Rafael Floogly covers sidewalk in trash to show people grass can grow on Broadway #LetItGrow!

22-year-old Rafael Floogly threw food and trash onto the sidewalk near 5th and Broadway late August 21st. Officers received a call regarding this and were informed that Floogly was obstructing the passageway for passersby with the litter. The police located Floogly, who was surrounded by garbage and acting erratically. He then admitted to throwing trash on the ground to show people that it could help grass grow on concrete. Floogly stated that he had taken drugs, and after they told him to pick up the litter, he dropped to the floor and started retrieving it with his mouth. Floogly was then taken into custody for public intoxication on August 22nd.

Jeriane Minor jailed after assaulting daughter & destroying her phone during altercation

34-year-old Jeriane Alexus Minor had a domestic altercation with her juvenile daughter at their 14th Avenue South residence shortly after midnight on August 17th. Jeriane called 911, stating her daughter was running around slamming doors inside the house because she had gotten her phone taken away. Officers arrived and spoke with Jeriane, who told them that she confiscated her daughter’s phone after she had been screaming and acting up for hours. Then, Jeriane further explained that she initially “whooped” her daughter with a belt and told her to go to bed. However, her daughter did not calm down and grabbed her sister’s phone despite not being allowed to. Jeriane stated that after her daughter grabbed her sister’s phone, her sister began crying. After this, Jeriane said she told her daughter to stop yelling several times and to sleep in the living room. Jeriane then grabbed a wrench and smashed her daughter’s phone as punishment. Jeriane told officers that this caused her daughter to become more upset and charge at her. Jeriane said she believed her daughter was attacking her, so she struck her once in the face. Her daughter responded by balling her fists up and acting as if she would fight Jeriane. Then, Jeriane stated that her son tried holding her daughter back to keep them from each other. After this, Jeriane mentioned that her boyfriend, Ronald Pillo, was present for the incident but was unclear about his actions. Pillo tried retrieving the phone from her daughter after she tried leaving the house with it. Jeriane added that she grabbed her daughter’s shirt as she was leaving the residence and attempted to get her cell phone. Then, after her daughter left, Jeriane locked the door so she could not return inside. Jeriane told the police that she eventually opened the door for her daughter because she was outside screaming and she was afraid of waking up their neighbors. Jeriane said that after this, she had called 911.

Officers then spoke with Jeriane’s son, who agreed with his mother’s version of events. He stated that he held his sister back from assaulting his mother. He added that Jeriane hit his sister with her fist and not the wrench she was holding. After this, the police spoke with Jeriane’s daughter, who stated that she and her brother were arguing but that Jeriane only scolded her. Then, Jeriane’s daughter said she went to her room following the dispute. She added that her mother entered her bedroom and started arguing with her before taking her phone away. Jeriane’s daughter said her mother told her to lie down, but she went outside for forty minutes instead. Then, Jeriane’s daughter told officers that after she returned from outside, she wanted to use the TV. However, she explained that she needed to use a phone as a remote since the TV’s remote did not work. Jeriane’s daughter stated she then used her sister’s phone, which made her sister cry and tell their mother about it. After this, she said that Jeriane hit her with a belt about four times. She noted that this left visible marks on her right wrist, left bicep, and right thigh. She added that Jeriane then told her to sleep on the couch. Jeriane’s daughter stated that she started arguing with her brother again, after which Jeriane damaged her cell phone as punishment. Then, Jeriane’s daughter said she went onto the porch for about three minutes. She stated that when she came back inside, Jeriane punched her in the face three times. Jeriane’s daughter added that her mother was holding something in her fist and that part of it was impacting her face during the strikes. She went into detail, stating that she was punched once in the left eye, once in the right eye, and then the mouth. Officers observed bruising, redness, and swelling consistent with her account of being struck by a belt and Jeriane’s fist. When NFD medics arrived to inspect Jeriane’s daughter, they determined it would be best if she went to the hospital. Then, Jeriane agreed to let her daughter go to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and said she would rather sleep than accompany her. Officers were advised to arrest Minor and contact DCS to ensure a guardian was present for the juveniles. Minor was later taken into custody for child abuse on August 19th.

Maya Karwowska kicks man in the nuts after Loser’s Bar kicks her out

28-year-old Maya Karwowska was involved in an altercation with Anthony Couch outside Loser’s Bar on Broadway on August 20th. Once officers arrived and spoke with Couch, he stated that Karwowska had hit him with her bag after they kicked her out. Couch added that she kicked him in the groin as well. When officers met with Karwowska, she admitted to hitting Couch and stated that she did so because he was yelling at her. Officers reported that it seemed like Karwowska was on some narcotic and placed her in custody. Karwowska was later charged with assault on August 21st.

