson while saying, ” Where is it at? Give me everything, we know you know where it’s at.” Once Benson told McCormick he didn’t have anything, McCormick continued attacking him. McCormick told Benson, “I’ll shoot you right now,” then made Benson exit his car and empty his pockets. Benson exited his vehicle and gave McCormick $3. McCormick said to Benson, “All you got is $3?” then rummaged through Benson’s car while Otim pointed a shotgun at Benson. After McCormick went through Benson’s vehicle, he pointed his gun at him and said, “Get the fuck in the car and leave.” Benson left and then went to the McDonalds on Nolensville Pike to call law enforcement. In all, McCormick took Benson’s two phones and his wallet with his debit, credit, DoorDash, and Uber Pro cards. McCormick took these, Benson’s driver’s license, and $3. Officers arrived at the Vanderbilt Medical Center due to Benson being transported there for his injuries. Benson’s injuries include a traumatic hematoma knot to his forehead with a laceration, a laceration on his nose, and bruising all over his phone.

On July 21st, officers received voicemails from Benson’s mother, a family friend of Benson’s and Coble’s father. They all advised that Benson and Coble knew each other and believed that Coble was involved in the robbery. Officers later spoke with Coble’s ex-boyfriend and Benson’s best friend, Hunter Thomas. Thomas stated that he found out about the robbery from multiple people and thought Coble might be involved or know about it. Later that day, there was a domestic violence call at the same residence on Mimosa Drive involving McCormick and Coble. A South Patrol Seargent who was on the scene of the domestic violence call was notified of the robbery that officers were investigating. Officers positively identified Otim and McCormick as the individuals involved in the robbery. Otim was then detained so officers could interview him about the robbery.

When officers arrived, they spoke with Coble. Coble stated that she messaged Benson and told him that she needed money. She went on to tell officers that once she got into the car with Benson, he tried to get her to perform sexual acts on him. Coble went on to say that she heard her son crying, so she went to be with him. Coble shared that she didn’t see Otim or McCormick go outside, nor did she witness the robbery. However, she stated that Otim and McCormick did tell her about it after they had done it. Coble noted that she never knew that Otim and McCormick would rob Benson before it happened. Officers then read Otim his Miranda Rights, and he agreed to speak with them. Otim said that McCormick told him that Coble had someone pull up to get money from him. According to Otim, McCormick told Coble,” When you go to the car we will come out.” After Coble went outside, McCormick told him to go outside with him and handed him a shotgun. As McCormick and Coble approached the car, Coble got out, and Otim pointed the shotgun at Benson. He stated the McCormick went inside Benson’s car, pistol whipped him, and then told him, “Give me everything you got.”

Otim went on to repeat Benson’s version of events, with the only difference being that he “accidentally” hit Benson in the face with the shotgun. In addition, Otim stated that McCormick gave Coble the credit cards and phones they took from Benson, hoping she could do something with them. During an arrest search, a phone was found on Otim. He told officers that it was his phone but later took back his statement when officers asked to see it. Further investigation revealed that it was Benson’s phone. Cobble was taken into custody for aggravated robbery on July 21st.

Opito Otim assaults man with shotgun during robbery, tells police he “accidentally” hit him in the face

28-year-old Opito Otim was involved in the robbery of Samuel Benson on July 10th. Benson contacted law enforcement and told them about the incident. Carrie Coble messaged him on the day of the incident, asking for money. Benson agreed to meet with her at a residence on Mimosa Drive at around 4 a.m. Once Benson arrived, Coble was already outside waiting for him. As they were talking, Coble got out of Benson’s car and went to a different residence on Mimosa Drive to use the restroom. Benson noted that when Coble exited the vehicle, he heard a child crying. After a brief moment, Coble returned to the car, asked for and received $20 from Benson. Once again, Coble left the vehicle, but this time, Benson observed someone approaching him from the rearview mirror on his driver’s side. After looking down at his phone, Benson was struck with the butt of a shotgun by Otim.

Another individual, Michael McCormick, approached the passenger side of Benson’s car, opened the door, and pistol-whipped Benson while saying, ” Where is it at? Give me everything, we know you know where it’s at.” Once Benson told McCormick he didn’t have anything, McCormick continued attacking him. McCormick told Benson, “I’ll shoot you right now,” then made Benson exit his car and empty his pockets. Benson exited his vehicle and gave McCormick $3. McCormick said to Benson, “All you got is $3?” then rummaged through Benson’s car while Otim pointed a shotgun at Benson. After McCormick went through Benson’s vehicle, he pointed his gun at him and said, “Get the fuck in the car and leave.” Benson left and then went to the McDonalds on Nolensville Pike to call law enforcement. In all, McCormick took Benson’s two phones and his wallet with his debit, credit, DoorDash, and Uber Pro cards. McCormick took these, Benson’s driver’s license, and $3. Officers arrived at the Vanderbilt Medical Center due to Benson being transported there for his injuries. Benson’s injuries include a traumatic hematoma knot to his forehead with a laceration, a laceration on his nose, and bruising all over his phone.

On July 21st, officers received voicemails from Benson’s mother, a family friend of Benson’s and Coble’s father. They all advised that Benson and Coble knew each other and believed that Coble was involved in the robbery. Officers later spoke with Coble’s ex-boyfriend and Benson’s best friend, Hunter Thomas. Thomas stated that he found out about the robbery from multiple people and thought Coble might be involved or know about it. Later that day, there was a domestic violence call at the same residence on Mimosa Drive involving McCormick and Coble. A South Patrol Seargent who was on the scene of the domestic violence call was notified of the robbery that officers were investigating. Officers positively identified Otim and McCormick as the individuals involved in the robbery. Otim was then detained so officers could interview him about the robbery.

When officers arrived, they spoke with Coble. Coble stated that she messaged Benson and told him that she needed money. She went on to tell officers that once she got into the car with Benson, he tried to get her to perform sexual acts on him. Coble went on to say that she heard her son crying, so she went to be with him. Coble shared that she didn’t see Otim or McCormick go outside, nor did she witness the robbery. However, she stated that Otim and McCormick did tell her about it after they had done it. Coble noted that she never knew that Otim and McCormick would rob Benson before it happened. Officers then read Otim his Miranda Rights, and he agreed to speak with them. Otim said that McCormick told him that Coble had someone pull up to get money from him. According to Otim, McCormick told Coble,” When you go to the car we will come out.” After Coble went outside, McCormick told him to go outside with him and handed him a shotgun. As McCormick and Coble approached the car, Coble got out, and Otim pointed the shotgun at Benson. He stated the McCormick went inside Benson’s car, pistol whipped him, and then told him, “Give me everything you got.”

Otim went on to repeat Benson’s version of events, with the only difference being that he “accidentally” hit Benson in the face with the shotgun. In addition, Otim stated that McCormick gave Coble the credit cards and phones they took from Benson, hoping she could do something with them. During an arrest search, a phone was found on Otim. He told officers that it was his phone but later took back his statement when officers asked to see it. Further investigation revealed that it was Benson’s phone. Otim was taken into custody for especially aggravated robbery on July 21st.

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