Thomas Gillenlen repeatedly interferes with police while drunk at MAPCO

40-year-old Thomas Gillenlen was caught with marijuana while intoxicated at a MAPCO on Bell Road on August 3rd. When officers arrived at the scene, Gillenlen had already been taken into custody by another officer. Gillenlen allegedly interfered with officers investigating an accident and began disrupting them. When the officer asked Gillenlen to step back so they could handle the incident, he refused. Gillenlen appeared intoxicated to the officers and eventually left the scene.

Later, more officers arrived at the location to assist with a medical incident. As officers handled the incident, Gillenlen reappeared at the scene. Gillenlen began asking officers questions while they were attempting to provide aid. Gillenlen was informed that the officers were in the middle of helping someone but continued interfering with the officers anyway.

Due to Gillenlen’s behavior in both interactions, officers deemed he was intoxicated and spoke with him. While speaking with Gillenlen, officers could smell the odor of alcohol on his breath. Officers noted that Gillenlen also had scattered thoughts and repeatedly asked questions. While speaking with officers, Gillenlen told them his truck was at the gas station, but they did not see him drive it there.

Gillenlen then allowed officers to search the vehicle, and they located a plastic bag that contained 2.2 grams of marijuana. Gillenlen was then taken into custody for possession of a controlled substance and public intoxication.

Taylor Limsky pushes girlfriend to ground during argument

32-year-old Taylor Limsky was involved in a domestic disturbance with his girlfriend, Madison Schubert, at their Horner Avenue apartment on August 3rd. When officers arrived and spoke with Schubert, she stated that during an argument, Limsky pushed her to the ground. Schubert informed officers that she ran away from their apartment following the altercation. As officers interacted with Schubert, they observed a large open wound above her eye. Limsky was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

Chad Buck approaches wife aggressively, rips purse during altercation

41-year-old Chad Jensen Buck had a domestic incident with his wife, Bambi Rose Harman, at their Rural Hill Drive residence late August 2nd. When officers arrived, Harman provided them with footage showing Buck moving a table out of the way before approaching Harman aggressively. She stated that she was in fear of bodily injury during the incident. Then, officers observed a ripped-up purse that Harman stated Buck had damaged during their verbal dispute. Officers saw Buck drinking a beer and deemed him intoxicated due to his alcoholic odor. Buck was then taken into custody for domestic assault on August 3rd.

Benjamin Willoughby assaults security guard, destroys plants at Four Seasons Hotel

36-year-old Benjamin Willoughby was observed publicly intoxicated and fleeing from officers at the Four Seasons Hotel on Demonbreun Street on August 3rd. Hotel security guards flagged down officers, reporting that Willoughby had been involved in a physical altercation with a security guard. When officers arrived, they witnessed Willoughby running from the security guards. Despite multiple commands to stop, Willoughby continued to run. Officers eventually caught and detained Willoughby, during which he resisted by pulling his arms away.

Upon speaking with William Cash, one of the security guards, it was revealed that Willoughby had approached the valet area with a facial injury. Cash informed officers that they offered to help Willoughby, but he ran away and later began to chase another individual. Willoughby then returned to the hotel and caused property damage by banging on windows while uprooting their plants. When Cash confronted him, Willoughby charged at Cash and physically assaulted him. Officers noted a red mark on Cash’s neck before speaking with Willoughby, who reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech. Willoughby was deemed too intoxicated to respond and was subsequently taken into custody for charges including resisting arrest, evading arrest, assault, and public intoxication.

Birthday Girl Nalonie Williams grabs security guard’s genitals & twerks on him at Deja Vu Showgirls Nashville Strip Club

25-year-old Birthday Girl Nalonie Williams was seen being disorderly at the Deja Vu Showgirls Nashville strip club on August 4th. When officers arrived, they made contact with a security guard at the location, Ryan Pastor, who pointed out Williams. Pastor stated that as Williams attempted to enter the club, she was already intoxicated. Pastor explained that he was trying to explain the club’s rules to William’s when she became belligerent. Witnesses of the incident stated that Williams started twerking on him and other people in line. Once Pastor informed Williams that she needed to leave and that she was not allowed in the club, she grabbed him by his genitals. When officers made contact and spoke with Williams she repeated several times, “It’s my birthday, I didn’t even grab him!” Williams was then taken into custody and charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and assault.

