Tyree Watson jailed after strangling & sexually assaulting woman on his boat

42-year-old Tyree Watson was caught after sexually assaulting and strangling a woman while at the Four Corners Resort and Marina on LaVerne Couchville Pike on September 7th. Officers were contacted by staff for a woman who was hiding, saying that someone, later identified as Watson, had attempted to kill her the night before. When officers arrived on the scene, the victim stated that she was strangled and raped by Watson. The victim was taken to the hospital and spoke with officers there. She reported that the night before, she met Watson and exchanged numbers. She stated that Watson had invited her to a party at the dock. According to the victim, she agreed to use the restroom on Watson’s boat while at the party. However, after entering the boat and being shown the bathroom, she changed her mind and turned to leave. At that point, Watson allegedly locked the door, stood between her and the exit, and threatened to kill her. The victim claims that this was when she asked why before Watson had put her in a chokehold and threw her to the ground. This was when she attempted to crawl away, but Watson had drug her back and began strangling her with his hands. After a while, he stopped, and she got up, but he allegedly told her to remove her clothes.

The victim informed officers that she was in fear for her life, so she complied. Watson then ordered her to get on the bed. When she did, Watson sexually assaulted her. The victim also claimed during this, Watson had struck her in the back several times, which caused her to black out. When she woke up, she noticed that Watson was asleep behind her. However, he woke up when she got up and attempted to leave. She then fled from the location. Watson was also observed on camera leaving the facility and was identified using the rental records for the slip the houseboat was in. Officers observed numerous injuries to the victim that were consistent with what happened to her. A warrant was later issued, and Watson was taken into for aggravated rape, strangulation, and aggravated kidnapping on September 8th.

DUI: Mathew Petrossian makes sarcastic remarks to medics after crashing car, tells them “I’m allergic to your mother”

27-year-old Mathew Petrossian was caught driving under the influence after getting into a car accident while at the intersection of Woodberry Drive and Donelson Pike on September 8th. When officers arrived, they observed a vehicle crash in the front yard of a residence. Officers then spoke with Petrossian, the driver, who informed them that he had crashed his car. While searching the area, the officers noticed a partially empty bottle of vodka near the passenger seat floorboard. They could also smell alcohol on Petrossian. When the Emergency Medical Teams began evaluating him for injuries, they asked him what month it was, and he replied, “I couldn’t tell you that if I was sober!”

Petrossian seemed disoriented and displayed slurred speech during the interaction. Due to these signs of intoxication, Petrossian was transported to a nearby hospital. Throughout the interaction, Petrossian made sarcastic remarks, such as, “I’m allergic to your mother.” When officers asked Petrossian if he had been drinking, he admitted to drinking four shots of vodka before driving. He also stated, “I’m drunk as f*ck!” Petrossian continued to stumble and display slurred speech. When asked to perform a sobriety test, Petrossian refused. Officers then read implied consent to Petrossian, and he agreed to have his blood drawn. Afterward, Petrossian became verbally aggressive with officers and attempted to leave the hospital room twice. He was then deemed intoxicated and taken into custody for driving under the influence on September 9th.

DUI: Dylan Stansbury attempts to keep driving car after being involved in crash

26-year-old Dylan Michael Stansbury was involved in a car accident near Royal Parkway and Elm Hill Pike at 12:30 a.m. on September 7th. When officers arrived, Stansbury was sitting in a bystander’s vehicle. He reported that he was involved in a crash with another car a few blocks from where they were. Stansbury added that the other party involved in the crash had fled, so he tried to continue driving his vehicle. He noted that his car stopped working at the Royal Parkway and Elm Hill Pike intersection. During their interaction, the police noticed that Stansbury had a strong alcoholic odor coming from his breath. Then, he admitted to having two shots of liquor before leaving work at 5 p.m. on September 6th. Officers prompted Stansbury with sobriety tests, which he consented to and performed poorly on. Stansbury was informed of implied consent and agreed to provide a breath sample. Then, under Miranda, he admitted to drinking multiple beers about an hour and a half before the collision. Stansbury was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Montiana Rhone punches little sister multiple times after she was caught stealing at Walmart

21-year-old Montiana Rhone had a domestic altercation with her little sister in the Lebanon Pike Walmart parking lot late September 8th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Rhone’s sister, who stated that she was caught shoplifting and had called Rhone to pick her up. She explained that when Rhone arrived, they walked outside. Then, she said that Rhone put her stuff down before “bucking up” to her. Rhone’s little sister added that she retaliated similarly. In response, Rhone responded by pushing her, sparking a scuffle where Rhone punched her in the head multiple times. The police spoke with multiple witnesses who saw the fight before reviewing video footage showing Rhone being the primary aggressor. When officers spoke with Rhone, she admitted to throwing the first punch and was detained for the occurrence. Rhone was taken into custody for domestic assault. 

Yesenia Chable assaults man & prevents him from calling police during argument over breakfast

30-year-old Yesenia Chable had a domestic incident with Joaquin Castillo Palacios at their Rader Ridge Court residence on September 8th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Palacios, who said he and Chable argued over breakfast. He added that Chable started getting loud and angry, so he wanted to remove himself from the situation, but she would not let him leave. After this, Palacios said he called the police, then Chable took his phone and hung up the call. He told officers he believed Chable prevented him from alerting the authorities so they could talk about their issues. When officers talked to Chable, she said that she and Palacios had a verbal dispute, during which he was trying to leave and got up from his chair. Chable said she pushed him back into the seat because she wanted him to stay. She added that she took the phone from him while he was on the phone with 911. She said she wanted to figure out their problems without police involvement. Chable was taken into custody for domestic assault and interference with an emergency call.

