Genasia Eddings booked for assaulting woman’s daughter after car crash

22-year-old Genasia Eddings, a GardaWorld Security employee, was involved in a car crash on Mount View Road and Bell Forge Lane on July 23rd. When officers arrived, they spoke with Eddings, who stated that the other driver, Joyce Janowsky, approached her and started an argument following the crash. Then, Eddings added that this was after she pushed Janowsky’s daughter, Jill Werdesheim, to the ground. Eddings stated that she argued with Janowsky but didn’t approach her. Janowsky told officers that Werdesheim exited the car after the collision and started speaking with Eddings. Then, Janowsky stated she watched Eddings shove Werdesheim to the ground. Janowsky added that Eddings approached her aggressively and started threatening her. Eddings was then cited for the incident that day. Eddings was later booked on a citation of assault on August 13th.

Cory Jones punches ex-girlfriend in face for breaking up with him

35-year-old Cory Jones was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Leteia Claybrooks, while at her Heiman Street residence on August 13th. Claybrooks reported that on that day, she stepped outside due to noise in the home and wanted to make a phone call. Jones came outside, got upset, and confronted Claybrooks, thinking she was up to something. Claybrooks showed him that she was talking to her grandmother, leading Jones to back off and go to his car. After the phone call, Claybrooks told Jones that she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him, which upset him. Allegedly, Jones then approached Claybrooks and punched her in the side of her face. Claybrooks claims she lost her balance and fell but maintains that while she was on the ground, Jones stepped on her to get into the car and then drove away from the scene. Claybrooks informed officers that she never lost consciousness but had pain and was seeking a warrant. A warrant was issued, and Jones was later taken into custody for domestic assault on August 17th.

Mahmoud Hammad assaults brother during altercation at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

37-year-old Mahmoud Hammad was involved in a domestic altercation with his brother, Tareq Hammad, at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar on Broadway on August 18th. There was a fight inside the bar, and when officers arrived, they spoke with Mahmoud. While speaking with Mahmoud, he put his hands on his brother Tareq and pushed him, almost knocking him down. Based on the physical assault, Mahmoud was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

Scott Branch threatens to kill employee with knife while shirtless at Main 5 Gas Station

45-year-old Scott Branch was seen threatening Raymin Dis, a gas station cashier, with a weapon at a Main 5 Gas Station on Main Street on August 18th. Officers were dispatched to the gas station for a report of a person with a weapon threatening people inside. The caller informed officers that there was a man wearing brown pants with no shirt on who threatened the cashier with a knife before leaving the store. While officers were on their way to the scene, they found Branch walking on the shoulder of Ellington Parkway South dangerously close to traffic. Officers then observed Branch cross over the median and two lanes of traffic before walking onto the right shoulder of Ellington Parkway North. After this, officers made contact with Branch, who appeared intoxicated and was stumbling. Branch refused to comply with officers’ commands, so he was taken into custody and found to have a large fixed-blade knife in his front pants pocket. Officers then returned to the gas station and reviewed the camera footage. The footage showed Branch stumbling through the parking lot, dropping the large knife on the ground, and entering the store. While inside the store, Branch was pacing erratically, yelling at other customers and waving his arms aggressively. Officers then spoke with Dis, who stated he told Branch he needed to leave. Dis informed officers that Branch refused to leave, told Dis that he had a knife, and began yelling at him. Branch was then seen in the video pulling a large knife out and pointing it toward Dis. Dis told officers that Branch stated that he would kill him before leaving the store. Branch was then deemed the primary aggressor, and he was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and publicly intoxicated.

Antonio Pena jailed after drag racing on Gallatin Pike at over 80 mph

38-year-old Antonio Pena was caught speeding and drag-racing at the intersection of Gallatin Pike and McChesney Avenue on August 17th. When the officers arrived at the scene, they spoke with another officer who stated that he had observed a black Chevy and a black Camaro speeding excessively on Gallatin Pike. The officer mentioned that he was behind both vehicles as they approached a red light. Once the light turned green, both vehicles began to accelerate at a high speed, with the Camaro staying within the speed limit and the Chevy driving above it. The Chevy was estimated to be driving at approximately 80-85mph in a 40mph zone on Gallatin Pike. After this, the officers turned on their lights and spoke with Pena, who admitted he was racing the Camaro. As a result of this admission, Pena was taken into custody for drag racing.

Geovannie Rose threatens roommate after being locked out of apartment, tells her “Me gonna kill you!”

23-year-old Geovannie Rose was involved in a domestic altercation with his roommate, JonBenet Byrd, at a Pennington Avenue apartment on August 16th. On that day, Byrd reported to officers that her roommate threatened to break into the apartment. When the officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Byrd, who claimed that Rose had threatened to kill her. She also said that the two had been arguing about Rose not paying the $100 he owed her for rent and utilities while he lived in the apartment. Byrd informed officers that when Rose told her he would not pay, she told him he would have to grab his personal belongings and leave the apartment. After this, Rose left the apartment. Byrd mentioned that she asked the apartment complex to change her locks because she no longer wanted Rose to access the apartment using his copy of the key.

