18-Year-Old Yussuf Osman caught with 1.7 grams of cocaine in his car

18-year-old Yussuf Osman was jailed on March 14th when officers smelled marijuana coming from a black Nissan Sedan parked near Summer Place. Officers arrested Osman and searched his vehicle. During the search, officers located a loaded 9mm handgun with an extended magazine under the seat and 1.7 grams of white powder in a clear bag. The powder tested positive for fentanyl and cocaine. During an interview, Osman admitted that he frequently smokes weed and did so on the day of the arrest. He then further stated that he uses cocaine while smoking weed. Osman was taken into custody for possession of a handgun under the influence and possession or casual exchange.

Thomas Perry deemed too drunk for Broadway

55-year-old Thomas Perry was jailed on March 14th after police responded to the area of 2nd Ave and Broadway for disorderly behavior. Officers observed Perry to have slurred speech, watery red eyes, and the odor of alcohol emitting from his body. Perry was unsteady on his feet as he admitted to drinking two beers and smoking marijuana recently. Due to Perry’s obvious state of extreme intoxication, officers determined he was a danger to himself and placed him into custody.

Dajon Brown grabs girlfriend by coat during argument at Super Stop Market

21-year-old Dajon Damerco Brown had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Anya Teasley, at the Rivergate Parkway Super Stop Market on March 14th. When officers arrived, they spoke with the couple, who advised they had a misunderstanding inside the store. However, a witness, Rajendra Patel, told police that Teasley ran behind the store counter to get away from Brown and offered to provide video footage of the incident. Officers reviewed the video, which showed Teasley running behind the store counter to hide from Brown. Brown then walked behind the counter, grabbed Teasley by the coat, and pulled her from behind the counter. Brown was deemed as the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.  

Kristina Sandgren slices boyfriend’s hand during argument

35-year-old Kristina Sandgren had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Ryan Glass, at her Maudina Avenue Apartment on March 5th. When officers arrived, they located Glass in the hallway outside of the unit, lying in a large amount of blood. Officers discovered a trail of blood spanning nearly three units from her apartment to Glass’ current location. Glass suffered a severe laceration to his left hand and was transported to Vanderbilt Hospital. Glass received a blood transfusion and is scheduled for plastic surgery to repair his hand. Detectives spoke with Glass, and he advised them that Sandgren cut his left hand with a pocketknife following an argument. Officers executed a search warrant for her apartment, where they located a significant amount of blood splattered on the walls and floors. Additionally, they discovered a pocketknife near Sandgren, who admitted to causing the injury to Glass but claimed that it was an accident after being Mirandized. However, Sandgren repeatedly changed her story and even told detectives she lied to them. Sandgren was deemed as the primary aggressor and then was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Kossigan Nsougan steals woman’s iPhone at Rose Park

23-year-old Kossigan Nsougan was taken into custody for theft on March 15th. On May 9th, 2023, Kristen Hutchins reported that her iPhone had been taken from her bag at Rose Park on April 11th, 2023. She further explained that she had seen Nsougan sitting near her bag before realizing it was missing. Hutchins tracked the phone to Pheasant Drive, Nsougan’s residence, and sent messages to her phone saying she wanted the phone back. When detectives contacted Nsougan, he admitted to having the phone and that he would bring it to the Midtown Hills Precinct on May 4th, 2023. However, Nsougan has not returned the device and has not responded to any attempts at communication since then. Nsougan was taken into custody for theft on March 15th. 

Idailis Valladares caught stealing $2,000 worth of perfume at Nordstrom

33-year-old Florida tourist Idailis Valladares stole merchandise from Nordstrom on Abbott Martin Road on March 14th. Joey Rodriguez, a Nordstrom loss prevention officer, observed this, detained her, and then alerted the authorities. When officers arrived, Rodriguez provided them with footage showing Valladares and an unidentified male grabbing multiple perfume bottles and putting them in her bag. After concealing about $2000 worth of merchandise, they tried to exit the store without paying. Rodriguez apprehended Valladares as she attempted to exit the store. Valladares was taken into custody for theft on March 14th.

18-Year-Old Keiveon Kelly caught smoking marijuana in friend’s Camaro at TSU

18-year-old Keiveon Kelly sat in the passenger seat of Andrayvin Stewart’s black Camaro, smoking marijuana in the Boyd Hall parking at Tennessee State University on the afternoon of February 13th. Officers observed this, initiated a traffic stop, and as they walked up to the car, which reeked of marijuana, they observed Kelly holding the blunt. Officers asked the men what they were doing, and they both stated they were smoking a blunt. Stewart consented to a search of his Camaro, where officers found 92 grams of marijuana, a half-burned blunt, a Glock holster, an open box of clear plastic baggies, and three black bookbags. Neither of the men claimed ownership of the items found in the search. Officers searched Stewart and found $2,860 in $20-dollar-bills in his pockets. Officers then asked Stewart if he had a gun, and he replied, “I have a Glock 9 under my bed,” which they could not locate. During the search, Stewart and Kelly seemed nervous, pacing back and forth until Kelly suddenly grabbed a black bookbag on top of the Camaro and ran off. While Kelly ran away, a large bag of marijuana and a pair of tennis shoes fell out of the backpack. Kelly refused to stop when officers ordered him to. Kelly and Stewart were taken into custody for felony possession on March 13th.

Troy Davern resists arrest after getting into drunken fight on Division Street

26-year-old Troy Davern was one of three individuals allegedly involved in a fight near 18th Avenue and Division Street in the early hours of March 14th. When officers arrived to investigate, they were flagged down by a bystander, who pointed out Davern in a nearby alley as he attempted to flee. Officers commanded Davern to stop, but he ignored them, continuing to run away. It wasn’t until an officer in a marked unit hindered Davern from escaping the alley that he willingly stopped. Officers detained him and noticed he showed multiple signs of impairment, reeking of alcohol with blood on his face and clothes from the alleged scuffle. Davern was then taken into custody for resisting arrest and public intoxication.

Sunshine Mills caught driving with fake license plate, tells officers she got it from “A guy off the street”

21-year-old Sunshine Mills drove a Chevy Malibu with a fake blue Tennessee license plate near Dickerson Pike on March 13th. After observing this, officers conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle. During the stop, Mills told them that she knew the tag was fake, adding that she bought it from “a guy off the street.” The forged license plate had the words “display” on it with the license plate sticker that belonged to her 2007 Buick. Officers then discovered that Mills’ license was currently suspended. Mills was taken into custody for driving with a suspended license and altering the plate.

18-year-old Jaliyah Williams booked for disorderly conduct after pushing officer

18-year-old Jaliyah Williams was being disorderly near the townhouses on South 4th Street on March 13th. Officers arrived in response to a report of aggravated assault and met with Williams. Williams was hostile toward the other party involved and had to be separated. As officers separated Williams from the other party, she pushed an officer, attempting to continue the fight. The officer did not wish to prosecute for the push. Williams was detained and then released while officers investigated the initial assault, during which they found out that Williams was involved. While officers investigated, Williams kept trying to instigate a fight with the other individual. She was rowdy and initially refused to provide officers with her identification until she was placed in the back of the patrol car. Williams was taken into custody for disorderly conduct.