Blake Etchison caught selling alcohol & cocaine in front of Deja Vu Showgirls

30-year-old Blake Etchison was caught selling alcohol and cocaine from his black SUV in front of Deja Vu Showgirls on Church Street. Undercover agents approached Etchison and purchased a bottle of Tequila 1800, a small bottle of Tito’s Vodka, and a small bag of cocaine for $250. Etchison was then apprehended. While in custody, Etchison informed the agents that there was a pistol and an AR in his truck. Officers cited him for the violation that day. Etchison was later booked on the citation and charged with unlawful sale of alcoholic beverages, 2 counts of weapon possession during dangerous felony, and possession of cocaine on August 26th.

Emma Parish jailed after leaving infant alone outside in 97 degree heat for over an hour

31-year-old Emma Parish and Michael Gillum-Kent reportedly left their infant child outside in an unattended car seat at the Dickerson Pike Apartments on the afternoon of August 27th. When officers arrived, they observed Parish and Gillum-Kent carrying their three-week-old infant in a car seat. Then, the police spoke with the complainant, Tim Shadwick. He stated that he saw an infant in a car seat with a blanket over him while Gillum-Kent and Parish worked on a vehicle in the parking lot about three spaces away. Shadwick added that while on the phone with 911, he heard the baby crying in distress while Gillum-Kent and Parish continued working on the vehicle. He told officers that he observed the child in the car seat for about twenty minutes before alerting the authorities at 1:57 p.m. Then, the police spoke with Alexis Frierson, the apartment complex manager, who said she was going to lunch at 1:34 p.m. and saw the infant in the car seat outside on the sidewalk. At the same time, Gillum-Kent and Parish were working on their vehicle. Then, Frierson showed officers footage showing Gillum-Kent and Parish starting to work on the car at 1:01 p.m. This meant the three-week-old baby had been outside, unattended, for over an hour before the police arrived. After this, officers spoke with Parish and Gillum-Kent, who stated they had only been outside for thirty minutes. Parish said they put their infant in the shade while working on vehicles. Then, the police called Nashville EMS to assess the child and ensure he was not dehydrated. When they arrived, EMS told Parish that her child should see a doctor, but she refused further treatment. Due to the temperature being 97 degrees and the heat index being 100 degrees, their seven-pound infant’s health was at risk. Parish was taken into custody for child neglect.

Michael Kent jailed after leaving infant alone outside in 97 degree heat for over an hour

24-year-old Michael Gillum-Kent and Emma Parish reportedly left their infant child outside in an unattended car seat at the Dickerson Pike Apartments on the afternoon of August 27th. When officers arrived, they observed Parish and Gillum-Kent carrying their three-week-old infant in a car seat. Then, the police spoke with the complainant, Tim Shadwick. He stated that he saw an infant in a car seat with a blanket over him while Gillum-Kent and Parish worked on a vehicle in the parking lot about three spaces away. Shadwick added that while on the phone with 911, he heard the baby crying in distress while Gillum-Kent and Parish continued working on the vehicle. He told officers that he observed the child in the car seat for about twenty minutes before alerting the authorities at 1:57 p.m. Then, the police spoke with Alexis Frierson, the apartment complex manager, who said she was going to lunch at 1:34 p.m. and saw the infant in the car seat outside on the sidewalk. At the same time, Gillum-Kent and Parish were working on their vehicle. Then, Frierson showed officers footage showing Gillum-Kent and Parish starting to work on the car at 1:01 p.m. This meant the three-week-old baby had been outside, unattended, for over an hour before the police arrived. After this, officers spoke with Parish and Gillum-Kent, who stated they had only been outside for thirty minutes. Parish said they put their infant in the shade while working on vehicles. Then, the police called Nashville EMS to assess the child and ensure he was not dehydrated. When they arrived, EMS told Parish that her child should see a doctor, but she refused further treatment. Due to the temperature being 97 degrees and the heat index being 100 degrees, their seven-pound infant’s health was at risk. Gillum-Kent was taken into custody for child neglect and two counts of violating probation.

Coty Gillson assaults girlfriend while she’s holding her children during argument

32-year-old Coty Gillson had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Karlee Mitchell, at her residence on June 29th, 2023. On July 15th, 2023, Mitchell filed a police report stating she and Gillson had verbally argued. During the dispute, Mitchell said she walked into her walk-in closet, and Gillson held the door, refusing to open it while yelling at her. Then, Mitchell said that after Gillson had let her out, she had asked him for her son. Mitchell stated that Gillson handed her son to her. Mitchell then started walking out of the room with her son and daughter. While she was carrying her kids, Gillson pushed her from behind, knocking her into a door and causing pain to her elbow. She added that her daughter fell out of her arms and bruised her knee. A warrant was then issued for Gillson’s arrest that day. Gillson was later taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault on August 28th, 2024.

