Ashley Robinson throws rocks at baby daddy, sprays mother’s car with fire extinguisher during multiple incidents

20-year-old Ashley Nikole Robinson had a domestic altercation with the father of her child, Masaiyis White, at their Bridgecrest Drive townhouse on April 18th. Robinson called the police, stating she was assaulted by White, adding that they had been arguing since April 15th regarding childcare for their son. Robinson told officers that White had brought their son to her grandmother’s house to drop him off, but she told White he could not leave him there because she had work in the morning. Then, Robinson stated that after he dropped their kid off, she tried to enter his car without his permission. Robinson stated she was trying to ask White to take her to the store, but he would not let her in. Robinson said the door was locked, so she tried pulling it and would not let go. This prompted White to drive away to get her off his car. Robinson then said he exited his vehicle, walked over to her, and slapped her cell phone out of her hand. Then, Robinson said she threw a rock at him, causing them to fall into the bushes.

When officers spoke with White, he confirmed that they had been arguing about childcare and admitted to slapping her phone away from her after she threw a rock at the side of his head. He said that she rushed towards him and pushed him into the bushes, where she continued to throw rocks at him. White said he was trying to leave the complex when she jumped on his car, trying to break his windshield. After discovering she had a previous domestic incident where she assaulted him and admitted to attacking him, officers deemed her as the primary aggressor. Robinson was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

After being released, Robinson had a domestic incident with her mother, Ida Wade, at their Bridgecrest Drive townhouse on July 23rd. Responding officers spoke with Wade, who stated that she and Robinson argued because she would not let Robinson use her vehicle. Wade explained that Robinson had become angry and started throwing items around the house. After this, Wade stated she tried to leave, but Robinson followed her. While Wade was walking across the street, she said that Robinson shouted profanities at her. Then, Robinson reportedly grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed Wade’s vehicle before spraying her with it. Wade added that after this, Robinson’s friend arrived in a silver sedan that Robinson later stood on top of to continue shouting at her. Then, she said Robinson retrieved what appeared to be a beer can from her friend’s car and threw it at her but missed. Wade then advised officers that Robinson got a pair of scissors, approached her, and lunged at her, placing her in fear of bodily injury. Afterward, Wade told them Robinson walked away and left with her friend. Then, Wade provided officers with footage from her ring doorbell camera, corroborating her statements. A warrant was then obtained for Robinson’s arrest. Robinson was later taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on August 4th.

David Ical cuts girlfriend’s fingers with scissors during argument

36-year-old David Ical was involved in a domestic incident with his boyfriend, Carlos Hernandez, at their Pebble Creek Drive residence at 4:10 a.m. on July 26th. When officers spoke with Hernandez, he stated that during an argument with Ical, they broke each other’s phones. Hernandez told officers that Ical proceeded to scratch him, throw measuring tape at him, and grab a pair of scissors. Hernandez reported that Ical’s action placed him in fear. During the altercation, Hernandez attempted to take the scissors from Ical, but this led to Ical cutting one of Hernandez’s fingers. Ical was later found and taken into custody for aggravated assault on August 3rd.

Robert Mayberry resists arrest after refusing to leave Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

29-year-old Robert Mayberry caused a disturbance at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar in the early hours of August 3rd. Security for the establishment flagged officers down, advising them that they had an intoxicated individual, later identified as Mayberry, arguing with them and refusing to leave. When officers arrived, they instructed Mayberry to leave repeatedly and informed him that he would be arrested if he didn’t. The police report stated that Mayberry reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment while making unintelligible statements. Officers then tried to detain him, but Mayberry locked his arms forward, hindering them from arresting him. Mayberry pushed against them and resisted entering and exiting the patrol car several times. Mayberry was taken into custody for resisting arrest and criminal trespass.

Keon Woods destroys furniture in mother’s apartment during altercation

20-year-old Keon Dwight Woods had a domestic incident with his mother, Shatika Woods, at their Tampa Drive apartment on the afternoon of August 5th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Shatika, who stated that Keon was inside the unit, breaking things. The police located Keon inside a bedroom with broken furniture spread across the room, partially blocking the entryway. Then, they tried speaking with Keon, but he was uncooperative, refusing to answer their questions. Keon Woods was then taken into custody for vandalism.

David Young drives on wrong side of road while watching YouTube on his phone at CMA Fest

31-year-old David Young was seen driving recklessly while near the CMA Fest at the intersection of 4th Avenue and Broadway on June 9th. That day, officers observed Young driving the wrong way on a one-way street despite two clear signs indicating the correct direction. Young ignored the signs and continued driving the wrong way. When other vehicles tried to drive the right way, he made a U-turn. The officers stopped Young and asked him why he was driving incorrectly. While answering, they noticed that Young was watching YouTube on his phone, which was in his lap. The officers took his license and instructed Young to go down 4th Avenue, turn right on Broadway, and park. After the officers left to start writing the ticket, they found that Young was not at the location they instructed him to go to. Officers learned that Young had fled the scene and did not return. A warrant was later issued for his arrest, and Young was taken into custody for reckless driving on August 4th.

