Sandra Martinez booked after speeding down I-65 North, tells officers she was “late for work”

29-year-old Sandra Servin Martinez was speeding on I-65 North near Harding Place on July 15th. Officers observed Martinez going 84 mph in a 65 mph zone and following vehicles at an unsafe distance, so they conducted a traffic stop. Martinez was slow to respond to officers attempting to pull her over. During the stop, Martinez told officers she had no driver’s license and could only provide a Mexican Consular card. She also stated she was “late for work”, explaining that she was not paying attention and could not hear their sirens. Martinez was then cited for the incident that day. Martinez was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 12th.

DUI: Matthew Hils crashes car after having 10 drinks at Mickey’s Tavern

30-year-old Matthew Hils was involved in a single-vehicle car accident at the intersection of Music Valley Drive and Pennington Center Boulevard on August 16th. When officers arrived, they reported that Hils’ vehicle was around 75 feet off the roadway and that he was the only occupant. After the Nashville Fire Department arrived and extracted Hils from his car, they tended to the wound on his chin. As officers were speaking to Hils about the crash, they reported that they smelt a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. Hils then admitted to law enforcement that he had consumed “10 drinks” at Mickey’s Tavern before he started driving. After being transported to Skyline Hospital for his injuries, Hils was charged with driving under the influence.

Nathan Clay tells police he’s smoking “right now” during traffic stop

29-year-old Nathan Clay was stopped in his black 2011 Hyundai Sonata by law enforcement at I-24 East on July 18th. Once officers approached Clay, they reported that they noticed the smell of marijuana coming from inside his vehicle. When officers inquired about the last time he smoked in the car, Clay’s immediate response was, “Right now.” During a search of Clay’s vehicle, authorities discovered 31 grams of marijuana and a grinder. Officers cited him for the violation that day. Clay was later booked on the citation of simple possession on August 13th.

William Chastain blocks multiple traffic lanes with garbage, tells police he was “tired of being shot at with pellet guns”

42-year-old William Chastain was caught blocking the Briley Parkway Exit Ramp with trash and shopping carts, hindering cars from traveling in the early hours of August 15th. When officers arrived, they noticed that Chastain tossed gravel and additional garbage onto the northbound Dickerson Pike travel lane. Then, the police spoke with Chastain, and he told them that he was “tired of being shot at with pellet guns” by passing cars. Chastain was then taken into custody for aggravated littering and disorderly conduct.

Colin Hefner assaults roommate for backing away when he attempted to hug him

36-year-old Colin Hefner had an altercation with Alberto Roman at his Bakertown Road residence on July 18th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Alberto Roman and two witnesses. One of the witnesses said Hefner had approached Alberto and started talking to him. Alberto stated that Hefner was getting too close, so he kept backing up. Then, while Alberto and Hefner continued their conversation, Hefner attempted to hug him. Alberto responded by moving away and asking Hefner what he was doing. After this, Hefner told Alberto he was trying to hug him, then raised his hand as if he were going to punch him. Hefner said that he was playing but hit Alberto’s left eye. Hefner was then cited for the occurrence. Hefner was later booked on the citation of assault on August 13th.

Orlando Farquharson sends himself $40 from girlfriend’s bank account while she was asleep

33-year-old Orlando Farquharson transferred money from his girlfriend, Christina Barclay’s bank account on August 15th. Barclay told responding officers that while she was asleep, Farquharson took her phone and left the house. Barclay further explained that he transferred $40 from her account to a Cash app he could use while he was gone. Barclay added that Farquharson did not have access to her bank account and that she did not know how he obtained her password. Officers then interviewed Farquharson, who admitted to taking Barclay’s phone and money without her permission. Farquharson stated he could not withdraw the money because the card was locked. Farquharson added that he intended to take the cash but did not think Barclay would mind. Farquharson also noted that he had not done this before in their two-year relationship. Farquharson was taken into custody for a computer fraud violation.

Heather Mclemore found screaming & crying in roadway after using meth

38-year-old Heather Mclemore was seen sitting in the middle of Boyds Hill Top Drive on August 15th. When officers arrived, they observed Mclemore crying and screaming about her life. While officers interacted with Mclemore, they reported that she was being very incoherent and that she was acting very erratic. Mclemore was presented with the option of medical assistance, but she declined. Mclemore then confessed that she had used methamphetamine that day. Officers deemed that Mclemore was a danger to herself and others, so she was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Mary Beard refuses to identify herself after causing disturbance at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

36-year-old Mary Beth Beard caused a disturbance at Vanderbilt University Medical Center late August 15th. Officers were dispatched regarding a possible assault in progress. However, officers did not observe any signs of a scuffle when they arrived. Officers did notice two parties arguing, so they broke it up and interviewed them. During questioning, officers asked for their identification. One of the individuals provided their ID, while the other, later identified as Beard, did not. After this, Beard was handcuffed, searched, and taken to the Downtown Detention Center. Beard was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct on August 16th. 

Eric De Basiliio jailed for attempting to take his wife’s car keys after passing out drunk at Easton Apartments

35-year-old Eric De Basiliio was found on the floor in the hallway of Easton Apartments late August 14th. Medics flagged down officers, advising them there was a man down, later identified as Eric. When the police arrived, they observed Eric getting up from the ground. Officers noted Eric reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. After Eric refused medical treatment, his wife and officers tried helping him to bed. However, he decided to walk back into the parking lot, where he followed his wife and attempted to take her car keys. Eric De Basiliio was then deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication on August 15th.

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