Courtney Ford attempts to run over her husband during argument

47-year-old Courtney Ford was involved in a domestic disturbance with her husband, Percy Ford, at their home on February 23rd. When officers arrived and spoke with Courtney, she informed them that she and Percy were in the middle of a divorce. Courtney stated that she had gotten into her vehicle after and was preparing to leave. Ford stated that Percy aggressively approached her car. Courtney told officers that this is when she started to drive away. Ford stated Percy punched her window, causing enough damage that the window would have to be replaced. Officers then spoke with Percy, who stated that he and his wife had an incident outside Davidson County. After they came back to their home, Percy said they got into an argument. Percy stated that this led to Courtney getting into her car. According to Percy, as he approached her vehicle to continue arguing with her, she attempted to run him over, so he punched her window. Courtney was later taken into custody and charged with reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon on August 13th.

Christen Strub steals $114 worth of merchandise from Walmart

41-year-old Christen Strub was caught after shoplifting from Walmart on Lebanon Pike on July 5th. On that day, officers responded to a shoplifting call at Walmart. When officers arrived, they spoke with Walmart security, who claimed they witnessed Strub concealing merchandise. Security informed officers that Strub passed all points of sale without paying for anything. Security then detained her until officers arrived. The stolen merchandise was valued at $114. Officers then cited Strub for theft that day. Strub was later booked on the citation for theft on August 7th.

Pure Simpson caught with marijuana after crashing her car on Dickerson Pike

20-year-old Pure Simpson was caught with marijuana after getting into a motor accident on Dickerson Pike on July 14th. When the officers arrived, they noticed Simpson sitting outside her vehicle on the ground. When asked, Simpson admitted to being the vehicle’s driver and acknowledged that it was registered to her. While at the scene, officers also observed a red pipe and a bag of a leafy green substance, consistent with marijuana, on the floorboard in her car. Simpson informed the officer that both items belonged to her. Simpson was cited for the incident that day. Simpson was later booked on August 7th for unlawful use of drug paraphernalia and drug possession based on the citation.

Self-Proclaimed Juggalo Corey Leek hits man in head with dumbbell multiple times

30-year-old Self-Proclaimed Juggalo Corey Leek assaulted Fredrick Mason at a group home for the mentally impaired on Shorewind Bay on August 12th. When officers arrived, Mason said he was arguing with one of the caretakers. Mason stated that Leek heard this, came inside his bedroom, and began punching him in the head. Mason informed officers that following the incident, both Leek and the caretaker exited his room. After calling the police, Mason also left his room. Then, two other caretakers met with him outside his door and started another argument. During this argument, Leek came out of his room and assaulted Mason again. The caretakers made their way downstairs, so Mason followed them. As Mason followed them downstairs, Leek came from behind and hit him in the back of the head with a dumbbell three times. Mason explained to the officers that he was knocked unconscious by the impact of the dumbbell. After regaining consciousness, Mason managed to return to his room. Upon returning to his room, Mason promptly redialed 911, this time choosing to stay put in his room until they arrived.

Officers then spoke with Leek, who stated that he believed that Mason was being disrespectful to a female caretaker and was going to assault her. Leek explained to the officers that this is why he assaulted Mason. Leek admitted to punching Mason in the face and head multiple times. Leek initially told officers that he never hit Mason in the head with a dumbbell and denied having one. However, when Mason informed officers that he had a dumbbell in his room, Leek changed his statement. Leek said he only uses the dumbbell for exercising. Officers located the dumbbell behind Leek’s laundry hamper. Officers then questioned the caretakers about the assault with the dumbbell. The caretakers stated that the dumbbell was in Mason’s room and that they never saw any of the alleged assaults. Officers observed a large knot on the back of Mason’s head. Due to Leek lying about the dumbbell and his admission to the assaults, officers determined Leek was the primary aggressor. Leek was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault on August 13th. Leek was history of domestic assault including a previous incident in February 2023, where he assaulted his roommate for insulting his favorite band, Insane Clown Posse.

Derrick Stanley drives recklessly on four flat tires while evading police in his neighborhood

43-year-old Derrick Stanley was seen recklessly driving around South Hampton Boulevard at 11:41 a.m. on August 10. Officers observed a blue Ford Fusion driving recklessly around the neighborhood. Officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop, but Stanley resisted and started driving erratically, nearly hitting several cars. After seeing Stanley go through multiple stop signs and driving at high speeds in the neighborhood, officers utilized spikes to stop him. The spikes flattened all 4 of Stanley’s tires, so officers attempted to conduct another traffic stop. Despite the officers’ best efforts, Stanley did not stop driving. Around 18 minutes after Stanley had all his tires popped, he pulled into his South Hampton Boulevard residence. Stanley was taken into custody and charged with three counts of evading arrest and one count of reckless endangerment.

