Cassandra Dula steals $437 worth of children’s clothes at JCPenney

43-year-old Cassandra Jeannette Dula stole merchandise from JCPenney on June 7th. Kenneth Payne, the store’s asset protection manager, observed Dula enter the kids’ department, grab several children’s clothing items, and place them in her large handbag before leaving the store without paying. He added that he followed her while on the phone with the police. When officers arrived, they located Dula at The Honey Baked Ham Company and transported her to JCPenney for prosecution. The value of the stolen merchandise was $437.97. Dula was taken into custody for theft of merchandise.

Felisha Whitefield steals from Walmart, flees hospital after using fentanyl

22-year-old Felisha Whitfield stole merchandise from the Nolensville Pike Walmart around 2:04 p.m. on June 6th. Officers were advised that she attempted to fight with security, so they detained her until they arrived. When they arrived, medics assessed Whitefield after stating she had used fentanyl and nearly passed out several times during their interaction. Then, officers asked Whitefield for her name, and she gave them her mother’s name, “Melissa Cole,” stating, “I have my kids outside in my car in the parking lot.” After officers could not find her kids, they asked her, “Where are your kids?” Whitefield replied, “With my mom,” and gave them the address of their Bell Road apartment. When officers visited the unit, they spoke with her mother, Cole, who stated, “She always gives my name when she gets in trouble.” Then, medics transported Whitefield to Southern Hills Hospital for medical clearance. Officers later discovered she had two outstanding warrants, one from Nashville and the other from Williamson County.

Then, on June 9th, when Whitefield was getting discharged, she tried to run away from the hospital until security stopped her at the door and escorted her to her bed. Afterward, she ran into the parking lot and hid inside a random unlocked vehicle. Officers then located and detained her, during which she began resisting arrest. Whitefield was taken into custody for vehicle burglary, resisting arrest, escape from a penal institution, identity theft, and theft.

Destiny Banks punches mother in face after trying to strangle her

19-year-old Destiny Lashaea Banks had a domestic altercation with her mother, Laquisha Banks, at her Edgehill Avenue residence on March 30th. Laquisha told responding officers that Destiny had entered her house and grabbed a drill for her nails without permission before kicking open her bedroom door, leaving visible damage. When Laquisha tried to remove Destiny from the house, a scuffle ensued, during which Destiny grabbed her by the neck to strangle her while trying to punch her. After Laquisha got away, she called the police, and Destiny left. She provided them with Destiny’s information and advised that she wanted to press charges for the occurrence. A warrant was issued for her arrest, and Destiny Banks was later arrested for domestic assault and vandalism on June 9th.

Lizette Bustamante punches mother in face for kicking her boyfriend out

24-year-old Lizette Bustamante was involved in a domestic incident with her mother, Andrea Restrepo, at a  Lombardia Court residence on June 10th. Officers arrived on the scene and spoke with Restrepo, who told officers that there was a physical altercation that involved her, Restrepo’s husband, Bustamante, and Bustamante’s boyfriend. Restrepo informed officers that she and her husband, Rulon Rodgers, had been trying to kick Bustamante’s boyfriend out of the residence and went to confront him. Bustamante stopped the two, causing a verbal altercation that turned physical when Bustamante punched Restrepo in the face. Officers observed swelling on Restrepo’s face, showing that she was assaulted. Officers then spoke with Bustamante, who corroborated the statements made by Restrepo. Bustamante also admitted to officers that she did punch Restrepo in the face. Officers noticed Bustamante had a ripped shirt, minor cuts, and scratches on her face and knees. Bustamente told officers that the injuries came from her and her boyfriend having a physical altercation with Rodgers. Officers then spoke with Rodgers, who stated that he observed Bustamante punch Restrepo and proceeded to “bear hug” Bustamante to de-escalate the situation. Officers determined Bustamante to be the primary aggressor after her admittance, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 11th.

