DUI: Jeffrey Degraffenreid refuses sobriety tests because he is already intoxicated

61-year-old Jeffrey Degraffenreid damaged his front right tire, causing his car to break down in the middle of Morrow Ave around 8:16 p.m. on March 19th. Officers observed this and went to assist because it was a safety hazard. When they approached, Degraffenreid did not know why his car was not moving, and they noticed he reeked of alcohol. He told them he was coming from the liquor store and then admitted to drinking before driving there. Degraffenreid had a .380 ACP on the left side of his hip, so officers removed it from the holster and unloaded it for their safety. Officers asked if he would perform sobriety tests, which he refused, asking why he would take them if he was already intoxicated. Degraffenreid agreed to provide a chemical sample after being informed of implied consent and then was taken into custody for driving under the influence and possession of a weapon while being under the influence.

DUI: Sarah Bihogo drives the wrong way on I-65

20-year-old Sarah Bihogo drove down the wrong way toward oncoming traffic on I-65 South in the early hours of March 17th. Officers observed this and then conducted a traffic stop near Hampton Street and West Trinity Lane. When they approached Bihogo, they noticed she reeked of alcohol and asked her to step out for sobriety tests, which she consented to and performed poorly. When she exited the car before the sobriety tests, the officers noticed a large empty tequila bottle by her feet. After explaining implied consent to Bihogo, she refused repeatedly to provide a chemical sample. Then Bihogo was taken into custody for underage driving while impaired, reckless driving, and implied consent.

Brittany Escobar slaps man during argument for throwing her keys

25-year-old Brittany Diane Escobar had an altercation with Jacob Ryan Roewe at Barstool Sports late March 16th. Roewe flagged officers down and advised them,” I have no clue who this girl is, but she slapped the fuck out of me and told me to tell the police.” Roewe added that they are both from Houston and he claims they don’t know each other. Despite this, Roewe also explained that she is staying with him for the weekend in Clarksville, where he resides. Roewe said they argued about Escobar believing he had other girls at their table, during which she slapped him. Officers went to speak with Escobar, who stated she slapped Roewe because he threw her keys. Roewe told officers that he did not throw her keys and only attempted to hand them to her, but she dropped them. Roewe did not wish to prosecute for the incident. Escobar was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Dawson Huckabee found passed out drunk in car, tells police he was “listening to an album”

22-year-old Dawson Huckabee was jailed on March 19th after police responded to an indecent exposure at Plus Park Boulevard. Officers arrived on the scene to find Huckabee unconscious behind the wheel of his vehicle while it was running. Officers tried to wake him by repeatedly shouting and pounding on the window. Officers observed several open, tall Voodoo Ranger beer cans in the front seat and center console. The officers decided to open the door to ensure Dawson didn’t require medical attention. They squeezed his arms, received no response, and were forced to perform a sternum rub. Dawson was slow to wake up but ultimately was able to respond to officers. He exited the vehicle and said he was “listening to an album.” Dawson later admitted to drinking three or four beers in his car and consented to sobriety tests, which he performed poorly on. Dawson then agreed to a breath sample but couldn’t provide a sufficient sample and was taken into custody for DUI.

Madison Mann argues with friends, refuses to leave Broadway Brewhouse Downtown

24-year-old Madison Mann was taken into custody for public intoxication on March 18th. Officers responded to a call for service regarding an assault at Broadway Brewhouse Downtown. When officers arrived, they were informed about an alleged domestic incident, which led to them speaking with Mann, who was visibly intoxicated and not able to answer their questions. After speaking with several witnesses, they determined there was no domestic incident. So, officers flagged down a cab to get Mann a ride home. Then, they noticed that Mann could not stand independently and needed her friends to assist her. Mann began to argue with her associates, refusing to get in the taxi. Officers determined Mann was deemed a danger to herself and others. Officers then took Mann into custody for public intoxication.

Jacik Daszkiewicz found passed out drunk near Bridgestone Arena

30-year-old Jacik Daszkiewicz passed out near the Bridgestone Arena near Demonbreun Street around 10:30 p.m. on March 17th. Officers observed this, approached him, and then woke him up. Officers noted that Daszkiewicz reeked of alcohol and could not stand up without assistance. Officers tried to call him an Uber, but he did not have his phone on him. So, they offered to give him a ride home, but Daszkiewicz told officers that he also did not have his keys. In addition, Daszkiewicz did not have a Tennessee ID, so officers could not confirm his provided address. Due to all of this, Daszkiewicz was deemed a danger to himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Ashly Salazar booked after fighting man outside of Hard Rock Cafe

28-year-old Ashly Salazar had an altercation near the Hard Rock Café on Broadway late March 17th. When the officers arrived, they observed Salazar fighting with another individual, Jason Nikmara Tate. Officers gave Salazar commands to stop, which she refused. Then, officers tried to detain her, during which Salazar became resistive and started pulling away from them. Salazar was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Nicholas Coleman booked after running into traffic, throwing multiple items at Walk of Fame

38-year-old Nicholas Coleman caused a disturbance at the Walk of Fame on the afternoon of March 18th. Officers were notified that an individual, later identified as Coleman, was throwing water bottles and being a public annoyance. Officers observed Coleman running into traffic with his shirt over his head, spinning around in circles, and throwing scooters to the ground. Officers believed Coleman was making others at the park feel unsafe and prevented them from carrying on their activities. Coleman even picked up and threw a concrete block before officers located and detained him. Coleman was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.

Luther Hatten calls Brookridge employee a “N*gger” for not letting him use cell phone

27-year-old Luther Hatten caused a disturbance at Brookridge on the afternoon of March 18th. James Houston Stevenson called the police, advising them that Hatten was trespassing and refusing to leave. Stevenson further explained that Hatten came into the office asking to use a cell phone, which he declined, then asked him to leave. Hatten, however, refused to leave and called him a “N*gger” repeatedly, staying on the premises even after he alerted the authorities. When officers arrived, they located Hatten, who was visibly upset and yelling outside the office, refusing to answer questions. Officers noticed he was highly intoxicated and became angrier as they asked him about the incident. Hatten was taken into custody for criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. While being transported to booking, Hatten started kicking the window, roof, and door of the patrol car, causing damage to the camera mount, so he was additionally charged with vandalism.