Akur Deng breaks ex-boyfriend’s windshield because he was texting other girls

22-year-old Akur Deng was involved in a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Austin Patrick, on August 4th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Patrick, who stated that he and Deng had been dating for a year but recently broke up a week ago. Patrick said that they had decided to go out that night. Patrick stated that as he pulled into his apartment complex with Deng, she had gotten ahold of his phone. Patrick informed officers that she saw that he had been texting other women since their breakup, which angered her. Deng allegedly then screamed at Patrick and punched him in the face, causing an injury to his eye that officers observed. Patrick also told officers that she then began punching his windshield from inside the car, which cracked it. Patrick then claimed he exited the vehicle and was followed by Deng, who continued to push and scream at him until the security of the apartment complex arrived and separated them. Patrick stated that Deng was the only one getting physical and that he had never had physical contact with Deng.

Officers then spoke with Deng, who initially claimed that nothing physical happened. However, when she overheard Patrick explaining how she cracked the windshield, she smirked and said, “Yeah, I did. I mean, he was texting other girls.” After getting Deng’s information, she was asked how she cracked his windshield. She then told officers that she had not cracked his windshield at all. When asked why she had admitted to cracking the windshield earlier, Deng did not have an answer. After several minutes, Deng approached another officer and told them how she had been strangled.

She claimed that as Patrick drove her back from the restaurant, they began arguing about the texts. Deng added that Patrick pulled into a nearby Waffle House parking lot and began to strangle her with both hands for about 10 seconds. Deng says he stopped because she asked him to. She stated he drove her back to the apartment complex, where they continued arguing. Deng said this is where she accidentally cracked his windshield. Deng told officers that she never assaulted Patrick and did not mean to cause damage to the windshield. Officers then spoke with the security guard who broke up their fight. He added that he only saw the couple arguing and Deng pushing Patrick before he separated them. Due to the injuries and Deng’s story changing, Deng was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for vandalism and domestic assault.

Maliq Muhammad punches man in face, damages door while high on narcotic at Nashville Public Library

34-year-old Maliq Muhammad had an altercation with Dwight Mooneyhan at the Nashville Public Library on Church Street on August 5th. Upon arrival, officers noticed that security had Muhammad detained. Then, Muhammad told the police that he had hit someone and that it was the third person he had hit that day. When officers spoke with Mooneyhan, he stated that Muhammad walked up and punched him on the left side of his face. He added that he did not know why Muhammad punched him and that he had pain and bruising on the left side of his jaw. During this, Muhammad was acting erratically, making nonsensical statements, and appeared to be under the influence of a narcotic. Then, officers spoke with a security guard, Mark Crowder, who stated that Muhammad tried to run out of the building and damaged the sliding door, causing about $1,000 in damage. Muhammad was taken into custody for vandalism, public intoxication, and assault.

Kwankam Ebenki sexually assaults woman while helping her move furniture

22-year-old Kwankam Eben Ebenki inappropriately touched Holly Starnes at her East Webster Street apartment on the afternoon of August 5th. Starnes told responding officers that she was carrying furniture into her unit when Ebenki asked her if she needed help. She further explained that once they were inside her apartment, she noticed he was not assisting. Starnes stated that while she breastfed her 2-month-old in the room, Natalie Marie Vail, a witness, was in the living room with Ebenki. Vail told the police that Ebenki kept wanting to watch Starnes breastfeed her baby. Ebenki also repeatedly made inappropriate comments that made Starnes uncomfortable. Then, Starnes said she came out of her bedroom and asked Ebenki to leave. Ignoring this, Ebenki started groping her from the side of her body, putting his pelvis against her from behind. Ebenki then grabbed Starnes by the waist and thrusting against her. After this, Starnes yelled at Ebenki, prompting him to leave. However, he returned, knocking on her door and saying he had left his vape and water bottle. Starnes told officers she allowed him to grab his belongings and told him to leave immediately after. Starnes added that once Ebenki left, he started banging on her door again. Ebenki proceeded to sit in front of her apartment for 30 minutes doing this. When officers spoke with Vail, she corroborated Starnes’s statement. Ebenki was then taken into custody for sexual battery on August 5th.

Jerrion Phillips assaults mother during altercation over TV

21-year-old Jerrion Phillips was involved in a domestic altercation with his mother, Alexis Philips,  while at an Andrew Jackson Parkway residence on August 4th. Alexis had called officers to inform them that Jerrion had pointed a gun and threatened to shoot her. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Alexis. She stated that her son, Jerrion, began to argue with her and call her obscenities. After this, Alexis told officers that she had taken Jerrion’s TV, which she had purchased for him. She stated that when he went to retrieve it, they began wrestling over the TV.

Officers then noticed red and bleeding scratches on Alexis’ arm. She told officers that the scratches came from Jerrion taking the TV from her. Alexis also said that she didn’t know if Jerrion had a weapon but had not seen one during the incident. Jerrion fled the scene before the officers’ arrival but was later found. When asked about the situation, Jerrion claimed that his mother pushed him. However, there were no injuries to him. Officers then deemed him to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Tyrell Tosie assaults girlfriend after believing she cheated on him, tells police it was “in the heat of the moment”

21-year-old Tyrell Tosie was involved in a domestic disturbance with his girlfriend, Allyssa Bedonie, at their Homestay Suites room on August 4th. When officers arrived, Bedonie told them that Tosie had grabbed her because he believed that she was cheating on him. Officers observed visible bruises on Bedonie’s arm during their interaction with her. While speaking with Tosie, he admitted that he might have given Bedonie a bruise “in the heat of the moment.” Tosie was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

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