DUI: Alan Bravo attempts suicide by overdosing on pills & crashing into pole

20-year-old Alan Bravo crashed his car into a pole near Charlotte Used Tire on Charlotte Avenue in the early hours of May 11th. When officers arrived, they noticed Bravo had sustained multiple injuries and was shaking, appearing to have overdosed, so they had him transported to Vanderbilt. While at the hospital, Bravo explained to officers that he was trying to kill himself by overdosing on anti-depressant and anxiety medication. He added that after taking the meds, he became “loopy” and crashed into the pole. He was admitted for extensive treatment and was cited for the incident. Bravo was booked on the citation of driving under the influence on June 4th.

Amanda Covington damages man’s iPhone after altercation

52-year-old Amanda Covington had an altercation with Ian Weber at the Old Hickory Boulevard apartments on the afternoon of May 12th. Weber told responding officers that Covington grabbed his iPhone 14 Pro Max and damaged its camera. Patrick Maclean, one of the witnesses that officers questioned, corroborated Weber’s statements. Weber advised that he wanted to press charges. Officers located Covington at her neighboring unit and noticed she was visibly intoxicated. She was cited for the incident on site and booked on the citation of vandalism on June 3rd.

Timmia Taylor steals $800 worth of merchandise from Macy’s

18-year-old Timmia Taylor was caught stealing from a Macy’s on Hillsboro Pike on May 4th. When officers arrived they made contact with the asset protection team, who stated that Taylor and another female, Lacharlsia Williams, were shopping around and only purchased two items. They claimed they were in the store for an hour, picking up different items and bringing them to the fitting room to conceal them within their Macy’s shopping bag. Asset protection told officers that the pair walked past all points of sale and left the macys before they apprehended them, bringing them back to their office. The items totaled $801.42, and they were caught on Surveillance footage. Taylor was cited for theft of merchandise and booked on June 3rd.

Lekrisha Braden fights sister’s roommate after argument

47-year-old Lekrisha Braden was observed assaulting Ranetta Smith at Elysian Fields Road on May 14th. Smith said she went to the mentioned location to help her sister move out. While doing so, her sister’s roommate, Braden, got upset and started arguing with her. The argument was taken into the parking lot, where Braden hit Smith. Braden initially went inside the apartment but went back outside and hit her in the head. When officers arrived, Braden denied ever touching Smith but stated that she tried to make her leave by following her to the parking lot. Law enforcement cited her for the violation, and she was booked on the citation of assault on June 3rd.

My A assaults ex-lover after argument over dog

30-year-old My T A had a domestic incident with Loan Nguyen at her residence on June 6th. Upon arrival, officers witnessed A and Nguyen holding each other by the shirt while Nguyen was screaming that A had hit her. Officers detained A and spoke with Nguyen, who explained that A had come to her house for their dog, which sparked an argument, and they started yelling at each other. Nguyen said when she tried to go upstairs to call her friend, A grabbed her hair and pulled her down the stairs, causing her to hit her head and break the arbor at the bottom of the stairwell. Nguyen said she prevented A from leaving until the police got there. Officers spoke with A, who confirmed coming over for their dog, adding that Nguyen threatened to damage their vehicle before grabbing them. A admitted that the two held each other on the stairwell, causing Nguyen to fall and break her arbor. Officers noticed hair at the bottom of the steps, which appeared to belong to Nguyen, corroborating her statement. A was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Dawun Ray threatens brother with machete during argument over doing the dishes

28-year-old Dawun Ray was seen threatening his brother, Zacir Ray, with a machete at a Glen Haven Drive residence on June 6th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Zacir, who told officers that Dawun had come into his room to ask him to do the dishes. The argument soon turned into a physical altercation. Zacir claimed that Dawun grabbed a hair pick that was on a table and attempted to stab him in the leg while he pushed him into the wall on the second floor. Officers observed a hole in the wall where the altercation had occurred, as well as a hair pick on the floor. Officers then spoke with their mother, Lakisha Ray, who stated that after the two separated, Dawun came downstairs and attempted to grab her shotgun from her room. Lakisha told officers she stopped Dawun from grabbing the shotgun, but instead, he grabbed a machete. Lakisha communicated to officers that Dawun then began arguing with Zacir from downstairs while swinging the machete at the railing on the stairs, causing significant damage. Officers observed the damage to the railing and the machete that was used. Dawun later admitted to hitting the railing with the machete. Officers then spoke with Zacir again, who claimed he was on the staircase when Dawun hit the railing. Zacir told officers that Dawun tried to hit him with the machete and that he was afraid Dawun was going to kill him. Dawun was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and vandalism on June 7th.

Royal Blackmon III punches girlfriend after she makes him stop burning Bay Leaves in bathroom

29-year-old Royal Blackmon III was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Laura Shaw, at their Lenox Village apartment on May 5th. The incident started when Blackmon III came home visibly frustrated and began to purposely light a bay leaf on fire in the bathroom. When Shaw tried to get Blackmon III to stop, they started arguing. Shaw left the bathroom to stop the altercation from escalating, but while she was on her way out, Blackmon III hit her with the door. Blackmon III proceeded to punch Shaw in the stomach and face multiple times, causing swelling above her eyes. Shaw was able to provide law enforcement with video footage of the incident showcasing her version of events. Royal Blackmon III left before officers arrived, but he was later found, taken into custody, and charged with domestic assault on June 6th.