Richard Hargrove booked for involvement in illegal gambling den in Joelton, TN

78-year-old Richard Hargrove was involved in an illegal gambling operation on Gifford Place in Joelton, TN on July 10th. Once officers executed their search warrant and came into contact with Hargrove, he admitted to his involvement in the gambling scheme. Officers cited him for the violation that day. Hargrove was then booked booked on the citation of gambling promotion on August 5th.

William Thomsen takes steaming dump while naked inside Bridgestone Arena parking garage

On August 6th, 59-year-old William Thomsen was spotted completely naked and refusing to leave the Bridgestone Arena parking garage. Officers arrived and made contact with Thomsen, who was outside of the parking garage but still on the property. Thomsen immediately confessed to defecating in the garage when speaking to officers, explaining that he had no other place to do it. Thomsen went on to tell officers that he wouldn’t leave and that he would be back later. Thomsen later also told officers that he wanted to go to jail. Officers took Thomsen into custody and transported him to booking, where he was charged with public intoxication, public indecency, and criminal trespassing.

Paz Trejo violates baby mama’s order of protection by repeatedly following her around

33-year-old Paz Wilkin Trejo violated an order of protection served to him on May 20th, 2024, that the mother of his child, Cynthia Lopez, had against him on August 6th. Lopez called officers to her Hamilton Creek apartment on Hamilton Church Road and told them she had noticed Trejo following her multiple times over the last few days. Lopez further explained that when she suspected Trejo of following her, she pulled into The Knights Inn parking lot and took a photo of him entering after. Lopez said that Trejo took pictures of her, her friend, and her friend’s license plate. Then, Lopez gave officers a list of dates she had seen him coming up behind her apartment. After this, while officers were heading to night court to obtain an arrest warrant for Trejo on Lopez’s behalf, they noticed Trejo sitting in his car in the Hamilton Creek Apartment parking lot. The police report stated Trejo had his mother dropping off his and Lopez’s child to Lopez. Then, officers detained Trejo for questioning, and, under Miranda, he told them he knew he was not supposed to be there but that he had no choice because he had to drop off their child. Trejo was arrested and taken into custody for an order of protection violation.

Jameson Jones caught with multiple marijuana vape pens after running red light on Broadway

19-year-old Jameson Jones was caught with marijuana after running a red light at the intersection of Broadway and 16th Avenue on July 11th. Officers observed the vehicle running the red light at the intersection and initiated a traffic stop. Upon making contact and speaking with Jones, officers noticed the strong smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. When asked, Jones admitted to officers that the last time he smoked marijuana was “Two days ago.” Officers then proceeded to search the vehicle, where they found five marijuana vape pens and a scale. Jameson also confirmed to officers that the pens were marijuana and not CBD. Jones also admitted that he used the scale to weigh his marijuana. Jones was then cited for the incident that day. Jones was later booked on the citation for possession of an illicit substance on August 5th.

Ali Sarieh flees police after doing donuts in Logistics Way parking lot

19-year-old Ali Sarieh was identified as a driver who was drag racing in the parking lot on Logistics Way in the early hours of August 4th. Upon arrival, officers noticed the vehicle doing “donuts” and activated their lights. When the occupants saw the police, one jumped into the vehicle. After this, officers tried conducting a stop, but Sarieh sped away and turned a corner into a dead-end. While the police approached the vehicle, two occupants fled the scene. After being detained, Sarieh told officers that his friends told him to run and that he was looking for an exit. Sarieh was then taken into custody for evading arrest by motor vehicle and reckless driving.

DUI: Kriti Pokharel hands officers her debit card during traffic stop, tells them she “had only one beer”

26-year-old Kriti Pokharel was observed driving her black Toyota Camry without headlights on the Korean Veterans Bridge in the early hours of August 7th. Then, after another driver flashed their lights at Pokharel, she swerved into another traffic lane abruptly. Officers noticed this and initiated a traffic stop. The police spoke with Pokharel, and she told them that she was returning to her hotel from the “Honky Tonk” bar on Broadway. When officers asked her for her license, she fumbled through her different cards before handing them her debit card. Then, officers questioned why she gave them that, to which she did not answer and stared at them with a blank expression. During their interaction, Pokharel moved lethargically and told them she “had only one beer.” Pokharel consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. After being informed of implied consent, Pokharel declined to provide a breath sample. Pokharel was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation.

