Paul Le assaults wife at Korea House Restaurant because she was hanging out with her friends

51-year-old Paul Le had a domestic altercation with his wife, Nhi Vo, at the Korea House Restaurant on Charlotte Pike late July 15th. Vo spoke with officers through a language interpreter. Vo stated Le was mad because she was spending time with her friends and that he did not want her seeing other people. Then Le pushed Vo, causing her to fall to the ground, leaving a bruise on her right knee, a cut on her left thumb, and scrapes on her right elbow. Officers reviewed footage showing Vo on the ground and Tommy Hoang trying to keep Le from attacking her again. Le left before police arrived on the scene. A warrant was then obtained for Le’s arrest, and he was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 23rd.

Devonta Lowery steals 2 Lowes delivery trucks full of appliances during armed robbery

29-year-old Devonta Bernard Lowery was identified as one of the individuals who had stolen two Lowes delivery trucks from the White Creek Pike location on July 21st. Detectives arrived and spoke with the delivery drivers, Noslen Ciscal and Brian Quigley, who stated they were dropping off appliances for Lowes. Detectives then reviewed footage of the incident, which showed the drivers putting fuel into the delivery trucks when a white sedan arrived. After this, two suspects, one of whom was Lowery, exited the vehicle, and approached the trucks with a handgun. Lowery demanded the two drivers get on the ground, which they did. Then, Lowery and his co-defendant took their truck keys, wallet, and cell phones before entering the trucks and driving off. During the investigation, detectives discovered the stolen trucks in the Shelby House Apartment Complex parking lot on South 5th Street. Officers then obtained surveillance, showing Lowery and his co-defendant before and after the robbery, wearing the same clothes they had on in the sedan during the robbery. The surveillance also showed Lowery and his co-defendant unloading the appliances from the trucks. While executing a search warrant at the location, detectives saw Lowery and the other involved individual then detained them for the occurrence. Lowery was taken into custody for aggravated robbery on July 24th.

Destiny Frierson speeds down Trinity Lane at 70 mph on suspended license with passengers hanging out windows

20-year-old Destiny Frierson was observed speeding near Trinity Lane on July 21st. When she approached a red light, two rear passengers were hanging outside the window, recording on their phones. When the light turned green, officers attempted to catch up with her. As officers did this, they paced her, going around 70 mph, and conducted a traffic stop. While Frierson was stopping, they noticed a lot of movement inside her vehicle, appearing as if someone had switched seats with the driver. Officers approached the car and noticed a 1-year-old child sitting in the backseat without a car seat or being buckled. Officers also noticed the child was sitting on the lap of another occupant. Then, the police asked Frierson if she had switched seats with anyone. Frierson looked in the backseat and said, “Ask them,” but no one responded. When asked for her driver’s license, she told police she did not have one nor has she ever had one. Further investigation revealed that her license was suspended. Frierson was then taken into custody for child neglect and driving with a suspended license.

Savannah Hamilton-Leggs booked & banned from Walmart after shoplifting

18-year-old Savannah Hamilton-Leggs was caught shoplifting at the Dickerson Pike Walmart on April 22nd. Upon arrival, officers spoke with employees at the location, who stated that Hamilton-Leggs had stuffed merchandise into two backpacks and walked out of the store until security stopped her. Walmart banned her from the establishment, and officers cited her for the occurrence that day. Hamilton-Leggs failed to appear in court by June 7th and was later booked on the citation of theft on July 23rd.

DUI: Marcelino Aranda Jaimes scores 0.239% BAC after hitting another vehicle’s side mirrors

34-year-old Marcellino Aranda Jaimes was involved in a car accident on Reeves Road on July 21st. Following the collision, the other involved driver followed Jaimes to Antioch Pike, where officers were later dispatched. Officers learned the crash involved the vehicles’ side mirrors hitting each other from opposite directions. A third party had to pull their car in front of Jaimes to stop him in the parking lot. Then, with Spanish interpretation, Jaimes told officers he did not pull over due to traffic concerns. As officers spoke to Jaimes they noticed he showed signs of impairment before he admitted to consuming two beers “Now.” He then consented to sobriety tests, and performed poorly. After being informed of implied consent, Jaimes agreed to provide a breath sample, resulting in 0.239 BAC%. Officers later discovered he had no valid driver’s license. Jaimes was then taken into custody for driving under the influence, having no valid driver’s license, and leaving the scene of an accident.