When Rose returned, he started knocking on the door and demanded that he be allowed to retrieve his items. Byrd advised officers that she told Rose that she did not feel comfortable being alone with him in the apartment. Byrd then told him he would have to call the police to be present when he was gathering his items. Byrd then claimed that Rose began banging on the door and threatening her, saying, “Me gonna kill you!” and” Bitch, I’m going to kill you!” Byrd claims that because of this, she informed Rose that she was calling the police. Rose then walked off from the apartment before the police arrived. Byrd told officers she is uncomfortable with Rose being in the apartment, as he is violent and has assaulted her in the past. A warrant was later issued, and Rose was taken into custody for Domestic assault and violating an order of protection on August 17th.

Tonya Boyle starts argument with ex-husband over him bringing his girlfriend home

52-year-old Tonya Boyle had a domestic altercation with her ex-husband, Charles Boyle, at their Shepherd Hills residence late August 16th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Charles, who advised them that Tonya resided in the unconnected portion of the basement at the address. Charles added that she did not have access to his portion of the building and that it had separate locks. Charles further explained that Tonya pulled into the driveway shortly after he did. Then, he said that while he was walking into the house with his girlfriend, Tonya became upset that she was there and started an argument. Tonya allegedly followed them to the door and insisted on entering the residence after Charles told her she was not welcome. However, Tonya pushed the door partially open, went inside, and refused to leave. The police observed her in his portion of the residence and detained her for the occurrence. Tonya Boyle was taken into custody for aggravated criminal trespass on August 17th.

John Gillett threatens man with gun, rams into his car during argument over trailer hitch

43-year-old John Gillett was caught after threatening Donald Longwood with a weapon after an argument near Siesta Living on Gallatin Pike South on August 18th. Officers were dispatched about a possible fight where they heard a male had flashed a weapon and was threatening someone with it. When officers arrived, they spoke with Longwood, who stated that the incident started over an issue with a trailer hitch. Longwood claims he had gotten permission to use the trailer hitch from a third party and was leaving their residence on Argyle Avenue. He stated this is when Gillett confronted him on the road and demanded the hitch back. Longwood informed officers that he was also Rammed by Gillett near Siesta Living on Gallatin Pike South. Which is when they both pulled over and argued about the hitch. During the argument, Gillett allegedly pulled out a black handgun and pointed it at Longwood. Gillet then put away the gun when police were called. Officers then spoke with Gillett, who also said the argument was over the trailer hitch because he believed Longwood was stealing it. Gillett admitted to officers that he followed him on Gallatin Pike South but claimed that Longwood intentionally struck his vehicle. After this, Gillett says they both pulled over, and Longwood approached him with an object in his hand. Gillett stated he showed his handgun in self-defense before he claimed Longwood went back to his truck. Officers then reviewed security footage of the incident, and it did not show the accident. However, it did show them arguing and Gillett taking a small drop hitch out of his truck bed and throwing it near Longwood. The footage then showed Gillett pulling a handgun from his pants and pointing it at Longwood. Officers noted that Longwood had nothing in his hands and did not appear to be an immediate threat. Due to the circumstances and the video evidence, Gillett was deemed the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Clayton Carpenter urinates on himself after passing out drunk on sidewalk

27-year-old Clayton Carpenter was seen publicly intoxicated after being slumped over unconscious on a public sidewalk on August 18th. Officers and medical staff found Carpenter unconscious on a public sidewalk. When they woke him up, they noticed he had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, unsteady balance, and a strong smell of alcohol coming from him. Upon questioning, Carpenter believed it was the wrong year and had no means to get home. Officers also noticed that Carpenter had urinated himself. Based on this, officers deemed Carpenter a danger to himself, and he was taken into custody and transported. During a search, officers found a small amount of marijuana inside a blue container on his person. Carpenter was charged with public intoxication and possession of a controlled substance.

Tyler Bidwell drunkenly harasses patrons & police officers outside of Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

31-year-old Tyler Lynn Bidwell flagged officers down for assistance on Broadway near Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar in the early hours of August 18th.  The police asked him how they could help him, and he said he would like to speak with a supervisor. During this, they observed Bidwell reeking of alcohol and showing signs of intoxication as he further explained that he wanted to know why they had a group of individuals detained. Officers responded by explaining that they were engaging with members of the community and that the individuals were free to go at any time. Then, Bidwell asked for a supervisor again. After being questioned about the nature of the request, Bidwell said, “I do not answer questions.” After several requests without a reason, officers called for a supervisor. Officers were informed that due to a high volume of service calls, they would not be able to come to the scene. The officers tried to see if they could assist Bidwell, but he refused to answer their questions. Then, they determined that he did not need their help and walked away. After this, Bidwell went to Broadway Brewhouse Downtown and started antagonizing the people speaking with officers by getting in their faces with his cell phone. The group attempted to get Bidwell to leave peacefully, but he continued to pester them about talking to the police. The individuals then went to officers and complained about Bidwell’s actions, stating that he was annoying them. Bidwell was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.