Tristen Tigart threatens to kill wife, go on “Rampage” with AR-15

25-year-old Tristen Michael Tigart was taken into custody for harassment on March 18th. On March 5th, around 8:45 a.m., McKenzie Tigart alerted the authorities, advising that her husband, Mr.Tigart, threatened to kill her. McKenzie told officers that they had been separated for about a month and that Tristen stayed at their Clarksville home while she went to live with her mother in Cumberland City. Then, McKenzie said that while she was working at Dillard Dental Services, she had a “disturbing” phone call with Tristen. During this, he told her that he was going to go on a “Rampage and kill McKenzie and others before killing himself.” McKenzie stated that he referenced an AR-15 rifle and several others that he had access to. She added that Tristen is retired from the Army. McKenzie said she wished to prosecute for the assault and would like to seek an order of protection at the Davidson Family Safety Center. Officer Driskell from the Clarksville Police Department did a welfare check on Tristen at around 8:30 a.m., where he denied making suicidal and homicidal comments. Tigart was taken into custody for harassment on March 18th.

Eric Limburg slams ex-girlfriend’s face into suitcase during argument about toilet paper

36-year-old Eric Limburg was booked on March 18th for assaulting his ex-girlfriend on Nesbitt Lane. On March 12th, officers arrived on the scene and found Kaci Pompell inconsolable with a two-inch gash on her forehead. Once Kaci gathered herself enough to speak she told officers that she and her ex-boyfriend Eric had gotten into an argument. Kaci advised the argument was about Eric ruining her last roll of toilet paper while he was at her house doing laundry. During the argument, Eric grabbed the back of Kaci’s head and slammed her face into an open hard suitcase that was on the bed. As she attempted to crawl away over the bed, Eric punched her in the face. Kaci then stood up and fought back, punching Eric in the face. Throughout the interview, officers noticed a knot, swelling, and bruises developing on Kaci’s face. Kaci advised that Eric was no longer on the scene and a warrant for his arrest was issued. Eric was taken into custody for domestic assault on March 18th.

Dustin Earls inappropriately grabs first responder after being found lying in alleyway

31-year-old Dustin Earls inappropriately grabbed Logan Steinbarge, a first responder, in the early hours of March 16th. Steinbarge alerted the authorities, and advised them that she was dispatched to the women’s mission due to a man lying on the ground in the alleyway. Then, Steinbarge stated that they loaded the man, identified as Dustin Earls, in the back of the ambulance once they located him. Earls was uncooperative, refusing to give first responders any of his information. After this, Earls grabbed the inside of Steinbarge’s thigh, which EMS personnel confronted him about. Earls then became irate and began attempting to punch them. Earls admitted to first responders that he had been drinking and showed signs of impairment. Earls was deemed unable to care for himself and then was taken into custody for assaulting a first responder and public intoxication.  

Laurel Padgett becomes “out of control”, attacks step-father during altercation

21-year-old Laurel Padgett had a domestic incident with her stepfather, David Frankenberg, at his Laurel Street Apartment in the early hours of March 16th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Frankenberg, who advised them that he picked Padgett up from a hotel where she had been drinking. Frankenberg advised that Padgett then “flipped out” at his apartment when they went to bed. He added that she became “out of control” and began banging on his bedroom door. After Frankenberg answered the door, an argument ensued, which turned physical when she ran at him, throwing punches and scratching him. Frankenberg’s wife, Padgett’s mother, witnessed this and corroborated Frankenberg’s statements, telling officers that Laurel was the primary aggressor. Frankenberg and Padgett’s mother told officers that they had issues in the past with her but that this time was the worst they had seen her behaving. Officers observed a scratch mark on the right side of Frankenberg’s temple, a red mark on his forehead and the back of his neck, and that his collar shirt was ripped. Officers interviewed Padgett, who told them that she and Frankenberg had a physical altercation where she was pushing and clawing at him. Padgett was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Jonathan Dotson found passed out in car, tells police he was “tired from working”

25-year-old Jonathan Dotson was booked on March 16th after he was found passed out behind the wheel on North Creek Boulevard. EMS had busted out the back window and removed Dotson from the vehicle to be examined. Once released, Officers then asked Dotson why he was passed out in the driver’s seat. Dotson advised that he was “tired from working.” He performed poorly on sobriety tests and didn’t know where he was or what was going on. Dotson was then placed under arrest and transported to booking.

