Christopher Nowak refuses to leave Spring Hill Hotel despite not having room booked

28-year-old Christopher Nowak caused a disturbance at the Spring Hill Hotel on Representative John Lewis Way South in the early hours of September 1st. Officers were dispatched to the hotel regarding Nowak refusing to pay for taxi services. When they arrived, they told Nowak he needed to pay, to which he complied. Then, Nowak was informed by the hotel staff and officers that he had no residence there and could no longer be on the property. After this, the police gave Nowak multiple chances to leave and not return. However, he continued to disregard their orders. During their interaction, officers noticed that Nowak had a strong alcoholic odor coming from his breath and showed signs of impairment. Nowak was then taken into custody for public intoxication and criminal trespass.

Rachel Oakes vomits all over herself after refusing to leave taxi outside her hotel

32-year-old Rachel Alexandria Oakes refused to exit a taxi on September 2nd. A local taxi driver alerted nearby officers and advised them he had a passenger, later identified as Oakes. The driver added that Oakes refused to vacate the vehicle after he took her to her hotel. Then, the driver said that Oakes had started vomiting profusely on herself and his car’s interior. He added that he drove from the hotel to flag them down for assistance. When officers talked with Oakes, they directed her to exit the vehicle, which she did. However, she immediately laid down on the sidewalk and a part of the roadway while speaking incoherently. Then, Oakes did not respond after the police asked her if she had a friend or a family member to call to get her back to her hotel, so officers requested medics. When they arrived, Oakes told them that she did not need medical attention and attempted to get on her phone to call someone. However, due to her impairment level, she locked herself out of her phone. Officers noticed Oakes reeked of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated before she admitted to drinking. Oakes was deemed a danger to herself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Chad Petersen found passed out drunk in parking garage, tells police the current president is Obama & Jesus Christ

34-year-old Chad Petersen was seen publicly intoxicated while at The Morris Apartments on 19th Avenue South on September 2nd. Officers were dispatched to the area for a report of a man who was found passed out in the garage and refused to leave. When officers arrived, they found Peterson asleep in the garage. Officers woke him up and tried to ask him several questions. Despite this, Peterson kept insisting that he had known them for years. The officers noticed that Peterson had watery eyes, slurred speech, and smelled of alcohol. They called an ambulance to the scene and questioned Peterson, who stated that the current president was Jesus Christ and Obama. Peterson refused medical care and claimed to live at the building but provided an address at Music Square West. The officers concluded that Peterson was unable to care for himself, so they took him into custody for public intoxication.

Austin Giannasi punches stepbrother in face during argument at Barstool Nashville

28-year-old Austin Giannasi had a domestic incident with his stepbrother, Jack May, at Barstool Nashville late August 30th. When officers arrived, they observed Giannasi yelling at an unidentified individual and getting aggressive with a group of people. The police also noticed that Giannasi reeked of alcohol and showed signs of impairment. Then, officers spoke with Barstool security, who stated that Giannasi was denied entry because he was overly intoxicated. After this, May told the police that Giannasi was extremely drunk, adding that they had gotten into an argument. May stated during the argument, Giannasi punched and slapped him in the face. Giannasi’s other brother, Christopher Giannasi, said he witnessed Austin hitting May. Giannasi was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 31st.

Pranav Saravanan resists arrest after falling down stairs at Nudie’s Honky Tonk, tells police they aren’t real

24-year-old Pranav Saravanan was seen drunkenly falling down the stairs at Nudie’s Honky Tonk on August 30th. When officers arrived, they observed Saravanan standing at the top of the stairs, refusing to follow directions. Officers reported that once they approached Saravanan, he started acting erratic. Saravanan then began saying that officers and paramedics were not real. After officers had made a few attempts to calm Saravanan down, he started throwing his belongings on the floor and clenching his fists. Once officers attempted to place Saravanan under arrest, he began thrashing his body around and started kicking up off the ground. Saravanan was then taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

DUI: Daniel Ayala refuses to perform sobriety tests after crashing into fire hydrant