Mugisha Solomon flees multi-vehicle crash after speeding near James A. Cayce Homes

37-year-old Mugisha Solomon was involved in a multi-vehicle accident on South 6th Street late August 2nd. Responding officers found Solomon’s vehicle abandoned and then spoke with the owners of the other two vehicles. A witness told officers that Solomon came speeding down the street before crashing into the two cars, one of which was totaled. The witness explained that Solomon took off to his James A. Cayce Homes residence and stayed inside. They then provided officers with Solomon’s ID, adding that she saw it when Solomon left the scene. The police later located Solomon’s phone in his vehicle, which had a text stating his name. After learning Solomon’s name and address, they attempted to contact him. However, only his mother came to the door, telling officers he was not there. Local juveniles told officers that they watched Solomon run from the crash to the address on his ID. A warrant was then issued for Solomon’s arrest. Solomon was taken into custody for reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, and driving while license revoked on August 5th.

Babbie McDowell attempts to break into woman’s house during mental episode

53-year-old Babbie McDowell was identified as the person who tried breaking into Rita Wilson’s Hillside Road residence on August 7th. Rita and Glenda Wilson called 911, stating that an unknown white woman had damaged their front and back doors but could not make entry. They further explained that she walked down the street toward the fire station on Broadmoor Drive. Responding officers observed that the backdoor had been slightly opened and stopped by three chain-door locks. Shortly after, the police located McDowell in front of the fire station. McDowell appeared to be experiencing some kind of mental episode during their interaction. McDowell stated she believed a man she knew was inside Wilson’s residence. Despite this, Rita and Glenda advised officers that they did not know her. Under Miranda, McDowell admitted to trying to shoulder the doors open. McDowell was then taken into custody for aggravated criminal trespass and vandalism.

Reid Zeico threatens to make girlfriend’s pregnancy “Go away” & strangles her daughter

31-year-old Reid Zeico had a domestic incident with his pregnant girlfriend, Jodi Anne Bowen, and her minor daughter at their Waterleaf apartment on Old Franklin Road late August 6th. When officers arrived, they observed Zeico walking away from the location. Officers noticed Zeico matched the description of the other party involved, so they stopped him. During this, Zeico refused to identify himself. At the same time, another officer was speaking with Bowen, who stated that Zeico argued with her and her daughter.

Bowen and her daughter told officers that Zeico did not like that Bowen was recording their verbal dispute and grabbed her phone. They further explained that Zeico threatened to make Bowen’s pregnancy “go away” before cornering her. Then, Bowen advised that her daughter attempted to stop Zeico by slapping his face, which was when he grabbed her neck and strangled her. They stated that Zeico then left the property. Upon searching Zeico, the police found Bowen’s $900 phone in his pocket. After returning it to Bowen, she told officers it had been damaged and that the repairs would cost $115. Zeico was taken into custody for theft, aggravated assault, and vandalism.

Anthony Marquardt kicks police officer while resisting arrest on Broadway

33-year-old Anthony Marquardt showed signs of impairment near Broadway and Representative John Lewis Way North in the late hours of August 6th. A concerned citizen alerted the authorities, who arrived and noticed Marquardt reeked of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated. Officers deemed Marquardt a danger to himself and detained him. While the police escorted Marquardt to their patrol car, he started resisting and tried to sit on the ground. Marquardt continued disregarding officers’ commands and being resistive, so they had to lift him up to put him into the vehicle. When Marquardt’s upper body was in the patrol car, he kicked Officer Breece in the right thigh above the knee. Officers then placed a hobble restraint on Marquardt’s legs and then transported him to booking. Marquardt was taken into custody for public intoxication, assault on an officer, and resisting arrest.

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