Jacoby Lovett causes scene at Opry Mills Mall after not being able to provide ID

26-year-old Jacoby Lovett was seen criminally trespassing after refusing to leave the Opry Mills Mall on Opry Mills Road on September 10th, 2022. On that day, Lovett entered the mall and was asked by security to show identification because no one under 18 was allowed inside the mall past a certain time. Lovett could not show ID, so the officers asked him to leave, which he did. As Lovett was leaving, he began causing a scene. A few moments later, Lovett reappeared and attempted to walk past security without showing his ID. He was stopped, became loud and disorderly, and asked security officers to step outside to “handle it.” The officers complied, and Lovett began yelling at them. One of the officers placed his hand on his weapon but did not draw it. Lovett then told the officer, “I got one of those too.” Prompting the officer to call for backup, which promptly arrived and detained Lovett. Lovett was then issued a citation for criminal trespassing due to the incident. Lovett did not appear in court and was later booked on the citation for criminal trespass on August 8th, 2024.

Eswar Rao Akula jailed after police discover google account with over 200 files of child sexual abuse material

25-year-old Eswar Rao Akula was identified as the owner of a Google account with several files of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) on June 5th. Officers received four cyber tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), stating that the same Google account with the name “Eswar Rao” connected to Akula’s phone number had over 100 files of CSAM. Then, Google provided a Comcast Cable IP address to log into or upload the CSAM files to his account. Officers later confirmed the IP address was assigned to Akula’s Church Street Apartment address after locating his driver’s license. A search warrant was sent to Google for the full content of the account. Then, officers found over 200 CSAM files showing prepubescent girls engaged in sexual activity. One video showed what appeared to be a toddler-aged female, who was still wearing a diaper, performing fellatio on an adult. Akula was then taken into custody for the sexual exploitation of a minor on August 8th.

Mia Abrams threatens neighbor with metal pole during altercation

32-year-old Mia Abrams caused a disturbance at Betty Schoenberg’s Highlander Court residence on July 1st. Schoenberg reported that she was working in her garden when Abrams came outside and started threatening her. Schoenberg further explained that Abrams brandished a metal pole toward her, which frightened her. A warrant was then issued for Abrams’s arrest. Then, Abrams was booked on a summons and charged with disorderly conduct on August 6th.

Russell Vacherlon caught making 4-year-old girl “suck his crotch” after confessing to pastor

65-year-old Russell Vacherlon, customer service center manager of the Grand Ole Opry, was caught sexually exploiting a 4-year-old child on August 8th. On July 3rd, Vacherlon contacted a pastor and confessed that he had molested a juvenile. Vacherlon told the pastor that he was rubbing the child and that he took it inappropriately. When the pastor advised that Vacherlon needed to report this to law enforcement, Vacherlon became upset and ended the call because he believed their talk would be confidential. On July 8th, detectives received additional information from the victim’s father. The victim’s father informed officers that he walked in on Vacherlon, scrambling to get up and put his pants on.

The victim’s father also saw his daughter with her pants and underwear to her knees. After taking his daughter to a safe place, he spoke with her about the incident. The victim told her father this was not the first time that this occurred. On July 16th, during a forensic interview, the victim told officers that Vacherlon had been making her “suck his crotch” and that he had been “licking her butt.” The victim stated that this had happened twice. The victim disclosed that she called Vacherlon “Happy” and that “Happy” had made her “suck his crotch” before her father walked in. The incident occurred twice at Vacherlon’s house. Vacherlon was later taken into custody and charged with two counts of aggravated rape of a child on August 8th. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $200,000.

Miguel Fielden booked after stealing sex toy from Spencer’s at Opry Mills Mall

19-year-old Miguel Fielden was caught after stealing at the Opry Mills Mall on Opry Mills Drive on July 20th. On that day, an Employee of Opry Mills reported that he had observed Fielden steal from Spencer’s. The employee stated they observed Fielden open the box to a sex toy, conceal it on his person, and flee the scene by walking past all points of sale. Fielding was then found and issued a citation that day. Fielden was later booked on the citation for theft on August 6th.

