Jody Spears Jr. steals $1,100 from Fairfield Inn hotel room after following guest inside

32-year-old Jody Spears Jr. stole from Kyle and Anna Miller’s Fairfield Inn and Suites hotel room late May 3rd. Surveillance footage showed Spears Jr entering the hotel lobby after following a guest inside. Then, he proceeded to the 3rd floor, where he entered Kyle and Anna’s room for approximately one minute before exiting the room and premises. It was later discovered that $300 was missing from Anna’s purse. When the Millers returned to North Carolina, they reported an additional $800 was missing from their luggage. A warrant was issued for Spears Jr’s arrest on May 23rd. Spears Jr. was later taken into custody for aggravated burglary, criminal trespass, and theft on July 11th.

Yoshika Tucker hits ex-boyfriend in head with phone charger during altercation

48-year-old Yoshika Yevette Tucker was involved in a domestic disturbance with her ex-boyfriend, Daryl Maurice Seay, at her home on June 30th. Officers were dispatched to the Nashville General Hospital, and they spoke with Seay. Seay stated that he went to Tucker’s house to drop off his daughter because of prior custodial agreements. Once he arrived, he told Tucker that if his daughter wanted to call him, she would need to let him know. Tucker did not answer him, so he threw his daughter’s bag of clothes on the ground. According to Seay, Tucker’s partner, Michael, then approached him. Seay stated that Michael grabbed his body with a “bear hug” while Tucker hit him over the head with a phone charger block. Seay made his way to the night court to get an order of protection and then went to the hospital to get checked out. Tucker was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 11th.

Mauricio Espinoza Jr. threatens to “put a cap” in man after car accident

22-year-old Mauricio Espinoza Jr. threatened Robert Barnes after a car accident at the East Webster Street and South Gallatin Pike intersection on July 7th. Barnes was approached by the other involved driver, who advised that several people were responding to the accident. Espinoza Jr. arrived shortly after, approached Barnes, and started threatening him aggressively. Barnes said that he backed away from Espinoza Jr., which was when Espinoza Jr. yelled that he was going to “put a cap in” Barnes. Barnes stated that Espinoza Jr. then pulled out a black semi-automatic handgun from his right waistband and pointed it at Barnes. Barnes said he feared for his life and continued backing up toward his vehicle. The other involved driver and Several people who had arrived with Espinoza Jr. took his gun and put it in his car. Then, they told Espinoza Jr. he needed to leave the area because the police were on the way. Barnes stated Espinoza Jr. fled shortly after. Espinoza Jr. was later taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on July 11th.

Patrick Finney assaults woman & steals her keys after sleeping with her

29-year-old Patrick Finney was involved in a domestic altercation with  Prenciss Crowder, one of his sexual partners, at her Ireland Street residence on June 15th. Officers spoke with Crowder over the phone, and she claimed that a friend she has sexual relations with stole from and assaulted her. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with  Crowder again. Crowder stated that on the day before, June 14th, she had Finney visit her residence. She said they then began drinking and had consensual intercourse. Crowder claims that when she woke up this morning, she noticed her door was locked but knew she was not the one who had locked it. Crowder then noticed that her house key was missing from her key ring and informed officers that Finney did not have permission to take it. Crowder then went to get her key back from Finney by going to his 16th Avenue North property. Crowder then told officers that when she knocked on the door, Finney aggressively opened the door and pushed her away with two hands, causing her to hit the guard rail. Finney then proceeded to grab Crowder’s arms and drag her downstairs. Finney then shoved her against a car and told her to “chill out.”  Finney then returned to the residence, and Crowder returned to her home, where she called the police. Crowder also told officers that she was afraid of Finney because he made threats to her before, and she felt like he was capable of killing her. Officers observed an injury to Crowder, and Finney was deemed the primary aggressor. A warrant was issued for Finney that day. Finney was later taken into custody for domestic assault and theft on July 11th.

Clarence Wilson caught with over 18 pounds of marijuana at Nashville International Airport

29-year-old Clarence Wilson had drugs concealed in his luggage at the Nashville International Airport on July 11th. Detective Swisher deployed his narcotics detection K-9, Peggy, on a run of luggage from Spirit Flight 119. Peggy then gave a positive indication to a grey hard-sided “SWISS” suitcase with the tag name “WILSON/CLARENCE.” Once the bag was claimed, investigators approached Wilson, who consented to a search of his bag. During the search, officers discovered he had 14 vacuum-sealed bundles of marijuana, wrapped in numerous sweatshirts inside a large blanket with scented car fresheners, totaling 8,164.65 grams. When officers asked Wilson for his identification, he attempted to flee, disregarding their commands to stop. Officers also searched Wilson’s carry-on bag, where they found six 1-gram containers of THC wax and 2.5 28-gram packages of marijuana. Wilson was then taken into custody for evading arrest and possession with intent.