Collin Foster closes door on mother, shoves her into hallway during argument

29-year-old Collin Foster had a domestic altercation with his mother, Sarah Forbes, at their Mohawk Trail residence late August 12th. Forbes told responding officers that she was on her porch talking to her husband before he had left. Then, she further explained that she went inside to speak with Foster in the kitchen before he walked into his room, adding that she followed him, but he had shut the door when she was halfway in. Then, Forbes said Foster shoved her into the hallway before closing the door completely. When officers spoke with Foster, he stated that Forbes was arguing with her husband before coming into the house and assaulting him. Foster said that Forbes entered his room, telling him to leave the residence, and started throwing things. Then, he told them he pushed Forbes twice because he felt she was trying to start a fight. After this, Foster said that Forbes hit him. Foster was deemed the primary aggressor due to his history of domestic assault. Foster was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 13th.

Dreyden Cruz weaves between cars on motorcycle while speeding down Briley Parkway at 137 mph

19-year-old Dreyden Cruz was caught after driving recklessly and drag racing while at Metro Park near Two Rivers Parkway on August 10th. That day, officers were alerted to a motorcycle rally at Metro Park. They received multiple calls reporting that several motorcycles were speeding in the area. While traveling south on Briley Parkway, officers observed Cruz speeding. The information was relayed to a police helicopter as Cruz headed towards I-40 West. The vehicle’s speed was measured at 137 mph, and Cruz was seen weaving in and out of heavy traffic. Cruz traveled through Briley Parkway, I-40, up to I-24, and then around I-65, back to Briley Parkway. The police helicopter observed Cruz pull into a parking lot at Two Rivers Parkway and remove his helmet. Officers in the helicopter then gave his description to officers on the ground, who promptly detained him.

Cruz was taken into custody and admitted to officers that he was trying to catch up to a friend who had left earlier. Officers noted that Cruz’s motorcycle had an improperly mounted and altered license plate. Officers then discovered the vehicle’s VIN showed it to be registered to a different tag number. Cruz confessed to placing a fake tag on the motorcycle to deter theft. Officers also ran Cruz’s driver’s license, showing he had no Motorcycle endorsement. As a result, Cruz was charged with altering his registration, misuse of registration, drag racing, wrong driver’s license type for a vehicle, and reckless endangerment.

Scott Young calls police to help jumpstart his car, gets caught with stolen tags & burglary tools

42-year-old Scott Murray Young called officers to help jumpstart a vehicle later identified as stolen at the Vanderbilt Hospital East Parking Garage on the morning of August 12th. Upon arrival, officers met with Young and ran the vehicle tag to verify ownership. Then, when the plate returned as stolen, Young advised them that the car’s tag was under the backseat. Young then admitted to placing the stolen tags on the vehicle before leaving Ohio. During an inventory search, officers located multiple burglary tools: three screwdrivers, one multitool, and three specialty screwdriver bits. Young was then taken into custody for theft and possession of burglary tools.

Detorious Davis breaks ex-girlfriend’s Super 8 hotel room window during altercation

29-year-old Detorious Davis was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend at a Super 8 hotel on Bell Road on April 4th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with the victim. She claimed that she had been staying in a room at the Super 8 hotel, and when she was asleep in her hotel, she heard Davis banging on the door to her room. The victim claimed that when she opened the door to ask what he wanted, he pushed her out of the doorway and told her to move. The victim alleged that once he was inside the room, he asked who else was with her while looking around the room on his own. This is when the victim told him it was time to leave, to which he told her to make him leave. Davis then allegedly picked up a lamp that was in the room and started to come towards the victim with it. In reaction, the victim ran towards the bathroom and locked the door. While in the bathroom, Davis allegedly kept knocking and banging on the door until the victim said she was calling the police, which she did. Davis then fled the scene but still had the lamp in his possession. The victim then walked out of the room to see if Davis had left, but he was still outside the room with the lamp. The victim then went back into the room and shut the door. In response, Davis took the lamp and swung it against the window, shattering it. Officers also observed footage of the incident showing Davis breaking the window of a hotel room valued at $1,450. Officers also observed broken glass in the room and all over the ground. A warrant was issued, and Davis was later taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault and a count of vandalism on August 11th.

Jordan Burnette damages ex-girlfriend’s phone when she breaks up with him, tells her he “sat on it”

33-year-old Jordan Burnette had a domestic incident with his then-girlfriend, Lindsey Hubbard, on July 26th. On August 8th, Hubbard went to The Family Safety Center and filed a report stating that she told Burnette she was leaving him, ending their relationship. Hubbard explained that Burnette took her cell phone and entered the next room. Hubbard soon followed and found her phone bent with the screen broken. After this, Hubbard said she confronted Burnette, and he told her that he had “sat on it.” A warrant was then issued for Burnette’s arrest. Burnette was later taken into custody for vandalism on August 12th.