DUI: Michael Rodgers hits Trolley attempting to go around it, tells police he “did not quite make it”

48-year-old Michael Rodgers drove his silver Dodge Ram into the left rear corner of a trolley tour bus on Representative John Lewis Way in the afternoon hours of August 8th. When officers arrived, they spoke with a few passengers on the tour bus and confirmed that Rodgers had struck their bus before pointing him out as the driver. Rodgers told the police he was trying to get around the bus but “did not quite make it.” During their interaction, officers noticed Rodgers showed signs of impairment and reeked of alcohol. Then, Rodgers provided them with a paper copy of his license but could not locate any of his other driver’s credentials. When officers prompted Rodgers with sobriety tests, he initially refused and just wanted to go to the hospital for a blood draw. Then, Rodgers performed poorly on the sobriety tests he attempted before telling officers he did not wish to continue. Rodgers was transported to Saint Thomas Midtown and taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Joy Woolman throws computer hard drive at roommate’s face because he was behind on rent

25-year-old Joy Woolman had a domestic altercation with her roommate, Alfred B Caston, at their shared residence on July 10th. Caston reported that Woolman had become upset with him because he was behind on rent. Caston further explained that he went outside to talk on his phone, during which Woolman threw several of his belongings outside the door. Then, he said that she came back outside with an external computer hard drive and threw it at the left side of his face, leaving a large bruise. A warrant was issued for Woolman’s arrest. Then, instead of an arrest warrant, a criminal summons was obtained for her arrest. Woolman was booked on a summons and charged with domestic assault on August 6th.

Daniel Merlin Jr. hits father in head with bottle during argument over lighter

26-year-old Daniel Anthony Merlin Jr. had a domestic altercation with his father, Daniel Merlin, on August 8th. Responding officers spoke with Merlin Jr., who admitted to attacking his father and hitting him over the head with a bottle. Merlin Jr. noted that this is what caused him to start bleeding.

Daniel Merlin told officers that he and his son argued over a lighter. Then, Daniel Merlin further explained that Merlin Jr. became angry and approached him with a knife. Daniel Merlin stated his son threatened him with the knife before putting it down. After this, Daniel Merlin stated that Merlin Jr. hit him in the head and advised officers that he wanted to press charges for the occurrence. Daniel A. Merlin Jr. was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Geran Yelleh gives officer Togolese passport after speeding down I-24 West in Hyundai Elantra at 90 mph

20-year-old Geran Manyodewa Yelleh was observed speeding in his red Hyundai Elantra on I-24 West near Harding Place on July 8th. Officers noticed Yelleh going 90 mph in a 70 mph zone. Officers observed Yelleh changing lanes aggressively without a turning signal. In response, officers conducted a traffic stop. During the stop, Yelleh admitted to not having a license and handed them a Togolese Passport. Yelleh did not have insurance for his Hyundai Elantra, a license plate, and did not have any registration documentation. Yelleh was then cited for the occurrence that day. Yelleh was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 5th.

Gabriel Ballesteros punches man in head while drunkenly banging on random doors

34-year-old Gabriel Ballesteros caused a disturbance at an Aaronwood Drive residence on August 8th. The resident called 911, stating there was a male, later identified as Ballesteros, who was banging on his door and acting violently. When officers arrived, they located Ballesteros standing next to two vehicles at another Aaronwood Drive residence. Officers then detained him for the incident. Officers spoke with the complainant, who further explained that he had left his house for a walk and was confronted by Ballesteros. He added that Ballesteros appeared very intoxicated and agitated before punching him in the head.

After this, the complainant said he went home. However, Ballesteros followed him and started banging on his door while talking to himself. The complainant added that he did not want to press charges for the alleged assault. Then, officers spoke with an additional resident, who told them that he had seen Ballesteros banging on his door as well. When the police talked to Ballesteros, they noticed he showed signs of impairment before admitting to being inebriated and having a physical altercation with the complainant. Ballesteros was then taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication on August 9th.

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