Jaida Fletcher attacks intimate partner of family member for trying to shower in his house

21-year-old Jaida Fletcher had an altercation with Dai’Onna White, an intimate partner of her family member, Robert Ezell Jr., at Charlotte Used Tires on April 19th. On July 22nd, White advised officers that she and Ezell Jr. were at his home on Beech Avenue, where they were both drunk and had thrown up. She explained that she asked Ezell Jr. to use his shower, and he said no because other people were in the house. White stated that she undressed and walked to the bathroom anyway. She stated this was when Ezell reportedly restrained her, preventing her from showering. During this, White added that Ezell strangled her with one hand until she fought back. Afterward, she said Ezell offered her a ride home and gave her a shirt to wear.

Then, White said that while Ezell was driving, he called his family members, Fletcher and Kim Smith, to beat her up. She stated this sparked a scuffle between her and Ezell, during which he hit her head against the window. White said that she jumped out of the car at Jefferson Street near 40th Avenue North to get away from him and had a friend pick her up. However, White told officers that Ezell, Fletcher, and Smith pursued them and blocked them in at Charlotte Used Tires. White stated this is where Fletcher and Smith opened her passenger side door and started attacking her. White said her friend got them off her and drove away. Officers noticed she had a bruise on the inside of both upper arms and a few scratches on her left arm. Fletcher was then taken into custody for assault on July 31st.

Donterries Holloway strangles, drags girlfriend by hair into apartment during argument

20-year-old Donterries Holloway was involved in numerous domestic altercations with Sadae Robinson, his girlfriend and roommate, while at their Claiborne Street residence on July 28th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Robinson, who initially claimed she wanted Holloway out of her home. Robinson added that there were no threats of violence or any physical violence. Holloway was at the residence looking for his phone, but eventually fled. This made Robinson upset, and she proceeded to change her story, claiming that Holloway had pushed her and grabbed her by the shirt, pulling her around the house. Officers noticed a hole in the front of her shirt that appeared ripped before she admitted it came from Holloway. Robinson had no injuries and informed officers that she wanted her house and car keys back from Holloway.

A few days later, on July 30th,  Holloway had gotten into another domestic altercation with Robinson at the same residence. Camera footage shows the two arguing because Holloway would not return Robinson’s phone. The cameras also captured Holloway in the doorway, grabbing Robinson and pushing her to the ground. Holloway then proceeded to grab Robinson by the hair and drag her inside the residence. After this, Robinson pushed Holloway off of her before she knocked on the neighbor’s door. At this time, Holloway then went back out of the home and grabbed Robinson by the throat. However, after they struggle for a few seconds, he lets go of her throat and walks back inside the residence.

When officers arrived on the scene, they made contact with Robinson and noticed her ripped shirt and that her face was starting to swell. When asked, She told officers that she had been strangled but did not lose consciousness and could breathe. Robinson also told officers that Holloway fled the scene before they arrived but claimed that Holloway had stolen her phone. Officers tracked and received the phone at a Dollar General on Lafayette Street. Footage from the dollar generator also shows Holloway in possession of the phone. There were several witnesses who all informed officers they saw Holloway grab and push Robinson to the ground. A warrant was issued, and Holloway was later found and taken into custody for domestic assault, aggravated assault, and property theft on July 31st.

Robert Ezell Jr strangles woman, calls family members to beat her up for trying to shower in his home

40-year-old Robert Ezell Jr. called his family members, Jaida Fletcher and Kim Smith, to attack his intimate partner, Dai’Onna White, on April 19th. On July 22nd, White advised officers that she and Ezell Jr. were at his home on Beech Avenue, where they were both drunk and had thrown up. She explained that she asked Ezell Jr. to use his shower, and he said no because other people were in the house. White stated that she undressed and walked to the bathroom anyway. She stated this was when Ezell reportedly restrained her, preventing her from showering. During this, White added that Ezell strangled her with one hand until she fought back. Afterward, she said Ezell offered her a ride home and gave her a shirt to wear.

Then, White said that while Ezell was driving, he called his family members, Fletcher and Kim Smith, to beat her up. She stated this sparked a scuffle between her and Ezell, during which he hit her head against the window. White said that she jumped out of the car at Jefferson Street near 40th Avenue North to get away from him and had a friend pick her up. However, White told officers that Ezell, Fletcher, and Smith pursued them and blocked them in at Charlotte Used Tires. White stated this is where Fletcher and Smith opened her passenger side door and started attacking her. White said her friend got them off her and drove away. Officers noticed she had a bruise on the inside of both upper arms and a few scratches on her left arm. Ezell was then taken into custody for assault on July 28th.

