Tracy Barrett Jr. assaults girlfriend, tells her “I want to see you get mad”

27-year-old Tracy Barrett Jr. had an altercation with his girlfriend, Shunika Rooks, at her Andrew Jackson Way apartment on the afternoon of February 9th. Officers were dispatched to Summit Flowers & Gifts, where they spoke with Rooks. Rooks stated that around 2 p.m., she was sitting on the edge of her bed when Barrett Jr. poked her, stating, “I want to see you get mad.” Rooks said he punched her in the face and placed his hands around her neck, strangling her and making it difficult to breathe. Rooks said she nearly lost consciousness but was able to fight back by scratching and biting Barrett Jr., which caused him to release his hands from her throat. When she escaped his grasp, she went to the kitchen, where Barrett Jr. followed and then struck her on the side of the face. Then, Rooks said Barrett Jr. hugged her from behind and tried to apologize. She told him to let her go, but he refused, so she grabbed a metal spatula and swung it over her head, hitting his head, which was when he released her. After this, Rooks exited the apartment, got into her car, and fled from Barrett Jr. When officers spoke with her, they noticed she had a black eye and scratch marks on her nose, the right side of her forehead, and her right wrist. Barrett Jr. was taken into custody for aggravated assault on March 19th.

Tracy Rudolph speeds down I-40 West at 91mph

30-year-old Tracy Deandre Rudolph was speeding on I-40 West in the early hours of May 22nd, 2023. Officers observed Rudolph going 91 mph in a 70-mph-zone, conducted a traffic stop, and then cited him for the incident. He failed to appear in court or pay the fine by September 29th,2023, so a warrant was issued for his arrest. Rudolph was taken into custody on March 19th.

Brianna Scott speeds down I-40 West, tells police “I Didn’t know I was speeding”

21-year-old Brianna Loren Scott was speeding on I-40 West in the early hours of June 29th, 2024. Officers observed her going 83 mph in a 70-mph-zone and conducted a traffic stop, during which she stated, “I Didn’t know I was speeding.” Scott was then was cited for the incident. She failed to appear in court or pay the fine by October 13th, 2023, so a warrant was issued for her arrest. Scott was taken into custody on March 19th.

Symone Stewart assaults woman for dating her ex-boyfriend

24-year-old Symone Stewart had an altercation with her ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend, TB, late December 1st, 2022. On December 3rd, 2022, officers were dispatched to a 25th Avenue North residence, where they spoke with TB. TB advised officers that Stewart had followed and attacked her because she was currently dating Stewart’s ex-boyfriend. TB stated that Stewart posted the incident and her injuries on social media. Officers reviewed the footage, which showed Stewart holding TB by the hair and striking her repeatedly. During the fight, TB was knocked to the ground, where Stewart began stomping on her head. TB provided photos of the injuries she sustained, which were consistent with her statement. Stewart was taken into custody for aggravated assault on March 19th.

Shana Lyons deemed too drunk for Nashville International Airport

35-year-old Shana Leigh Lyons was refused boarding at Gate C22 at Nashville International Airport on March 20th. When officers arrived, they noticed she was crying by the gate desk, visibly upset, as airline employees pointed her out. Lyons reeked of alcohol as officers asked for her identification, which she struggled to find, rummaging through her purse and grabbing a wallet that did not have it. Lyons then located her ID and gave it to the officers, so they went to run her information through their system. During this, the airline employees got Lyons rebooked for the next day, attempted to book a hotel for her, and then called her husband. Officers were given the number for the hotel and tried to get Lyons to call to ask if they had any vacancies. Lyons did not follow the instructions, and officers determined she could not care for herself. Officers grabbed Lyon’s things, detained her, and escorted her to the patrol car. They notified Lyon’s husband of the situation and told him she would call him once she was released. Lyons was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Jeremy Anderson caught with cocaine, loaded gun while driving stolen Chevy Colorado