Johnny Brown yells racial slurs while threatening man with BB Gun & Knife at Greyhound Bus Station

53-year-old Johnny William Brown had an altercation with Carl Greer in front of the Greyhound Bus Station around 3:20 p.m. on July 11th. Responding officers were advised that Brown and Greer had a dispute that escalated when Brown pulled out a knife. Brown threatened to kill Greer with it before displaying a firearm and pointing it at him while yelling racial slurs. Officers later learned that it was a BB gun that was loaded. When they arrived, Greer pointed out Brown, who was then detained. Then, officers spoke with a security guard, who corroborated Greer’s statement. During the investigation, they located the knife and BB gun in Brown’s backpack. Officers noticed he reeked of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated. Brown then admitted to drinking alcohol and was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.

DUI: Crispin Alfredo causes crash on Briley Parkway after getting sauced on one beer

33-year-old Crispin Severiano Alfredo was involved in a car accident with injuries near Briley Parkway and Glastonbury Road on July 11th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with one of the drivers involved, Alfredo, noticing he showed signs of impairment. Officers noticed Alfredo reeked of alcohol and had to use a nearby pole to maintain his balance. Officers then discovered Alfredo had an open container before he admitted to consuming one beer. Alfredo consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. During the investigation, officers discovered he had no valid driver’s license or vehicle insurance. Alfredo was then taken into custody for driving under the influence, financial responsibility with injury or death, and no driver’s license.

Kurt Sax drunkenly punches ex-girlfriend’s security guard in face

68-year-old Kurt Sax had an altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Patricia Landis, and her security guard, Adam Benjamin Chavin, at his Old Hickory Boulevard apartment on July 11th. Officers were advised that Sax and Landis were going through a breakup, and Landis was moving out of his apartment. Landis hired Chavin as a security guard due to Sax’s violent behavior and alcohol abuse. Earlier that day, Sax became intoxicated and belligerent towards Chavin and Landis. This soon sparked an argument where Sax shoved and punched Chavin in the face several times. Chavin defended himself by pushing Sax and wrestling him to the ground. Landis corroborated Chavin’s statements. When officers arrived, they noticed Sax was visibly intoxicated, showing signs of impairment. Officers noticed Sax had a knife lying on the couch. Landis informed them that Sax also had multiple firearms in the house. Then, Sax approached officers aggressively, so they detained him for the occurrence. Sax was taken into custody for assault and disorderly conduct.

Patricia Dishman keys woman’s car in Costco parking lot during altercation

70-year-old Patricia Dishman keyed Claudia Russell’s car at the Charlotte Pike Costco on May 2nd. Russell told responding officers that she parked next to Dishman while she had their passenger doors open. After this, Russell said Dishman confronted her for doing this, but she ignored her and walked inside the store. Ashley Bonner, a witness, stated she observed Dishman key Russell’s vehicle and confronted her. Bonner also took pictures of Dishman’s car and tags. Bonner went to the West Precinct to complete a photo line-up. Bonner then identified Dishman as the suspect. Additionally, Dishman was seen leaving the establishment on Costco security cameras. Russell added that her car had $2,000 worth of damage. A warrant was issued for Dishman’s arrest on May 23rd. Dishman was later taken into custody for vandalism on July 11th.

DUI: Brenda Thomas scores .148% BAC after speeding down Murfreesboro Pike

24-year-old Brenda Thomas was seen speeding on Murfreesboro Pike on July 12th. Thomas was observed driving 71mph in a 45mph zone. After officers activated their emergency lights, Thomas was seen cutting off two other vehicles and then swerving out of her lane. When officers made contact with her, she was having trouble focusing on simple instructions and exhibiting other signs of intoxication. Thomas consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. Thomas was taken into custody and read implied consent. Thomas performed a breath test, which yielded a .148% BAC. Officers read Thomas her Miranda Rights, and she stated that she didn’t want to speak to the police. Shortly after, Thomas admitted that she had drunk wine before she was pulled over. Thomas was transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence.

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