Janea Roberston punches girlfriend in face during altercation over her keys

25-year-old Janea Monique Roberston was involved in a domestic incident with her girlfriend, Tiloni Tia White, on August 29th. Officers arrived and spoke with White. She told police that during an argument, Roberston locked her out and attempted to walk away with her keys. White stated that once she tried to get her keys back, Roberston turned around and punched her in the face. While speaking with White, officers reported that they noticed swelling in her right eye, consistent with her statements. When Roberston arrived and spoke with the police, she stated that nothing happened and that she didn’t need the officers’ assistance. Roberston was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

John Wiggins drunkenly threatens to kill wife for not answering his phone calls

45-year-old John Matt Wiggins had a domestic incident with his wife, Melissa Wiggins, at their Elmont Terrace residence late July 7th. Responding officers spoke with Melissa, who stated that John had been drinking at their neighbor’s house and was intoxicated. She added that due to past incidents with John being drunk, she felt unsafe with him being home with the children. Melissa went into detail, saying that John had been annoying in the past and that no one could sleep. Then, Melissa told the police that she had taken their children and had left the residence to stay at a friend’s house. She said when she arrived at her friend’s home, John called her, but she did not answer. After this, Melissa showed officers text messages from John where he threatened to kill her for not answering his calls. Melissa stated the messages placed her in fear for her life. She stated that she wanted to press charges for the occurrence. A warrant was issued for John’s arrest on July 8th. John Matt Wiggins was later taken into custody for domestic assault on August 27th.

Javier Calles-Contreras jailed after stealing multiple motorcycles from Mid Tenn Powersports

28-year-old Javier Calles-Contreras was involved in the burglary of Mid Tenn Powersports on August 27th. Detectives from the Lebanon Police Department contacted MNPD, informing them that Mid Tenn Powersports was burglarized at 1:00 a.m. on August 27th. They stated that four motorcycles and other merchandise were announced stolen. The detectives were later provided surveillance footage of a black 2006 Chevy Colorado entering and leaving the location. The Chevy Colorado tags led to a residence on Parton Place in Antioch, so detectives were dispatched to investigate the incident. When detectives arrived, they observed a red Honda CRF50F inside the residence’s open garage door. This matched one of the motorcycles stolen from Mid Tenn Powersports. The garage door was closed once someone inside the residence noticed detectives outside. After a brief moment, the garage door opened again, and Contreras was observed pushing the dirt bike into the driveway with assistance from another person. Contreras proceeded to ride around the neighborhood and then come back to the driveway. Once he returned to his house, he let another person ride it around the neighborhood until detectives decided to conduct an investigative stop. Detectives detained Contreras while they checked the VIN on the CRF50F, which came back as the one from the burglary. The value of the Honda CRF50F was approximated at $1,700. Contreras was then taken into custody for theft.

Dallas Parker threatens ex-girlfriend’s neighbor after altercation, tells her “You’re dead too! Ugly a** b*tch!”

29-year-old Dallas Parker was involved in a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Talea Megna, at their Charter Village apartment on August 26th. One of Parker’s downstairs neighbors, Alexandrea Garrison, contacted law enforcement. Garrison stated that Megna had texted her to call the police because she and Parker were arguing. When officers arrived, they spoke with Parker and Megna. The couple stated that they had been arguing but that it didn’t require police assistance, so officers left. Shortly after the officers left, Garrison called the police again. Garrison stated that Parker had come to her door and began loudly knocking while shouting in the hallway. Garrison shared with officers that she believed Parker was angry because he discovered she had contacted the police regarding his girlfriend. Once officers arrived again, Garrison provided them with Ring doorbell footage of Parker knocking on her door and saying, “You’re dead too! ugly a** b*tch!” After officers made contact with Parker again, he was taken into custody for disorderly conduct on August 27th.

Navonte Parks punches baby mama in face at daughter’s soccer game

30-year-old Navonte Parks had a domestic altercation with the mother of his child, Taineshua House, and their daughter during a school soccer game at Frederick Douglass Park in the early hours of August 24th. House told the police she was sitting behind her daughter on the benches, and Parks was sitting on her right side. House said that she asked Parks to turn their daughter around so she could wipe her face. This was when Parks grabbed their daughter’s arm, swung her forcefully around to face House, and became upset with her. House added that Parks started yelling and punched her once on the right side of her face. Their daughter’s coach, Karl Hampton, saw the scuffle and separated them. Officers then spoke with their daughter, who said Parks grabbed her by the arm. After this, the police called Hampton, who stated that he heard yelling and saw Parks shoving House, so he intervened and stopped it. Hampton went into detail, saying that he had to hold Parks back from going after House. House wants to press charges for her and her daughter and is seeking an order of protection. Parks was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault on August 28th.

Freddy Kibukila slaps his wife & hits her with bag during altercation

28-year-old Freddy Kibukila was involved in a domestic disturbance with his wife, Emmanuel Joseph, at their Paddock at Grandview apartment on August 28th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they came into contact and spoke with Kibukila. Kibukila told officers that he and Joseph got into an argument after he found an item in his room damaged when he came home from work. During the altercation, Kibukila recounted that he was seated on the couch, crying, when suddenly, Joseph approached and struck him in the face. Officers then made contact with Kibukila’s stepson, a witness to the incident, who reported that he had to step in front of Joseph to get Kibukila to stop hitting her. Joseph added that Kibukila hit the witness, and she had to swing a lanyard at Kibukila to defend him. Joseph stated that this led to them swinging items at each other. Officers were later provided with a video of both parties. The video showed Kibukila swiping at Joseph and swinging his bag at her as she swung her lanyard. Once the altercation stopped, another argument was observed in which Kibukila slapped Joseph unprovoked. Officers determined that Kibukila was the primary aggressor, so he was taken into custody for domestic assault.