Moosaa Jaladin resists arrest after punching man in face at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

24-year-old Moosaa Jaladin was seen resisting arrest after pushing and punching a man at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar on Broadway on August 3rd. Officers were responding to a medical call at the bar when they observed Jaladin and another man pushing each other. Officers then observed Jaladin swing and punch the man in the face. Officers approached Jaladin and informed him that he was under arrest, instructing him to put his hands behind his back. Jaladin attempted to flee but was caught by officers and taken to the ground. Even on the ground, Jaladin continued to resist until eventually being taken into custody. He was ultimately charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

James Sexton assaults security guard during brawl at Wild Beaver Saloon

61-year-old James Sexton was involved in a fight at Wild Beaver Saloon on August 3rd. When officers arrived and separated the involved parties, Sexton began interrupting the investigation. Sexton then aggressively got into officers’ faces and started yelling. Sexton continued after being warned to stop his behavior and allow officers to conduct their investigation. While interacting with Sexton, officers were informed by security at the location that Sexton had assaulted a security guard. The security guard did not wish to press charges. Due to Sexton’s behavior and several signs of intoxication, officers took him into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Karsen Manchester hacks into ex-girlfriend’s Facebook, sends her friends “intimate” videos

22-year-old Karsen Manchester unlawfully exposed his ex-girlfriend, Kenley Barber, to several of her friends on July 29th. Barber filed a police report, stating that Manchester hacked into her Facebook and sent intimate videos to her friends. Barber added that she changed her passwords and deleted all the posts and messages. After being offered domestic violence services, she said that she wanted to press charges later. On July 30th, Barber walked in at the Family Safety Center to prosecute Manchester and asked to speak with an advocate regarding getting an order of protection against him. Then, she provided officers with photos of the screenshots her friends sent her, showing Manchester sharing the images without her permission. Barber told them that Manchester has had the same number since they started dating in 2020. She further explained that she and Manchester had an understanding that the images would remain private and not shown to others. Manchester added that the incident caused her emotional distress. Manchester was later taken into custody for unlawful exposure on August 4th.

Irish tourist Adam Sherriff yells in officers’ faces, gets into drunk fight at Wild Beaver Saloon

22-year-old Irish tourist Adam Sherriff was involved in a fight at Wild Beaver Saloon on Commerce Street late August 3rd. Upon arrival, officers tried to detain Sherriff, during which he became highly belligerent. Sherriff began yelling in officers’ faces, asking why he was being arrested. Then, Sherriff disregarded officers’ commands to step back while arresting another individual. After this, Sherriff grabbed an officer’s arm and attempted to pull him off the other subject. Officers noticed that Sherriff reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication. Officers deemed Sherriff a danger to himself. Sherriff was then taken into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct on August 4th.

Donald McCann threatens to sue & kill officers after getting drunk at Friends in Low Places Bar

51-year-old Donald Mario McCann was observed lying on the sidewalk in front of the Friends in Low Places Bar on Broadway late August 2nd. Officers noticed McCann had difficulty standing up, so McCann’s friend assisted him. During this, McCann was physically uncooperative and appeared as if he were going to engage in fighting behavior. After noticing this, officers approached McCann to ensure the situation would not escalate. Then, the police spoke with McCann, who reeked of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated. McCann then became aggressive with police, expressing his displeasure with their presence. After this, McCann told officers he would not cooperate if they tried to arrest him. Officers then deemed him a danger to himself and detained him. While in the back of the patrol car, McCann threatened to sue officers. McCann also said his uncle was a part of the City Council and made a brief comment about how he was going to kill one of the officers. McCann then started to kick the back window inside the patrol car. McCann was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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