Andrew Kareri refuses to leave business he used to work at, tells police he was seeking a job

25-year-old Andrew Kareri was seen refusing to leave a business on 501 Great Circle Road on August 6th. Security at the location reported that they had to stop the former employee, Kareri because he was no longer allowed to be on the property. A witness of the incident informed officers that they had sent Kareri several emails explaining that he was no longer welcome on the property. The emails also noted that Kareri shouldn’t come to their open house. When officers spoke with Kareri, he stated he intended to attend the open house to seek a job. Because Kareri was given multiple opportunities to leave and still chose not to, he was taken into custody for criminal trespassing.

Selena Watson bites baby daddy’s arm during altercation over visiting her child

23-year-old Selena Watson was involved in a domestic disturbance with the father of her child, Michael Cantrell, at his Freeman Hollow Road residence on August 6th. When officers came into contact with Cantrell, he informed them that Watson had come to his house to visit their daughter. Cantrell stated that while Watson was there, she attempted to grab their child while he still had her in his arms. Once Watson continued to grab at their daughter, he stated he tried to leave through the front door, but Watson was holding on to his shirt, causing them to fall. Cantrell provided officers with a video of Watson holding onto him by the back of his collar as well as pushing and pulling on him as he left. The video also showcased Watson continuing to pull on Cantrell as he attempted to stand up. Once Cantrell was off the ground, he reported that when he tried to get into his car, Watson stepped in, prevented him from shutting the door, and bit him on his arm. After observing the visible injuries on Cantrell as well as Watson admitting to biting Cantrell during questioning, Watson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Eleanor Teel threatens woman & assaults janitor during altercation at Easton Apartment complex

36-year-old Eleanor Teel was involved in an altercation with Edrick McCoy at the leasing office of the Easton Apartment complex on August 6th. When officers arrived, Mrs. Rudd told them that Teel cornered her against a wall and balled her hands into a fist, saying, “I will kill you.” McCoy, a maintenance worker, spoke with officers and stated that when he entered the leasing office, he instructed Rudd to go into the back room and lock the door. After doing this, Teel pushed him and then left the leasing office. Because officers deemed that Teel might do something like this in the future, she was not issued a misdemeanor citation but instead was taken into custody for assault.

Blaine Carragher drunkenly punches his friend in face outside McDonalds on Broadway

29-year-old Blaine Carragher was seen assaulting his friend in front of the McDonalds on Broadway on August 6th. While officers were at the scene, they observed Carragher standing over his friend, punching him in the face. Carragher was then seen allowing his friend to stand up, only to attack him again. Other members of their friend group promptly broke the fight up. After admitting to officers that he was highly intoxicated, Carragher was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Keyshawn Reed threatens ex-girlfriend with gun after breaking her front window

20-year-old Keyshawn Marquise Reed had a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Brittany Reshae Bailey, at her Tosha Court residence in the early hours of July 25th. When officers arrived, Bailey told them that Reed knocked on her doors and windows. She stated that Reed left after she did not answer the door. Then, Bailey further explained that Reed had called her from a private number multiple times, and after she realized it was him, she blocked it. Bailey added that after this, Reed went to his car, called her a few more times, and came back banging on her doors to the point where items inside the house were shaking.

During this, Bailey said that Reed yelled, “I am going to kill you. I am going to shoot these locks off. Watch and see when my phone dies; you will see.” Bailey stated Reed then pulled out a grey and black handgun from his pocket, pulled the top back, and put it back into his pocket. Then, she said that Reed started hitting the front window, causing it to shatter. This prompted Bailey to tell him to leave, which he refused. Bailey said when she called the police, Reed told her, “I will wait for the police to come,” but left shortly after. Bailey told officers that she was in fear for her safety. A warrant was then obtained for Reed’s arrest that day. Reed was taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism on August 6th.

DUI: Williams Brock drives into ditch while fleeing from car accident

34-year-old William Brock was seen driving off the road into a ditch on Davison Drive on July 9th. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and examined Brock, who was demonstrating several signs of intoxication. After needing to be removed from his car for sobriety tests and chemical testing, he refused to perform them. Further investigation revealed that Brock was involved in a hit-and-run where he left the scene before crashing into a ditch. Officers cited him for the incident that day. Brock was later booked on the citation of driving under the influence, failing to report an incident, and leaving the scene of an accident on August 6th.

Adam Erick threatens to assault taxi driver after not paying him at Holiday Inn Express

41-year-old Adam Richard Erick had an incident with a taxi driver at Holiday Inn Express in the early hours of August 6th. The taxi driver spoke with responding officers, telling them Erick failed to pay him for his services and threatened to assault him. He added that he did not want to press charges for the occurrence. When officers spoke with Erick, they noticed he reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. They asked him where he was staying, but he could not tell them. Erick was then taken into custody for public intoxication.

Selina Ann Williams jailed after refusing to leave Omni Hotel

34-year-old Selina Ann Williams caused a disturbance at the Omni Hotel in the early hours of August 6th. Responding officers spoke with hotel security, who said Williams refused to leave the property. Then, when officers spoke with Williams, she admitted to not leaving after being told to. Security further explained that this had been an ongoing issue with Williams. After officers confirmed the establishment’s valid trespass waiver, they detained Williams for the incident. Williams was taken into custody for criminal trespass.

Atelya Brown drunkenly bites boyfriend on his back during altercation

31-year-old Atelya Brown was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Rojee Salmon, at their Waterford Crossings apartment on August 6th. When officers arrived, Salmon informed them that Brown had already left after drinking and getting violent with him. Salmon stated that Brown grabbed his wrist, causing visible scratch marks, and threw things across the apartment. While Brown was being aggressive, she came from behind Salmon and bit him on his back. Salmon told officers he left the apartment so the incident wouldn’t wake their child. Despite this, Brown continued the altercation and pushed her forearm against his neck. Salmon’s brother, seeing this, intervened and stopped the assault. When officers spoke with Salmon’s brother, who lives with the couple, he stated that he saw Brown bite Salmon, be aggressive with him, and throw items across the apartment. While officers were speaking to Salmon and his brother, Brown returned visibly intoxicated. This prompted officers to question her about the incident. When officers attempted to ask her what happened, she only told them that Salmon had been aggressive with her and would elaborate further. Due to the visible injuries on Salmon, as well as the statements given by him and his brother, Brown was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 7th.

Ryann Preece steals $1,300 Miyabi Japanese Kiazen Knife Block set from ZWILLING store at Tanger Outlet Mall

42-year-old Ryann Preece stole from the ZWILLING store at Tanger Outlet Mall on December 10th, 2023. The police report stated that Preece entered the establishment, selected a set of knives from the shelf, and put it in her bag. Then, Preece exited the store without paying for the merchandise. An employee at the location captured Preece’s license plate after she drove away and later provided it to officers. The stolen Miyabi Japanese Kiazen Knife Block Set is valued at $1,300. Detectives identified Preece as the person in question after reviewing security footage. A warrant was obtained for Preece’s arrest on January 11th, 2024. Preece was taken into custody for theft on August 6th, 2024.

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