TSU professor Brian Nagy exposes himself to neighbor’s doorbell camera multiple times

52-year-old Brian George Nagy, an Assistant Professor at TSU, inappropriately exposed himself to his two neighbors on Meharry Boulevard in the early hours of March 14th. The victims notified the police of the incident and provided them with video footage showing Nagy, at 12:39 a.m., walking up to and facing their camera, yelling, “Take a look at my dick,” and, “You want to see my dick?” After screaming at the camera, he pulled his pants down, exposed his genitals, yelled at the camera again, and walked out of camera view. Three minutes later, he returned to the backyard camera, turned around, and pulled his pants down, showing his bare buttocks. He smacked his buttocks repeatedly for about 14 seconds on the camera before pulling up his pants and leaving. Then, at 1:40 a.m., he approached the backyard camera and showed his buttocks again while sticking up his middle finger from behind before walking out of camera view. He came back a minute later, “mooned” the camera again, left, and at 2:36 a.m., “mooned” the camera for about 5 seconds for a final time.

On March 20th, between 1:33 a.m. and 3:39 a.m., Nagy continued to go to the same neighbor’s camera, flipping them off, yelling obscenities, exposing his buttocks, and placing them in fear for their safety. He was also seen via camera, completely nude, with only a sock covering up his penis while shaking it from side to side. Nagy was taken into custody for four counts of indecent exposure and two counts of stalking on March 22nd.

Jason Curtis violates order of protection by calling woman 20 times threatening to kill her

35-year-old Jason Curtis violated his order of protection on March 17th. Jennifer Rae Rudolph called the police, and when they arrived at her Tampa Drive apartment, she advised them of the temporary order of protection she got on March 17th against Curtis. Rudolph stated that she received the call from DCSO early March 18th saying Curtis had been notified of the temporary order of protection. Rudolph then stated she started getting calls from random, unknown numbers and Facebook messages a few minutes before DCSO called her, so she answered one of them believing it was law enforcement. When Rudolph picked up the call, Curtis answered and threatened to kill her for getting an order of protection. She added that he called about 20 times and messaged her via Facebook repeatedly, stating he did not care about going to prison, that there would be hell to pay if she ever set foot in Shelbyville, and that she should be r*ped. During this, Curtis sent an edited nude photograph of her, threatening to post it online. Curtis also tagged Rudolph in a social media post, calling her a whore. Detectives confirmed the order of protection and issued a warrant for his arrest. Curtis was taken into custody for two counts of harassment and an order of protection violation on March 20th.

18-year-old Markese McCutcheon caught with stolen police equipment, tells police “That’s my brother’s firearm”

18-year-old Markese Andrew McCutcheon had a white Altima parked next to Building D near a dead end at Sterling Nashville West Apartments in the early hours of March 20th. Officers patrolled the apartment complex, an active crime area known for people breaking into and stealing vehicles, especially in the early morning. Officers noticed McCutcheon crouched by other parked cars. Officers noticed his Altima was parked to the left of the vehicles but not in a parking spot, and when he stood up, they turned around. When officers turned around, McCutcheon had driven away, so they got behind his Altima. Officers located him walking in front of building D and spoke with him, during which he told them he stayed in that complex. McCutcheon stated that the Altima was his and approached them with his hands in his hoodie pocket. Officers noticed a bulge in his pocket, so they searched and asked him what he had in his pocket, to which he replied, “That’s my brother’s firearm.” Further investigation revealed that the handgun was stolen. During a subsequent search of McCutcheon’s Altima, they found a Cheatham County Sherriff heavy vest and plates. Officers also found a handgun holster, three fully loaded handgun magazines, two knives, .40 caliber ammo, .223 caliber ammo, ear protection, and a seatbelt cutter. Officers were notified that the items were reported stolen by Deputy Salas on February 24th. Additionally, they located a bag of marijuana, scales, and burglary tools in his car. McCutcheon was taken into custody for theft of a firearm, possession of burglary tools, and simple possession.

Martin Lampkin II drives 70mph through residential area while evading arrest

26-year-old Martin Lampkin II was speeding on DB Todd Jr. Boulevard late December 7th, 2023. Officers observed him going 41 mph in a 30-mph zone as they patrolled the area and initiated a traffic stop. Lampkin II slowed down, turned right onto 17th Avenue North, and then accelerated away. Officers reported that they witnessed him drive with “complete disregard for his own life and other lives” as he went over 70 mph in a residential, 25 mph zone with pedestrians on the sidewalk. Officers then went to Kings Market Vape & Smoke Shop on Jefferson Street, where they originally located Lampkin II, obtained video footage and photographic stills of him, and matched it to his previous arrest photos, confirming his identity. Lampkin II was taken into custody for evading arrest by motor vehicle with risk of injury on March 20th.