DUI: Gabriel Flesche crashes Tesla Model 3 into multiple trees after drinking one High Noon Vodka Seltzer

26-year-old Gabriel Flesche was arrested for driving under the influence following a vehicle accident at the intersection of 11th Avenue North and Grundy Street on July 21st. When officers arrived, they noticed a badly wrecked Tesla Model 3 missing its front tire. Officers then proceeded to speak with the driver, Flesche. He claimed that while he was driving, another vehicle cut him off. Flesche stated this caused him to lose control of his vehicle, strike a light pole, and strike multiple trees along the side of the road. Officers observed no evidence of another vehicle. Officers then determined that Flesche was traveling faster than the speed limit and hit a patch of water that caused him to lose control. While officers were speaking with Flesceh, they noticed the strong smell of alcohol coming from him. When asked, Flesche initially denied drinking before admitting to drinking one high noon vodka seltzer. Officers noticed Flesche’s slurred speech, red and bloodshot eyes, and inability to maintain balance. Officers then asked Flesche to perform sobriety tests, which he consented to. However, Flesche performed poorly on all tests given. Flesche was then breathalyzed, but stopped blowing in the middle of the test twice, causing it to fail. Flesche then refused to breathe again, and officers deemed he was intoxicated. Flesche was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Marinda Rich steals 2005 Chevy Silverado, tells police it’s her boyfriend’s truck

22-year-old Marinda Rich was caught after stealing and abandoning a vehicle near a Thompson Place residence on July 20th. Police responded to a call for service regarding a stolen vehicle. When officers arrived, they noticed a black 2005 Chevy Silverado on the scene. Officers ran the vehicle’s information and discovered that it had been stolen out of Murfreesboro. The officers received a description of the women who left the stolen vehicle at the scene. As the officers were recovering the vehicle, Rich approached them and claimed it was her boyfriend’s truck. When questioned, Rich admitted leaving the vehicle there and presented the key to officers. Rich also admitted to being in possession of the vehicle since July 19th. The officers verified that the key belonged to the vehicle. Rich was taken into custody for vehicle theft on July 21st.

Manuel Guzman bites man on lip after taking his phone during altercation

27-year-old Manuel Guzman was involved in a domestic altercation with Juan Vazquez, an intimate partner, on July 20th. When officers arrived at the crime scene, they spoke with Vazquez. He claimed that he had met Guzman on an app around midnight and that they met up at the location. Vazquez informed the officers that they drank alcohol together before having intercourse. In the morning, Guzman asked Vazquez to get something from the store, and Vazquez asked for his cell phone back from Guzman. Guzman refused to give Vazquez his phone, and when Vazquez tried to grab it, Guzman bit his lip. The officers noticed Vazquez’s swollen lip, caused by an injury consistent with a bite mark. Officers then attempted to call Vazquez’s phone and looked at Guzman’s two phones but could not find Vazquez’s phone. Guzman was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Brianna Cox speeds down I-24 East at 94 mph on suspended license

23-year-old Brianna Cox was seen driving 94mph in a 70mph zone on I-24 East on July 19th. Officers observed this and initiated a traffic stop. When Cox exited her car, she was seen stumbling to the rear of her car to meet with officers. Once officers began questioning her, they noticed that Cox reeked of alcohol. During the investigation, officers observed multiple signs of intoxication, so they prompted Cox to perform sobriety tests. Cox never gave officers an answer, so she was taken into custody for driving under the influence. After being taken into custody, Cox refused to provide blood and breath tests. Officers asked for Cox’s name and date of birth, and she stated that her name was Brianna Rucker, with a date of birth of July 12th, 2001. Officers conducted an arrest search of her vehicle and found her actual ID. Officers also located an open container of a canned alcoholic cocktail and a plastic cup that smelt like an alcoholic beverage. It was later observed that Cox’s temporary tag on her vehicle was drawn over on a date different from the original. Officers ran Cox’s license and discovered that it was suspended. Brianna Cox was transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence, suspended license, no registration, open container, reckless driving, and criminal trespassing.

Ayanna Martin threatens man with gun, tells him “You’re not going to hit me no more!”

25-year-old Ayanna Martin had an altercation with Lacharlericus McWilliams near Charles E Davis Boulevard and Green Street on July 23rd. Officers responded to reports of a woman threatening a man with a gun and located Martin and McWilliams matching the description. Then, officers spoke with McWilliams, who stated that he and Martin were at a nearby store when she asked him for her phone. He said that when he did not return it immediately, she started punching him in the face, so he pushed her and walked away. Then, Martin allegedly retrieved a handgun from her vehicle and pointed it at him, stating, “You’re not going to hit me no more!”, while waving the firearm.

Police then spoke to Martin, who told the police that she asked for her phone because McWilliams had taken it from her. Martin noted that this was when McWilliams started punching her in the face. She said that she grabbed the gun because he was hitting her and threatening to shoot her. Martin added that she did not point the handgun at him but rather was holding it at her side for protection. Overwatch was able to provide video footage of the occurrence. The footage showed Martin pointing the gun at McWilliams from across the yard. Martin was then taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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