Matthew Lyons aka “007” punches girlfriend in mouth & steals her purse

29-year-old Matthew Edward Lyons had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Cassy Gould, on the west side of Nissan Stadium near the riverwalk in the early hours of September 8th. Responding officers located Gould, who had blood around her face and a laceration on the left corner of her mouth. She told them that her new boyfriend, later identified as Lyons, who she only knew as “007,” had hit her in the mouth, took her purse, and rode off on his bicycle. She provided them with a description of Lyons, saying that he had a horn tattoo on his forehead, a “007” tattoo on the back of his neck, scabs all over his arms, and was riding a bicycle with three backpacks on the handlebars. The police report stated that Lyons and Gould were homeless and had been camping on the east bank of the river near the stadium. After this, officers searched the area and found Lyons. He denied hitting Gould and said she accused him of taking her purse then started hitting herself. However, Lyons had a fresh cut on his right index finger knuckle, consistent with Gould’s version of events. Gould was transported to the hospital and was informed that she would probably need stitches for her split lip. Lyons was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Maya Gray punches & bites boyfriend during movie at AMC Theater after he tells her to be quiet

28-year-old Maya Gray was involved in a domestic incident with her boyfriend, Antonio Price, at the AMC Theater on Bell Road on September 7th. Officers were later dispatched to Price’s apartment on Old Franklin Road concerning a domestic disturbance. Price told officers that while he and Gray were at a movie, she kept talking, so he told her to be quiet. According to Price, after he told Gray this, she started to punch and bite him on his shoulder. While speaking with Price, officers observed redness and a bite mark on his right shoulder. When officers spoke with Gray, she admitted that she was talking during the movie and that Price had told her to be quiet. Gray told officers that she was playfully slapping Price on his arm. Officers reported that, based on circumstance, Gray was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on September 8th.

Jeffrey Tower shoves sister during altercation at Tequila Cowboy, tells police “I didn’t mean to push her that hard”

29-year-old Jeffrey Tower was involved in an altercation with his sister at the Tequila Cowboy on September 7th. When officers arrived and spoke with Tower’s sister, she told them Tower got mad and tried to get their party to leave. She stated that Tower started arguing with her once they were outside and then walked away. Tower proceeded to turn around and push his sister onto the ground. Tower’s sister informed officers that she didn’t sustain any injuries and that she didn’t want to prosecute. Following this, officers received video footage of the incident showing Tower shoving his sister in front of security. When officers spoke with Tower, he admitted to shoving his sister, stating, ” I didn’t mean to push her that hard.” Tower was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on September 8th.

DUI: Michael Taft blows .119% BAC after making illegal U-turn & swerving between lanes

36-year-old Michael Taft was seen in a blue Dodge Ram 1500 making an illegal U-turn on Hermitage Avenue on September 7th. Officers observed this but continued to follow him. They finally decided to conduct a traffic stop once they saw him swerving out of his lane. When officers made contact with Taft, they noticed that his eyes were bloodshot and that he had a strong smell of alcohol. After officers asked Taft to step out of his truck, they detected more signs of intoxication, so they asked him to perform sobriety tests. Taft consented to the sobriety tests and showed signs of impairment. Taft was then taken into custody and read implied consent. While in custody, Taft told officers that he had a firearm in the center console of his truck. Following this, Taft was transported to booking, where a breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of .119% BAC. Taft was later charged with driving under the influence and possessing a weapon while under the influence on September 8th.

Jordan Wilson threatens nephew & sister with gun during altercation over money

30-year-old Jordan Wilson had a domestic incident with his nephew, Jaylon Calhoun, and his sister, Jaylon’s mother, Brittany Calhoun, at McKendree Village, Jaylon’s job, on Lebanon Pike late June 10th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Jaylon, who stated that Wilson had come to his job and “pulled a gun on him.” Then, Jaylon said he had an ongoing dispute with Wilson regarding a “money issue.” Jaylon added that Wilson had sent numerous messages about money that he allegedly owed him. He stated that Wilson drove up to McKendree Village and waited outside for him. Then, Jaylon said Wilson approached him and started arguing before yelling at him, asking, “Where is my money?” Jaylon responded, “Leave me alone,” and Brittany intervened. After this, Jaylon told officers that Wilson walked to his car and grabbed a gun. Wilson waved it around and pointed it in Jaylon’s direction, causing him to run away in fear for his life.

Then, the police spoke with Brittany, who said she arrived to pick up Jaylon from work. She said she was sitting in her vehicle, waiting for Jaylon, when she observed Wilson pulling into the parking lot. Brittany added that when she noticed Wilson yelling at Jaylon and asking about money, she approached Wilson and told him to leave. She said that Wilson then threatened her, telling her she would shoot her before going to his car and grabbing a gun. Then, she said she and Jaylon ran for safety, and Wilson drove off to his vehicle.

After this, officers spoke with Jamie Flood, who works for HR at the location. She stated that she was in her office when she overheard yelling outside, so she went to investigate. Then, Flood said she saw Wilson go to his car, retrieve a “black gun,” and point it at Jaylon and Brittany. Flood added that she ran inside but could still see Wilson acting erratically. Another employee at the location, Evan Fanning, told the police that he saw Wilson outside arguing with Jaylon and cursing at him. Then, he said he witnessed Wilson grab a gun from his vehicle, causing him and Flood to run for safety in the belief that he would start shooting. When officers reviewed footage of the incident, it corroborated Flood, Fanning, Jaylon, and Brittany’s statements. Then, Jaylon and Brittany gave officers Wilson’s identity and added that they wanted to press charges for the occurrence. Officers obtained warrants for Wilson’s arrest. Wilson was later taken into custody for two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on September 6th.