Tevin Holbert attempts to sell $1,750 worth of guitars stolen from Guitar Center to different Guitar Center

On September 3rd, 27-year-old Tevin Holbert was caught trying to sell stolen guitars at the Guitar Center inside the One Hundred Oaks Mall. When officers arrived, they were advised that two individuals in the store were suspects in a theft that happened an hour prior at the RiverGate Mall. Employees stated that Holbert and his accomplice were trying to sell the stolen guitars to them. The stolen property was four guitars valued at $1,750. Officers then located and detained the suspects, who were identified as Queen Robinson and Tevin Holbert. Following this, officers were provided surveillance footage from RiverGate Mall Guitar Center staff showing Holbert and Robinson leaving with four unpaid guitars. Holbert and Robinson were also observed wearing the same clothes that they had on in the video. Holbert was then taken into custody and charged with theft of property.

Christian Maness booked after illegal Adderall pills fall out of his pocket while speaking with police

25-year-old Christian Maness was involved in a domestic altercation at Twice Daily on Rivergate Parkway in the early hours of July 1st. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Maness. During their conversation, a clear bag containing three pills had fallen out of his pocket. Maness told the police that the pills were Adderall that he had bought off the street. He was then cited for the incident that day. Maness was later booked on the citation of simple possession on September 3rd.

Benjamin Murray assaults School Resource Officer during fight at Cane Ridge High School

18-year-old Benjamin Murray was involved in a fight at Cane Ridge High School on September 3rd. The School Resource Officer, Phouthasone Phantakou, reported that when he told Murray, who was running toward the fight, to stop, he didn’t. Murray instead grabbed Phantakou by his vest and shoved him against a wall. Murray eventually let go of Phantakou and was taken into custody. Murray was charged with assaulting a member of law enforcement.

DUI: Brittany Shields gets upset after man tells police she was driving during crash

24-year-old Brittany Shields was involved in a single-vehicle accident on I-40 West near Fesslers Lane in the early hours of September 3rd. When officers arrived, they approached the vehicle. Officers observed Eric Huddleston standing on the embankment and spoke with him about the crash. Huddleston stated he was riding as a passenger while Shields was driving. Shields overheard Huddleston talking to officers and became upset, saying she was not driving. Officers noted that when they arrived, Shields was sitting in the backseat. Officers later discovered that the car belonged to Huddleston.

While speaking with Shields, she admitted to drinking with Huddleston and claimed she was riding as a passenger. Neither she nor Huddleston could tell the police who was driving. Officers noticed a strong alcoholic odor coming from Shields’ breath. Officers had to assist her with walking, but she still stumbled. The police also found three cold, empty Club Cocktail beer cans near the crash. Then, Shields was detained and informed of implied consent. After being read implied consent, Shields agreed to provide a chemical sample. Then, officers found that she had two prior DUI convictions, one from June 2022 and one from October 2023. Shields was taken into custody for driving under the influence-3rd offense.

John Hambright steals $500 out of hidden safe while working at Twice Daily

27-year-old John Hambright was caught stealing money from the Twice Daily on Charlotte Avenue on August 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Hambright, an employee at the location. Hambright admitted that he took around $500 from the safe hidden behind the business. The location’s manager informed officers that she reported the incident because she saw Hambright take the money on the store’s surveillance footage. Officers cited him for the violation that day. Hambright was later booked on the citation of theft of property on September 3rd.

Brandon Readus destroys window at his wife’s family’s home with metal statue

26-year-old Brandon Readus had a domestic disturbance at his wife’s family’s Fanning Drive residence on the evening of October 24th, 2023. Responding officers spoke with Jerry Howell, who stated that his younger daughter, LH, who was at home in her bedroom at the time, called him. She told him that Readus, his Son-In-Law, had come over and shattered her bedroom window with a metal statue from the front yard, hitting her with glass, but it did not leave an injury. Jerry’s daughter then went to the window and saw Readus returning to his car before speeding away. Jerry further explained that Readus and his older daughter, Readus’ wife, had been having issues. Jerry believed that Readus thought she may have been in the house, which was why he showed up and destroyed the window. The police observed the shattered glass all over the bedroom floor and obtained a warrant for Readus’ arrest that day. Readus was later taken into custody for domestic assault and vandalism on September 2nd, 2024.