Raul Hernandez Ayuzo vomits in front of officers outside of Barstool Sports

23-year-old Raul Hernandez Ayuzo was jailed on June 8th after officers were flagged down at Barstool Sports on June 8th. Upon contact with Ayuzo, officers could smell the odor of alcohol emanating from his breath as well as his unsteady balance. Ayuzo was also vomiting on himself and the ground but denied a medical evaluation. Officers deemed Ayuzo to be a danger to himself due to his level of intoxication, and he was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Bruce Rodgers found stumbling around parking lot while drunk

46-year-old Bruce Rodgers was seen publicly intoxicated at a parking lot near Gallatin Pike on June 8th. Officers observed Rodgers stumbling and lying down in the parking lot. A car approached the officers, telling them Rodgers was heavily intoxicated and had passed out twice. Officers then made contact with Rodgers, who admitted to them that he had something to drink. Officers then asked Rodgers where he lived, but he was unable to provide his address. Rodgers also told officers that he had a ride home but was too intoxicated to use his phone. Rodgers had trouble standing when asked, so officers determined he was too intoxicated to care for himself. Rodgers was taken into custody for public intoxication on June 9th.

Brandon Adams jailed after stealing man’s Macbook Pro in 2019

26-year-old Brandon Thomas Adams was taken into custody for theft on June 11th. On September 11th, 2019, Aedan Cole alerted the authorities, telling them that several items had been stolen from his house on July 11th, 2019. Cole suspected his former roommate, Luciano Ruotolo, and Ruotolo’s friend, Adams, had been involved. Cole said on July 22nd, 2019, his vehicle was stolen from his house, which led to Ruotolo being arrested and charged with vehicle theft in Wilson County. Officers found some of the stolen property inside his car next to a pawn receipt that indicated Adams had sold Cole’s Macbook Pro to the Kwik Kash in Lebanon, TN. A warrant was issued for Adams’s arrest that day. Adams was later detained for the occurrence on June 11th, 2024.

April Hurd twists husband’s testicles after argument on Broadway

37-year-old April Hurd was involved in a domestic altercation with her husband, Austin Hurd, At Fraye Hotel on Broadway on June 10th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with April, who stated that she was involved in an altercation with Austin. April claimed that the two had been out drinking when they got into an argument. April says that Austin left her on Broadway, and she returned to their room. Once in the hotel room, she noticed Austin inside and told him to “get the fuck out.” April informed officers that she doesn’t remember much but does remember that Austin put her into a headlock, which caused her earring to penetrate the skin behind her ear.

Austin told officers that he and his wife were out on Broadway drinking and had gotten into an argument. Austin claims that he left Broadway because he did not want to argue with April anymore. When he and April returned to the hotel room, they immediately started arguing. April told him to “get the fuck out of the room.” Austin did not leave the room because he did not have anywhere else to stay. That was when April Grabbed his testicles and squeezed. Austin also says that in self-defense, he pushed her head down so she would release his testicles, causing the injury. Officers also observed injuries to Austin’s arm. Due to April initiating the argument as well as the bruise on Austin, she was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Booster Elexus Reed steals $200 worth of children’s clothes from Gabe’s

26-year-old Booster Elexus Reed and Myeshia Miles stole merchandise from Gabe’s on Gallatin Pike North in the early morning hours of May 8th. Once inside the store, they gathered $200 worth of children’s clothes, concealed them, and exited without paying. On May 15th, they returned and were stopped by officers in the parking lot after another shoplifting incident. A warrant was issued for her arrest on May 20th. Reed was taken into custody for theft on June 5th. Reed has an extensive record of shoplifting, previously having been charged multiple times for doing so in 2023.

Christopher Rogers throws keys at Shell gas station employee during bathroom door altercation

53-year-old Christopher Rogers was booked on the citation of assault on June 4th. In the early hours of April 18th, Neelkumar Patel, a Shell gas station employee, called the police to the establishment and advised them that he and Rogers had an altercation over him locking the bathroom door inside the store. Patel stated that when Rogers exited the bathroom, he approached the counter and threw the keys at him. Patel said the keys thrown had “grazed his ear” and provided footage of the incident. Patel advised officers that he wanted to press charges. Rogers was then cited for the occurrence that day.