Anthony Smith flees police after driving on revoked license to avoid getting his car towed

50-year-old Anthony Smith almost caused a collision in his Grand Marquis near Murfreesboro Pike and Thompson Place on March 20th. Officers observed Smith drive through a parking lot and in front of traffic as he turned left onto Thompson Lane, so they activated their emergency equipment. Smith then stopped in the middle of the road, dropped his passenger off, and sped off, disregarding officer signals to stop. Officers decided not to pursue, deactivated their sirens, and followed him, keeping him in sight. During this, officers followed Smith several blocks as he drove through the grass and pulled up to his apartment, where they detained him. Smith told officers he decided to flee to avoid getting his car towed. Smith was taken into custody for driving with a revoked license and evading arrest by motor vehicle.

Koree Brooks assaults boyfriend with knife during argument

33-year-old Koree Brooks had an altercation with her boyfriend, Devinceo Pruitt, at her Antioch Pike apartment late March 19th. Pruitt alerted the authorities, advising that he and Brooks had been arguing on and off all day. Pruitt stated that it escalated when Brooks grabbed a utility knife and swung it at him several times, cutting his arm. Pruitt said he punched her in the face after she cut him. Officers noticed he had a severe laceration on his left bicep, which showed obvious disfigurement. Brooks told them that Pruitt punched and strangled her, so she used the knife in self-defense. Brooks had a minor scrape on her neck and redness in her nose, but there was no visible bruising during the interview.  Brooks was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Damian Luster strangles wife during argument about children

32-year-old Damian Luster was jailed on March 21st for assaulting his wife at their home on Murfreesboro Pike. When officers arrived, they observed Alicia Martin with scratches on her neck and body as well as petechiae in her eyes from being strangled. Martin stated that she had gotten into an argument with Luster because he was no longer helping with their child. When Martin had asked her husband to leave the apartment, he pushed her up against a kitchen counter and placed his forearm across her neck. Martin then kicked Luster in the stomach to defend herself.

Luster denied strangling his wife and advised that she had brandished a kitchen knife, so he pushed her away from him to protect himself. Luster also stated that Martin had spit on him during the argument. Based on Martin’s visible injuries along with her statement, Luster was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

Justin Jackson assaults baby-mama during multiple altercations

34-year-old Justin Jackson had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Cinandre Horton, who is pregnant with his child, at their South 6th Street apartment on January 18th. Horton spoke with officers when they arrived and advised them that Jackson had entered their unit and started packing his bag, during which an argument ensued. Jackson struck Horton in the back of her head with his bag and punched her in the face. Detectives observed the injuries sustained, which were consistent with her statement. Horton told officers about a previous incident on January 16th, where Jackson had assaulted her, taken her phone so she would not call the police, and then fled the location. Afterward, Horton went to a neighbor’s house to use their phone to alert the authorities. Horton’s phone is valued at $1,000.00. Jackson was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault, interference with a 911 call, and theft on March 21st.

Jimmy Reed attempts to kill himself multiple times during argument with girlfriend

27-year-old Jimmy Lee Reed had a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Hannah Jawad, at his Continental Drive residence in the early hours of March 21st. When the detectives arrived, they spoke with Jawad, who advised them that she went to a bar with her boyfriend, Reed, and some friends. On the way home, an argument ensued between her and Reed, where Jawad told Reed to get out of her vehicle. When he exited the car, he grabbed her purse and walked away. Then, Reed started messaging Jawad, saying he was going to harm himself. So, Jawad called her friend, Savannah Cummings, to help her look for him, worried he might hurt himself. After 30 minutes of searching for Reed, they located him, and he got in Jawad’s back seat. While they were driving home, Reed started making suicidal statements and wrapping his belt around his neck. Jawad struggled, trying to unwrap the seatbelt from his neck. Then, Reed started hitting Jawad with the metal portion of the seatbelt, causing minor bleeding and swelling to the right side of her lower lip. Jawad stated that she swung at Reed in self-defense, which caused swelling to his left eye. As they continued driving to his residence, he rolled the rear window down and tried jumping out of the moving vehicle. So, Jawad grabbed Reed by his pants and pulled him back inside the car. When they finally got to his residence, Reed tried to take the car keys from Cummings and simultaneously started striking Jawad’s left shoulder with his elbow, which left a minor redness. Reed went inside the home, and Jawad waited outside for the police to arrive. Officers then spoke with Reed, who said he went to the bar with Jawad and did not touch her. Reed was deemed as the primary aggressor, and then he was taken into custody for domestic assault.