Joshua Nava punches girlfriend & throws her belongings during argument over car

22-year-old Joshua Nava was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Diane Wright, at their apartment on August 19th. When officers came into contact with Wright, she stated that the altercation stemmed from Nava being late for work and them having only one car. Wright told officers that after an argument, Nava drove away and left Wright and their child outside with no keys to their apartment. Once Nava came back, another argument started. Wright stated that during this argument, she began loading items into the vehicle as she also had to go to work. Seeing this, Nava picked up a tote bag belonging to Wright and threw it across the parking lot. In return, she threw an item belonging to Nava across the parking lot. Wright told officers that once she sat down in the car, Nava grabbed her out of it. Wright said as Nava did this, he was scratching and clawing her in the face and chest. A witness of the incident, Ms. Tabor, confirmed that there was an argument and said that she had observed Nava grabbing Wright. The witness also added that she had seen Nava balling up his fist and hitting Wright in her face. Nava was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Jon Brotherton drunkenly destroys Vision of Life Outreach’s glass front door during altercation

39-year-old Jon Brotherton destroyed Vision of Life Outreach’s glass front door on September 27th, 2020. When officers arrived and spoke with a witness of the incident, Ronnie Smiley, he stated that Brotherton came inside to worship. While Brotherton was there, it was reported that he became disorderly, so he was asked to leave, which he did. Brotherton later returned and kicked the glass front door. This caused it to shatter and give Brotherton a laceration on his foot. Once officers came into contact with Brotherton, he confessed to them that he had been drinking earlier in the night. Officers then cited Brotherton for the occurrence that day. Brotherton was later booked on the citation of disorderly conduct and charged with public intoxication on August 19th, 2024.

Alvin Taylor II steals $5,953 worth of electronics with help of employee at Walmart

43-year-old Alvin Taylor II stole from the Hamilton Church Road Walmart multiple times between July 7th and August 19th with the assistance of an employee, Jazmine Reed. On August 20th, an employee of Walmart’s asset protection team called 911 to the location. The employee advised that Jackson admitted to stealing $5,953 worth of merchandise, including three PlayStation 5s, five MacBook laptops, one iPad, and four Series 9 Apple Watches. When officers arrived, the asset protection employee provided them with a handwritten list, labeling the value of each stolen item, and informed them that Walmart wished to press charges. Under Miranda, Taylor II refused to speak with the police or answer their questions. Then, officers observed still photos showing Taylor II with what is believed to be the merchandise in question before walking past the points of sale on July 7th, August 12th, August 15th, and August 19th.

While on the scene, officers interviewed Reed, who, Under Miranda, stated that Taylor II approached her about a month ago. Reed said Taylor II asked her to give him electronics that she had the key to access. Then, she said Taylor II told her he intended to pay for the electronic items upfront at a different register. Reed added that she complied with Taylor II’s requests but became skeptical after he asked numerous times. Reed advised that she did not know he was stealing the merchandise when she gave it to him. However, Taylor II told officers she knew he was not paying for the electronics. Taylor II was then taken into custody for theft on August 21st.

Sean Noon unable to pay tab at MJ’s Cool Spot after drinking $76 worth of alcohol & behaving “creepily” towards woman

45-year-old Sean Noon was unable to pay his tab MJ’s Chill Spot on August 19th. When officers arrived, they observed Noon being detained by the bar’s security. After speaking with a witness, the officers were informed that Noon was behaving “creepily” towards her. She stated Noon began grabbing her shirt while pushing her. The witness stated that other people saw this behavior from Noon. She stated bar patrons came to her defense and escorted Noon off the premises. The witness informed officers that she did not wish to prosecute. Officers then spoke with the bartender to learn what led to the altercation. The bartender told officers that Noon bought $76.76 worth of alcohol but had no way to pay for it. When Noon could not find a way to pay, security told him that he had to figure it out and that he was not free to leave. When officers came into contact with Noon, they observed several signs of intoxication. Noon was then taken into custody to prevent further incidents. After being transported to booking, Noon was charged with public intoxication and theft.

DUI: Amanda Loreman crashes car after having glass of wine with dinner

33-year-old Amanda Loreman was caught driving under the influence after being involved in a car crash near Sapphire & Sage on Gallatin Pike on August 20th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Loreman. She admitted that she was the driver of one of the vehicles involved. Loreman claimed that while she was driving down Gallatin Pike, she was hit by someone. While speaking with Loreman, officers noticed the faint smell of alcohol on her breath. Officers also noticed she was unsteady on her feet and her eyes were bloodshot. When asked if she had anything to drink, Loreman admitted to officers that she had a glass of wine with dinner. Officers then asked Loreman to perform sobriety tests, which she consented to. However, she performed poorly and showed numerous signs of impairment. Loreman was then taken into custody for driving under the influence and refusing implied consent on August 21st.

Jeremiah Jackson yells at patrons outside Red Door Saloon East after refusing to go home

34-year-old Jeremiah Jackson caused a disturbance at The Red Door Saloon on Forest Avenue late August 20th. Employees at the establishment alerted the authorities, advising them that Jackson had been kicked out of the bar due to his behavior. They added that he continued to stand outside, yelling at patrons as they entered. When officers approached Jackson, they noticed he reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Officers then asked Jackson if he had a ride home or could order a taxi. Jackson told them that he could, but he refused to do so. After several unsuccessful attempts to get Jackson a ride home, he was detained. Jackson was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Damion McKenzie indicted by Grand Jury for multiple charges of aggravated child abuse

A Davidson County Grand Jury has indicted 36-year-old Damion McKenzie for four counts of aggravated child abuse and one count of aggravated child neglect on or between the dates of May 1st, 2023, and May 11th, 2023. The indictment alleges that McKenzie knowingly treated his at the time five-month-old child in a way that resulted in serious injury. McKenzie was taken into custody for four counts of aggravated child abuse and one count of aggravated child neglect on August 17th. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $75,000.

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