DUI: Jacob Humphrey crashes car after drinking 2 High Noon Seltzers before going to McDonald’s

31-year-old Jacob Humphrey was in a single-vehicle car crash on Eatons Creek Road on August 7th. Officers arrived and observed Humphrey’s blue 2015 Chevy Colorado crashed into a guard rail. Humphrey had already been transported to the Skyline Hospital, so officers made contact with him there. Upon questioning, Humphrey stated that he had left his house on Carney Road to go to the McDonald’s on Eaton’s Creek Road. Humphrey told officers that the last thing he remembered was ordering from McDonald’s before he crashed. Humphrey then informed officers that he had two high noon seltzers and a blunt around four hours before the incident. Officers cited him for the violation that day. Humphrey was later booked on the citation of driving under the influence on August 30th.

BUI: Martinez Wilder caught driving boat on Percy Priest Lake after sunset

44-year-old Martinez Wilder was stopped after officers observed him driving a boat at the Percy Priest Lake after sunset on August 31st. When the officers approached Wilder, they reported that it was apparent that he was disoriented. Wilder struggled to comprehend and follow the officer’s instructions. Additionally, it was noted that Wilder had an odor that smelled like an alcoholic beverage. This was corroborated by Wilder’s own admission of having consumed alcohol. Initially, Wilder claimed he hadn’t consumed any alcohol when questioned by the officers. However, he soon changed his statement, first admitting to having one drink and then acknowledging he had consumed two alcoholic beverages. Wilder was then prompted to perform sobriety tests, which he performed poorly on. Wilder was then taken into custody and charged with boating under the influence on September 1st.

Amy Eckhold throws margarita can at husband, threatens him with knife during altercation

52-year-old Amy Eckhold had a domestic altercation with her husband, Stephen Eckhold, at their 3rd Avenue South apartment on the afternoon of August 31st. Stephen told dispatch that Amy had pulled a knife on him. When officers arrived at the secondary location, the Hermitage Avenue Shell Station, Stephen had called dispatch back. Stephen told officers he was in Brentwood, Tennessee, and no longer wished to speak with them. Officers attempted to speak with Amy at their 3rd Avenue South apartment, but she did not answer the door. About an hour and a half later, officers received another call for service to Stephen and Amy’s apartment. Stephen had told Elaine Anders about the incident, and she alerted the authorities. She stated that Amy had yelled at Stephen and hit him on the head, causing him to bleed. Anders wanted the police to conduct a welfare check on Amy.

When the police arrived, Stephen opened the door. He told them that he and Amy had a verbal dispute about their living situation and her recent job loss. Stephen further explained that Amy threw a full margarita can at the back of his head before pulling a three-inch serrated steak knife on him. After this, he left the residence and called 911. Officers observed Stephen had visible injuries. Despite this, Stephen refused medical assistance. When the police tried to speak with Amy, she shut and locked the door on them. Before shutting the door, she told them that Stephen pulled a knife on her. Amy Eckhold was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on September 1st. 

DUI: Ruth Gianino tells police she only had “3 beers” before swerving on Gallatin Avenue

36-year-old Ruth Gianino was seen swerving between lanes on Gallatin Avenue on August 31st. Once officers observed this, they conducted a traffic stop. However, Gianino was too slow to pull over on the main road, so it was conducted in the shopping complex behind Gallatin Avenue instead. When officers made contact with Gianino, they reported that she was slow to talk to them. Officers noticed that she fumbled to gather her identification, prompting them to ask her to step out of her car. When Gianino stepped out of her vehicle, officers observed other signs of intoxication. Officers then prompted her to perform sobriety tests. Gianino consented to the tests and showed more signs of impairment, so she was taken into custody. While in custody, Gianino told officers she only had “3 beers” at the bar she was at before driving. Gianino was then transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence.