Carl Bowles spends Saturday night in style after throwing rock through Chick-Fil-A window

55-year-old Carl Bowles was seen throwing a rock at the Chick-fil-A on Rosa L Parks Boulevard’s window on August 24th. When officers arrived and spoke with staff at the location, they were provided video footage of Bowles throwing a rock at the front window. Officers observed the hole in the window and the rock under the window. The executive director of the store informed law enforcement that it would cost around $2,500 to $3,000 to fix the window. Officers later found Bowles down the street but couldn’t identify him as the man involved in the incident, so they let him go. Once officers received better-quality images from the location’s staff, they successfully identified Bowles. After this, he was located again, taken into custody, and charged with vandalism.

La’Darion Johnson speeds away from police in Dodge Charger at 70 mph in 35 mph zone during assault investigation

22-year-old La’Darion Johnson was speeding through Crowe Drive in a black Dodge Charger on July 30th. While officers were investigating an aggravated assault case, Johnson, who was driving the Charger, was alleged to be involved. When officers attempted to make contact with Johnson, he sped away. MCPD’s air unit followed Johnson as he circled the area at a high speed. Johnson was observed going 70 mph in a 35 mph zone and failing to stop at stop signs. When officers came into contact with Johnson, he was at the initial residence where the aggravated assault case occurred. While Johnson was there, it was reported that he had become aggressive when the victim accused him of having “Pulled a pistol” on him. Officers cited him for the violation that day. Johnson was later booked on the citation of reckless driving on August 23rd.

Crystal Skinner yells at officers after drunkenly wandering around Broadway asking for help

29-year-old Crystal Ann Skinner was seen intoxicated near 4th Avenue North and Broadway in the early hours of August 27th. Concerned citizens advised officers that a white female in a white tube top, later identified as Skinner, appeared heavily intoxicated and was approaching random people, asking for help. Then, the police located Skinner and noticed she reeked of alcohol. During their investigation, they discovered that Skinner had lost her phone, could not find her friends, and did not know where she would stay for the night. Officers then offered her assistance, but she was uncooperative. Officers detained Skinner for the incident. While arresting Skinner, she pulled her body and arms away multiple times. Then, when officers escorted her to their patrol car, she started yelling at them, causing a scene. Skinner was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

DUI: Delvin Vicente Requena nearly hits police car head-on while driving on wrong side of road

34-year-old Delvin-Osmar Vicente Requena drove into an oncoming traffic lane on Main Street in the early hours of August 26th. While traveling, officers observed a silver SUV, later identified as driven by Requena, moving toward their patrol car. The police report stated they attempted several times to avoid a head-on collision. After Requena passed the police car, they activated their sirens and tried initiating a traffic stop. Officers noted that Requena was slow to react but eventually pulled over. When the police approached Requena, they noticed he reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Officers tried conducting sobriety tests via language line, but they were unsuccessful. When asked, Requena could not provide them with a driver’s license and gave them his ID card. Requena eventually performed poorly on sobriety tests and was detained for the incident. Later, prior to police stopping Requena, an off-duty police officer stated that Requena drove towards him head-on, presenting disregard for the life and property of others. Requena was taken into custody for reckless driving, no driver’s license, and driving under the influence- 2nd offense.

Kailey Warren allegedly strangles & punches ex-boyfriend during altercation

25-year-old Kailey Warren had a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Roy Hunter, at Seven Oaks Park on August 8th. On August 15th, Hunter called 911 regarding the incident. Hunter told police that Warren attempted to strangle him with one hand while striking him with her other hand. Hunter explained that she hit him in the face at some point while doing this. Then, he said there were multiple witnesses as the altercation occurred. However, they were not on the scene when officers arrived. Hunter added that he wanted to press charges and sought an order of protection. The police deemed Warren as the primary aggressor and obtained a warrant for her arrest. Warren was later taken into custody for domestic assault on August 27th.

