Daisa McKnight assaults cousin during get-together at TSU

26-year-old Dasia Jucole McKnight, her boyfriend, Samuel Henderson, and her sister, Kimberly McKnight, had a scuffle with her cousin, Ronesha Foster, during a get-together at TSU on John Merritt Boulevard in the early hours of January 1st. On January 4th, Foster reported that Kimberly stabbed her in the back repeatedly with scissors. Henderson grabbed the chains around her neck and pulled them until they broke. Dasia hit Foster several times on the body and face, causing her to black out. Foster said she remembers being put in the back seat of one of her other cousins’ cars until her mom arrived to take her home. McKnight was taken into custody for domestic assault on February 19th.

Robert Stricker assaults wife during altercation over child custody

39-year-old Robert David Stricker had a domestic altercation with his wife, Megan Stricker, at her Western Hills Drive residence on February 18th. Officers arrived and spoke with Mrs. Stricker, who advised them that she and Mr. Stricker argued over their current custodial situation. Mr. Stricker demanded to take the children, and when Mrs. Stricker refused, he showed up at her house around 6 p.m. and shoved her to the ground. Mr. Stricker then attempted to enter the house and take the children. Adam Potts, Mrs. Stricker’s brother-in-law who witnessed the incident, told officers that he saw Mr. Stricker storm into the house aggressively. When Potts went to make sure everything was okay, he saw Mr. Stricker standing over Mrs. Stricker, flexing his arms and screaming while she was on the ground, crying. Officers deemed Mr. Stricker as the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Devon “Devo” Guerrier shoots man in leg during robbery

18-year-old Devon “Devo” Guerrier was involved in the shooting of Robert Bell Jr at the MAA Nashville West apartments on December 3rd, 2023. One of Bell’s neighbors found him on the sidewalk, suffering from a gunshot wound on his leg. The neighbor transported him to Ascension Saint Thomas Hospital West, where officers made contact. Bell stated that he was trying to sell a handgun to a person named Devo so he could make rent. Devo arrived at the apartment complex with an unknown driver and texted Bell so he could conduct the transaction. He sold the gun to Devo for $450. Once the transaction was completed, Devo got out of the car with a different handgun and pointed it at Bell, demanding that he get the money back. When Bell refused, Devo shot him in the leg, and his driver stole the $450 back from him. Devo and his driver sped off. A witness stated that she heard a gunshot and looked outside. When she looked outside, she saw Devo with a handgun standing next to Bell. During the investigation, Guerrier was developed as a suspect and was later identified by Bell in a photo lineup. Devon Guerrier was taken into custody and charged with aggravated robbery.

Ripley Torbett, serial Target shoplifter, caught after two-month streak

24-year-old Ripley Grace Torbett stole merchandise from multiple Target locations between October and December 2023. On October 29th, at the Target on Old Hickory Boulevard, there is video footage showing Torbett taking a $149.99 Little Tikes Toy, a $549.99 Elvie Breast Pump, and a third unknown item up to the self-checkout and scanning them as $2.39 Himalayan Sea Salt. Then, she completed the transaction for the sea salt and left with the other three items, which she did not scan or pay for. The total value of the stolen items was $699.98. On November 8th, at the Target on Lebanon Pike, there is footage showing Torbett gathering $572 worth of merchandise before taking them to the self-checkout, scanning two items that were worth $1 each, and leaving without scanning or paying for the other two, increasing the total of items she stole from Target to $1,271.98. On December 6th, at Target on Charlotte Pike, there is video footage of Torbett going to the self-checkout pretending to ring up merchandise by waving the scanner over multiple items in her cart. She then used an EBT card to pay for $9.56 worth of grocery items but not for the other items, which totaled $607.71, and then left. Lydia Wheeler, a loss prevention employee for Target, submitted this shoplifting report to detectives with an identification sheet from the Murfreesboro Police Department. After reviewing the provided evidence, detectives were able to identify Torbett and she was taken into custody for two counts of theft on March 6th.

DUI: Stephen Tucker drives car into a ditch after drinking four beers

39-year-old Stephen Tucker had a single-vehicle accident near Old Harding Place and Highway 100 on March 8th. He was standing near the rear of his vehicle, in a ditch, when officers arrived and told them he had four beers throughout the night. Officers noticed Tucker showed multiple signs of impairment, and he consented to sobriety tests but performed poorly and agreed to provide a breath sample, which resulted in 0.109 BAC%. Tucker was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

DUI: Gerardo Aguilar Lucas has 4-5 drinks at party before causing car accident

30-year-old Gerardo Aguilar Lucas had a car accident on Craftwood Drive on March 9th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Lucas, who told them he caused the crash. Officers noticed Lucas reeked of alcohol as he admitted to drinking four to five alcoholic beverages at a party before driving. Lucas consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and agreed to provide a blood sample. Lucas was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

18-year-old Malachi Hood falls out of car on Broadway after drinking 12 Twisted Teas

18-year-old Malachi Hood opened the rear door of a black sedan as it traveled down Broadway, hitting two patrol cars in the early hours of March 9th. No visible damage was done to the cars, but officers observed Hood trying to exit the sedan while it moved. This caused Hood to fall out of the vehicle. Hood tried to walk away as officers told him to stop. When officers caught up to Hood, he showed multiple signs of intoxication. Officers then detained Hood, who, after being Mirandized, admitted to consuming twelve Twisted Teas. Hood spat multiple times during their interaction in the back of the patrol car. Hood was taken into custody for public intoxication, vandalism, and required posting.

DUI: Paizlan Doss has 5 drinks at Alley Pub before driving on wrong side of road

23-year-old Paizlan Doss was driving northbound in the southbound lanes on Old Hickory Boulevard in the early hours of March 8th. Officers observed this and initiated a traffic stop on Doss. As Doss came to a stop, she drove into the curb three times. Officers approached the vehicle and noticed Doss reeked of alcohol. Doss then explained that she just left Alley Pub, where she had five drinks in four hours. Doss consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly. She then agreed to provide a breath sample, which resulted in 0.136 BAC%. Doss was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Myles Hamilton caught drunkenly banging on apartment doors, tells police “I got beat up”

25-year-old Myles Hamilton was banging on multiple 400 Herron Drive apartment doors on March 10th. When officers arrived, two females stood on the second-floor balcony, pointing at Hamilton, stating, “That is him.” Officers approached and asked Hamilton what had happened, and he told them, “I got beat up” and “I lost my key,” but would not explain any further. During this, officers noticed Hamilton showed multiple signs of intoxication. Hamilton then tried to walk away from officers, so he was detained. While in the backseat of the patrol car, officers asked if Hamilton had been drinking, to which he replied, “Yes, wait, no.” Hamilton told officers that his upstairs neighbor was making too much noise, so he went to confront him. Several witnesses told officers that Hamilton had been banging on multiple doors. Hamilton was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Matthew Kellicker throws paper at Redneck Riviera bartenders

28-year-old Matthew Thomas Kellicker was causing a disturbance at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk on the afternoon of March 9th. When officers arrived, security advised them that Kellicker was at Redneck Riviera. When officers arrived at Redneck Rivera, Kellicker was getting kicked out for throwing paper at the bartenders. Kellicker showed numerous signs of impairment as officers spoke with him. So, officers deemed Kellicker a danger to himself. Kellicker was taken into custody for public intoxication.