Latoya Hunt caught with pipe under John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge

45-year-old Latoya Hunt was seen underneath the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge on 2nd Avenue South on August 1st. While observing Hunt, officers noticed that she was holding a glass pipe with a dark residue. When officers approached Hunt, they observed several signs of impairment and asked her for identification. Hunt was unable to provide any satisfactory means of ID and was deemed a danger to herself. Hunt was taken into custody for public intoxication and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Marckus Gunter shoves food in wife’s mouth, attempts to rape her while high on cocaine

32-year-old Marckus Gunter had a domestic altercation with his wife, Brandi Gunter, at their Crestview apartment on Thomson Place in the early hours of June 23rd. On June 24th, Brandi advised officers of the incident, stating that when Marckus returned home, she noticed he was acting strangely, so she went to the bathroom to check on him. Brandi said that she observed Marckus doing lines of cocaine off the counter, which sparked an argument. Then, Brandi further explained that Marckus pushed her onto a bed and ripped all her clothes off, leaving her nude. She stated that Marckus then pinned her on the bed, where he started groping her genitals. Brandi told officers that she resisted and told him no multiple times, which he disregarded and proceeded to try to penetrate her while saying, “You think I’m on this f*g sh*t? I’ll show you.” She added that after he could not penetrate her, he became upset.

Brandi stated Marckus put his hands over her mouth, preventing her from breathing, then put a pillow over her head. Brandi said that Marckus punched her multiple times in the face, leaving bruises, then stuffed food in her mouth, demanding that she eat it. She stated that she kept trying to get up, get dressed, and leave, but he kept pushing her down, punching her, and telling her she could not go. Brandi noted that she never lost consciousness but was seeing lights from the head punches. She then stated that this had continued until Marckus left to get Hardees to eat. Brandi explained this was when she ran out of the unit, entered her vehicle, and left the scene. Brandi said when she returned later that night, she found that Marckus had stolen all her blood pressure medication. Officers then obtained warrants for his arrest that day. Marckus Gunter was taken into custody for aggravated assault, attempted rape, theft, and kidnapping on July 31st.

Benjamin Kuchinski throws ex-girlfriend to the ground during argument

28-year-old Benjamin Kuchinski had a domestic altercation with his roommate and ex-girlfriend, Ivonne Martinez-Corona, at their residence on July 31st. Martinez-Corona told responding officers that earlier in the morning, she and Kuchinski had a verbal dispute that escalated and made her feel threatened due to previous abuse. She said she backed away and told Kuchinski to get away from her. Then, Martinez-Corona stated that Kuchinski stepped closer, to which she responded by attempting to push him away. However, she said Kuchinski approached her again, grabbed her arms, and threw her to the ground. When officers spoke with Kuchinski, he admitted to getting in her face after she backed away and shoving her. Kuchinski was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Gabrielle Brown bites & threatens to kill roommate during argument

20-year-old Gabrielle Shaniqua Brown had a domestic incident with her roommate, Beverley Brown, at their Millwood Drive apartment late July 31st. Beverley called 911, advising them that she had been injured following a scuffle with Gabrielle. During the call, Gabrielle could be heard yelling in the background. When officers arrived, they interviewed Beverley and Gabrielle separately. They both had visible injuries but refused medical attention. Then, Beverley told officers that she confronted Gabrielle over several personal belongings in the apartment, during which Gabrielle had become angry with her. Beverley further explained that Gabrielle smacked her across her body, hit her head with an unknown object from the bathroom, and bit her on the right arm. Beverley added that, in self-defense, she tried to push Gabrielle off her and had bitten her hands. Beverley’s oldest son told the police that he heard the altercation outside his room. He noted that at one point, he heard Gabrielle threaten to kill Beverley. Then, he stated after he stepped outside, he observed them wrestling and intervened to separate the fight. Gabrielle told officers that Beverley pushed her while they argued in the bathroom upstairs and that she bit her on the stomach and hand. Gabrielle Brown was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 1st.

Donald Tucker speeds down Dickerson Pike on sports bike at 82 mph while fleeing police

23-year-old Donald Lamont Tucker was observed speeding on his sports bike down Dickerson Pike near Robert Cartwright Drive on July 31st. Officers noticed a motorcycle with a male, later identified as Tucker, wearing a black shirt and helmet with a female passenger with blonde hair wearing a black helmet and a pink shirt, going 82 mph in a 50 mph zone. Police then activated their emergency equipment, attempting to initiate a traffic stop. As officers did this, they heard the bicycle accelerate quickly before turning onto Dry Creek Road towards Gallatin Road. After this, officers put a BOLO over their in-car radio describing Tucker and his passenger. A short time later, patrolling officers located Tucker pumping gas at the Rivergate Parkway Racetrac, confirmed that he was the person in question, and detained him for the occurrence. Tucker was then taken into custody for evading arrest by motor vehicle.

Maribel Clark crashes car on Brick Church Pike after driving on suspended license

21-year-old Maribel Clark was involved in a motor vehicle crash on Brick Church Park Drive and Brick Church Pike on August 17th, 2023. When officers arrived, they met with both involved parties. Then, officers spoke with Clark and discovered that her license had been suspended. Clark was then cited for the occurrence that day. Clark failed to book herself by September 8th, 2023, so a bench warrant was issued for her arrest on September 16th, 2023. Clark was later taken into custody and charged with driving on a suspended license on July 31st, 2024.

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