Lauren Maten resists arrest after refusing to pay bill at 400 Degrees in Nashville International Airport

23-year-old Lauren Maten was booked on March 15th after refusing to pay her bill at the 400 Degrees restaurant at Nashville International Airport. Officers located Maten on camera and made contact with her. Maten had alcohol emitting from her breath as she told officers that she had paid her bill. Maten advised that she was at the airport so she could go to rehab. While officers ran the information from her driver’s license, she began acting belligerent, yelling and trying to grab her driver’s license back. Maten was too drunk to comprehend what was happening and ignored the officer’s warnings to stop. She was then placed under arrest and advised officers that being arrested for public intoxication was “not a thing” in Indiana.

Maten continued to yell and began to passively resist by refusing to walk and becoming deadweight. Maten was then placed into a wheelchair to be safely transported to the patrol vehicle. While officers pushed the wheelchair, Maten kept putting her feet on the ground and trying to run away from the officers. Maten did this until she was taken to the ground and carried into the elevator. While officers attempted to place Maten in the backseat of the patrol vehicle, she began kicking them and refused to get in. The officers had to restrain her feet to stop her from kicking so she could be safely transported to booking. Maten was taken into custody for public intoxication and resisting arrest.

Anthony Flores attempts to direct traffic on Broadway, told police he was “on post at Fort Campbell”

33-year-old Anthony Flores was booked on March 17th for assaulting a man at Shake Shack on Broadway Place. Michael Bahr stated that while he was waiting for a friend, he observed Flores, who was highly intoxicated, attempting to direct traffic. Flores told Bahr to move along and was becoming angry that he wouldn’t move. Flores then kicked Bahr’s driver’s side door, causing visible damage. Bahr stepped out of his vehicle to try to stop Flores. Flores became aggressive and punched the glasses off Bahr’s face, leaving him with a bloody nose.

When officers asked Flores for his side of the story he stood at “parade rest” stance and thought he was on post at Fort Campbell. Flores told officers that he had been drinking but not too much. Flores was visibly intoxicated and smelled of alcohol. Flores was then taken into custody. Flores fell asleep on the way to booking but told officers he was “looking at the scenery.”

Ryon Evans throws his ex-girlfriend into pavement

40-year-old Ryon Evans had a domestic altercation with his ex-girlfriend, Heather Groves, at the Victory Fuel Station on Whites Creek Pike in December 2021. Officers were dispatched to the Kroger on Clarksville Pike, where they spoke with Groves, who advised that Evans showed up unannounced and then tried to force her into his car, asking her questions about infidelity. She stated that she was thrown to the pavement, hitting her head on the ground. During the incident, she sustained several injuries, including abrasions to both of her hips, right knee, and left foot, which were documented. Evans further explained that she defended herself by kicking and biting him and that he fled towards Brick Church Pike when she started calling the police. Evans was taken into custody for domestic assault on March 17th.

Barak Hammond shoves APS employee into street in Downtown Nashville

27-year-old Barak Bell Hammond tried to cross the street while traffic was moving in downtown Nashville late March 16th. An APS employee observed this and tried to stop Hammond from crossing the street. Hammond then shoved the APS employee, causing him to fall backward. While the APS employee was on the ground, a vehicle ran over his foot. The APS employee flagged officers down and informed them about the incident, adding that he did not wish to prosecute for the shove. When officers met with Hammond, he showed multiple signs of impairment, so he was deemed a danger to himself and others. Hammond was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.