Victoria Parks beats brother-in-law with vacuum cleaner during argument

26-year-old Victoria Parks was involved in a domestic disturbance with her sister, Brittany Cothron, and brother-in-law, Shawn Starks, at their Apollo apartment on November 28th, 2023. When officers arrived and made contact with Starks and Cothron, they told police that Parks had assaulted them. Starks and Cothron stated that Parks and her boyfriend had come over, so they let them inside. The couple then informed officers that there had been an ongoing feud between the two parties, which led to an argument shortly after they entered. During the argument, Parks got into the middle of the altercation and punched Starks in the face. According to the couple, Parks then picked up a large vacuum and swung it at Starks, hitting him in the head twice. After hitting Starks, Parks continued to swing the vacuum around and hit two walls, causing visible damage to them both. Starks and Cothron also reported that when they asked Parks to leave, she refused and argued with her sister instead. Cothron reported that during the argument, Parks started pulling on her arms and attempted to assault her. While officers were on the scene, Starks and Cothron informed them that Parks and her boyfriend had already left before they arrived. Victoria Parks was later taken into custody and charged with domestic assault, aggravated assault, and vandalism on August 24th, 2024.

Darrell Grayer jailed after attempting to break into multiple vehicles for money

20-year-old Darrell Grayer was seen checking door handles on Sigler Street on August 24th. While officers were on their way to the scene, they noticed Grayer walking away from the area. When officers stopped him on 12th Avenue South, they had no victims, so they let him go. As officers were leaving, one of the officers was provided with Nest doorbell footage of the incident. The video displayed Grayer walking onto multiple properties and pulling on car door handles in an attempt to burglarize them. Both victims wished to prosecute for the incident. Officers later made contact with Grayer again at 12th Avenue South and took him into custody. Officers found someone else’s driver’s license and debit card in Grayer’s left pocket and a handgun in his right pocket during a search of his person. Grayer was then transported to booking. While at booking, Grayer admitted that he was attempting to burglarize the vehicles for money.

Tayler Craig caught underage drinking outside Hard Rock Cafe on Broadway

18-year-old Tayler Craig was drinking an alcoholic beverage in front of Hard Rock Café on Broadway late August 27th. The police observed this and approached her, during which they noticed she reeked of alcohol. Then, Craig told officers that she was 18 and was waiting for her friends. Due to her level of intoxication, officers deemed her a danger to herself and detained her for the occurrence. Craig was taken into custody for public intoxication and underage alcohol consumption.

DUI: Katie Buhler rear-ends car near 7-Eleven after drinking wine while driving

33-year-old Katie Buhler was involved in a two-vehicle accident near 7-Eleven on Murfreesboro Pike late August 27th. When officers arrived, Buhler was standing next to a 2013 Ford Fusion that belonged to her parents with heavy front-end damage. The other involved party stated to police that they had been rear-ended. Buhler told officers that she could not remember what had happened. The police noticed she had unloaded many personal belongings onto the roadway. Buhler stated that she was trying to get them to the side. Officers noticed Buhler showed signs of impairment, reeked of alcohol, was extremely emotional, and cried while speaking with officers. Then, when asked, Buhler initially refused to take sobriety tests. However, she eventually consented and performed poorly on sobriety tests. After being informed of implied consent, she declined to provide a breath sample. Officers then discovered an open and empty bottle of Segura Viudas 12% wine in a bag on her front passenger seat. Buhler was read her Miranda rights and requested an attorney. Buhler was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation on August 28th.

Juan Vides-Alegria assaults estranged wife while she has new man at her house

42-year-old Juan Vides-Alegria was involved in a domestic disturbance with his estranged wife, Kisna Agliar, at her Mclendon Court residence on June 4th, 2020. When officers later arrived on June 11th, 2020, Kisna informed them that she and Juan had been separated for almost three years but that they hadn’t gotten a divorce yet. Kisna explained that on June 4th, 2020, Juan had called her to pick up their children for the night. After doing so, Kisna advised that a man she had been talking to came over. While the other party was there, Kisna stated that Juan had called her phone, but she hadn’t answered any of his calls. Kisna reported that Juan then brought their son back to her residence. Once Juan entered the residence, he became aggressive, picked up an object, and started swinging it. Kisna told officers that she was unaware if Juan had been swinging at her or the man she was talking to because Juan was swinging so fast. Kisna stated that after the man she was talking to left, she and Juan argued. During the argument, Juan attempted to take Kisna’s phone away. Kisna told officers that during their “scuffle,” Juan never hit her and that he only had grabbed her arms to get the phone. According to Kisna, once the argument was over, Juan walked away, grabbed an object, and started hitting himself in the head. Juan did this to the point that he began to bleed from his head. When officers attempted to contact Juan, he wasn’t at his residence. Four years later, on August 26th, 2024, Juan Alegria was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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