55-year-old Daniel Ayala was caught driving under the influence after being involved in a single-vehicle car accident near the intersection of Rep John Lewis Way South and Lea Avenue on August 30th. When officers arrived, they noticed Ayala had driven his vehicle onto the sidewalk and crashed into a fire hydrant. The officers then ran the plate and confirmed that Ayala was the driver and owner of the car. They spoke with Ayala, who was standing outside his vehicle, and noticed that he appeared intoxicated. Ayala had a strong smell of alcohol coming from him, as well as slurred speech and difficulty maintaining his balance. When asked, Ayala admitted to the officers that he had been drinking alcohol prior to driving. He then refused to perform sobriety tests. When asked to perform breath tests, Ayala was too intoxicated to do so, resulting in a failed test. Based on his statements and actions, Ayala was deemed to be intoxicated and was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Jennifer Foley shows up to work at Middle TN Mental Health Institute drunk after drinking multiple bottles of mouthwash

56-year-old Jennifer Foley showed up intoxicated to work at the Middle TN Mental Health Institute on the afternoon of August 30th. Staff at the location alerted the authorities about the incident. When officers arrived, they observed Foley in her blue 2005 Mitsubishi Endeavor parked crooked and over the line. After officers noticed she showed signs of impairment, they asked her to exit her vehicle, which she struggled with. When Foley started walking to the building, she was unsteady on her feet and reeked of alcohol. Then, officers spoke with the complainant, an HR employee, who stated that Foley seemed normal when she got to work at 8 in the morning. However, after Foley returned from lunch at 12:50 p.m., she was visibly intoxicated. They further explained that Foley admitted to taking medications. When the police spoke with Foley, she told them she had taken 50mg of Zoloft, which she takes in the morning. She also noted that her car keys were inside the vehicle in her purse. Then, officers discovered that she had a prior DUI conviction in Wilson County on March 10th, 2016. After this, Foley consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was detained. While searching her vehicle, they found two empty mouthwash bottles in her backseat and a half-empty mouthwash bottle in the front seat. Officers also found a small amount of mouthwash in an open cup in the center console. Foley was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Victor Alameda jailed while drunk at Nashville International Airport after forgetting girlfriend’s phone number

28-year-old Victor Lawrence Alameda was involved in an incident at Nashville International Airport’s Spirit Airlines ticket counter on August 30th. Alameda approached the desk asking about where to get his bags, during which officers noticed a strong alcoholic odor coming from his breath. Then, the police asked him how much he had drank, and he told them he had a bloody mary and other drinks elsewhere. After this, they escorted Alameda to the Spirit baggage office to help him collect his bags. Then, Alameda became angry with them as they asked him to call for a ride. However, he could not do so because his phone was dead. He told officers that his girlfriend could pick him up, but he could not remember her number, so they could call her. Then, Alameda told them he did not know where his hotel was. Alameda was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Morgan Leonard assaults woman at Barstool Nashville after being denied entry

26-year-old Morgan Leonard had an altercation with Alex Jo Walker at Barstool Nashville late on August 30th. A pedestrian flagged officers down and advised them that a woman, later identified as Leonard, had shoved his girlfriend and was calling her names. When the police arrived, they spoke with Walker, who stated that Leonard had pushed her. Then, a witness, a Barstool employee, told officers that Leonard and a group of people she was with were denied entry due to their level of intoxication. The employee added that when he turned the corner of the building, he saw Leonard pushing Walker. After this, officers reviewed footage that corroborated Walker’s statements. When the police spoke with Leonard, they noticed she was visibly impaired and detained her. Leonard was taken into custody for public intoxication on August 31st.

Aimee Genah drunkenly harasses security & refuses to leave Chief’s bar after being kicked out

31-year-old Aimee Lauren Genah caused a disturbance at Chief’s Bar on August 31st. Security at the establishment flagged down nearby officers and told them that Genah had been instructed to leave the location after being disorderly. Then, officers added that Genah returned, started harassing security at the door, and refused to leave. The police escorted Genah away from the doors and spoke with her. As officers spoke with her, they noticed she reeked of alcohol and was visibly impaired. Then, Genah’s friends told officers they would take her back to their hotel for the night. However, Genah started pulling away and yelling at the police, so they detained her for the incident. Genah was taken into custody for public intoxication.