Chevaya Gordon caught crushing up cocaine

37-year-old Chevaya Gordon was caught crushing up a white powdery substance in his silver Ford SUV at 3rd Avenue South on March 9th. When Gordon noticed officers approaching him, he dimmed the lights and rolled up the windows. When officers made contact with him, they demanded that he and the passenger step out. Gordon stepped out and dropped the white powder on the asphalt before he could be checked. The substance was collected from the ground and tested positive for one gram of cocaine. Officers proceeded to conduct a probable cause search for the car, which yielded drug paraphernalia as well.

DUI: Justin Kindred defecates on himself after drinking 2 shots of Tequila

30-year-old Justin Kindred was found impaired at Briley Parkway on March 10th. When officers contacted Kindred, he told them he didn’t need medical attention. It appeared that Kindred had vomited on the side of his truck and defecated. Once officers told him to get out of his vehicle, he admitted to drinking two shots of tequila. Kindred consented to sobriety tests but was halted due to safety concerns. When officers conducted a probable cause search, they located a Smith and Wesson 9mm handgun. Kindred was read implied consent and refused to provide a sample. Kindred was taken into custody for DUI, implied consent, and possessing a weapon under the influence.

DUI: QuarDerius Hunter speeds down Harding Pike in Acura MDX, caught with Xanax

26-year-old QuarDerius Hunter was seen zooming past offices in a black Acura MDX at Harding Pike and Leake Avenue Cross intersection on March 10th. Officers made contact and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached Hunter, who admitted to smoking two THC-pre-rolled cigarettes. Officers asked Hunter if he had consumed any alcohol, which he said he did not. Hunter later admitted to drinking earlier in the evening. Hunter consented to sobriety tests but was stopped due to safety concerns. Officers then conducted a search of Hunter’s person and found a metal rod with white residue on it and a baggie that contained six white bar-like pills. The pills were later tested and found to be Xanax. Hunter was taken into custody and charged with DUI, possession, and unlawful drug paraphernalia.

DUI: Maiya Hardnett-Jakaway blows 0.228% BAC before nearly rear-ending vehicle

25-year-old Maiya Hardnett-Jakaway was seen swerving in and out of lanes and almost rear-ending another vehicle at Lebanon Pike on March 10th. Officers made contact with Maiya, who appeared visibly intoxicated. When she was asked to step out of the car, officers observed a strong odor of alcohol on her breath. Maiya consented to sobriety tests, but officers felt that it was unsafe due to her nearly falling multiple times. Maiya was read her Miranda rights and implied consent and agreed to a breath test. Maiya blew a 0.228% BAC and was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Danny Shain pushes security guard at Honky Tonk Central

60-year-old Danny Shain was involved in an altercation with security at Honky Tonk Central on March 9th. Forest Tucker told officers it started when he was notified that Shain was causing a scene at the club. Tucker told Shain to leave, but he refused and pushed the security officer instead. Shain was immediately detained and notified to law enforcement. Tucker also informed law enforcement that Shain had already been spoken to by the manager of Honky Tonk Central and left the location but returned by going in through another door, causing an even bigger scene. When officers spoke with Shain, he admitted to drinking alcohol, and he was transported to booking.

Joshua Johnson caught with cocaine, tells police it helps “clear his nose.”

31-year-old Joshua Johnson was found inside a silver Ford SUV at 3rd Avenue South on March 9th. Officers observed the driver of the SUV crushing up a white powdery substance, so both he and Johnson were told to exit the vehicle. Officers conducted a probable cause search of the car and located a brown wooden box containing 10.8 grams of cocaine. Once Johnson was Mirandized, he admitted to owning the box but denied that there was any powder inside. While officers were further investigating, Johnson stated that the powder was “crushed ibuprofen” that he uses to help “clear his nose.” Multiple other drug instruments were located inside the brown wooden box, including a pipe and a digital scale. Joshua Johnson was charged with possession with intent and unlawful use of drug paraphernalia and taken into custody on March 10th.

Gustavo Caal Mo assaults wife after accusing her of “talking to another man”

32-year-old Gustavo Caal Mo was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, Angelina Hernandez, at their Highland on Briley apartment on March 9th. Officers arrived at the mentioned location and found Hernandez, who was inside an ambulance due to her injuries. Hernandez stated that Caal Mo got upset with her because he believed that she was “talking to another man.” Hernandez then said that during their dispute, Caal Mo punched her in the head, causing a laceration to her eyebrow. Before officers left the scene, they observed a man matching Caal Mo’s description inside a gray Toyota Corolla driving around the apartment complex. A traffic stop was conducted, and Caal Mo was taken into custody. Once Mirandized, Caal Mo admitted to hitting Hernandez in the head. There was also camera footage of the incident provided to law enforcement. Caal Mo was taken into custody on March 10th.

Marlon Alvarado-Sanchez threatens roommate with knife, tells him “I only fear God”

41-year-old Marlon Alvarado-Sanchez was involved in an altercation with his roommate, Carlos Cruz-Zuniga, at their shared residence at the Willow Apartments on March 9th. When officers arrived at the mentioned location, they made contact with Carlos. Carlos told officers that the altercation started because Marlon kept belittling him because he didn’t have money. Carlos stated that he tried to stand up for himself, but that was when Marlon got aggressive. The dispute escalated when Marlon pulled out a knife and tried to stab Carlos. Carlos stated that he was able to push him away but got a minor cut on his hand. He proceeded to run to his vehicle and call the police. While officers were talking to Carlos, Marlon sent him multiple voice and text messages on WhatsApp. In the messages, Marlon said, “If you’re a man you will have a knife fight with me until one of us dies. If you don’t kill me, you know what will happen. I only fear god. We’ll see each other again.” Officers made contact with Marlon at the original address, who was asleep in his room. Officers called the number that was sending messages to Carlos, and his phone rang. Marlon was taken into custody for aggravated assault on March 9th.

Kimbrasha Beard caught driving stolen Nissan Maxima

23-year-old Kimbrasha Beard was found in a stolen Maroon Nissan Maxima at the Kroger on Mt View Road on March 8th. Detectives located the Nissan Maxima at Hickory Club Drive, where they followed it until they arrived at the mentioned location. They observed Beard get out of the vehicle and enter the Kroger. When she exited, she was detained by the law enforcement on standby. Beard allowed detectives to unlock and run the VIN on the doorframe, which confirmed that the car was stolen.

Carlos Ayala kisses minor, father presses charges

23-year-old Carlos Ayala was involved in an altercation with Donato Donato at Premier Drive on March 9th. When officers made contact with Donato, he informed them that Ayala had kissed his juvenile daughter and asked her to be his girlfriend. Officers spoke to Ayala with the help of a Spanish-speaking officer, but he appeared visibly intoxicated. Ayala admitted that he was drunk and that he did kiss Donato’s daughter. Shortly after, he tried to explain to them that the kiss was not by force. However, Donato still wished to press charges on his daughter’s behalf.