33-year-old Jeremy Lincoln Anderson was sitting in the front passenger seat of a stolen, white 2005 Chevy Colorado at the Parliament Place Apartments on Glastonbury Road early on March 20th. Officers observed that the Chevrolet had a temporary white tag covering a blue plate, which they knew concealed the vehicle’s registration; they approached it, located Anderson, and took photos of the VIN through the windshield. Officers noticed a black crossbody-style bag next to him and asked if there were any guns, to which he said there wasn’t. Officers then ran the VIN and discovered that the Chevy was reported stolen by Dustin Perrigo on March 13th in Davidson County. When they reapproached the vehicle, Anderson was outside, leaning into the passenger window. Officers told Anderson to come to the truck’s rear and sit on the tailgate. Officers then searched the Chevy and located a polymer 80 semi-automatic handgun under the front passenger seat. The gun had no serial number, was assembled with various parts, and was loaded with one round in the chamber with an additional 28 rounds in an extended magazine. Officers learned Anderson had previously been convicted of robbery, multiple counts of aggravated assault, and drug possession in Weakley County, TN, as well as two schedule VI drug charges in Knox County. Anderson was detained and searched, where officers found a straw with a folded piece of paper with residue. Anderson was then Mirandized, under Miranda, Anderson told officers that the gun was not his and that he had been picked up in the Chevy. Anderson added that he did not know the driver’s name but had “seen him around.” Anderson added that he did not call him for the ride and did not know that the car was stolen or that the gun was in there. Officers lifted prints from the rearview mirror and turned them in. They discovered additional straws in a black bag in the pickup truck, as well as a plastic bag with .2 grams of cocaine in his pants pocket. Anderson was taken into custody for joyriding, simple possession, unlawful use of drug paraphernalia, and being a felon in possession of a handgun.

19-year-old Terrence Woods-Covington Jr. steals $125 Versace cologne at Nordstrom

19-year-old Terrence Woods-Convington Jr. attempted to steal merchandise from Nordstrom on Abbott Martin Road on February 29th.  Nguyen Nguyen of the asset protection team at Nordstrom observed this and then notified the authorities, advising that Woods-Covington Jr. concealed a $125 Versace cologne and exited without paying. The asset protection team stopped Woods-Covington Jr. and brought him to their office to see if he had any other merchandise hidden on his person, but only located an XD-9 Handgun. When officers arrived, they reviewed the security footage, showing the cologne concealment. Officers then checked to see if the handgun was stolen, which it was not. However, officers turned the gun in due to Woods-Covington Jr. being underage. Woods-Covington Jr. was cited for theft and underage weapon possession. Woods-Covington Jr. was taken into custody on March 18th.

DUI: Martinus Ashford passes out drunk in GMC Terrain, tells officers he just smelled like alcohol

33-year-old Martinus Ashford was found sleeping behind the wheel of his GMC Terrain in the early hours of March 21st. Officers received a call for service, and when they arrived, they found Ashford in the back of an ambulance. NFD personnel advised officers that Ashford admitted to drinking. Officers spoke with Ashford after medics released him, during which he denied having any alcoholic beverages, stating that he just smelled like alcohol. Ashford was visibly intoxicated when officers asked if he would take sobriety tests or provide a chemical sample. Ashford refused to take sobriety tests as well as providing a chemical sample. Ashford was taken into custody for driving under the influence and implied consent.

Antonio Rivera caught with 36.4 grams of marijuana at Greyhound Bus Station

42-year-old Antonio Rivera was jailed on March 20th after police responded to the Greyhound Bus Station on Rep John Lewis Way South for a bag containing drugs and a weapon. An employee of the Greyhound found the bag underneath the seat of a vacant Greyhound bus. A search of the bag located a loaded Iver Johnson handgun, a large bag of marijuana weighing approximately 36.4 grams, and two receipts with Rivera’s name. Officers found Rivera and asked him to step off the premises. He was immediately detained and admitted that the bag belonged to him. Rivera explained that he let a fellow passenger from Indiana smoke from his vape and was given the marijuana in exchange. As far as the gun, he stated he carries it for protection. Rivera was taken into custody and charged with having a weapon under the influence, possession with intent to sell, public intoxication, and firearm during a felony on March 20th.

Joshua Garmon steals $15 worth of merchandise from JCPenney

34-year-old Joshua Garmon, an employee at Madtown Coffee, tried to exit with merchandise without paying at JC Penney in the Rivergate Mall on February 25th. The loss prevention officer observed this, caught him, and then detained him, during which they discovered $15.00 worth of stolen items. When officers arrived, they cited Garmon for the incident on February 25th. Garmon was taken into custody on March 18th.