Shaffer Hicks deemed too drunk for Broadway

31-year-old Shaffer Alan Hicks was being disorderly on Broadway in the early hours of March 8th. Hicks was observed trying to follow a female into Legends Corner, who stated, “Do not let him in,” as she entered the establishment. When officers spoke with Hicks, he showed multiple signs of intoxication. Officers tried to get Hicks a safe ride home, but he refused. During the entirety of the encounter, Hicks caused a scene by flailing his arms, causing people around to stop to see what was happening. Hicks was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

DUI: Samantha Allen attempts to run over police officers in BMW i3, crashes into yard

38-year-old Samantha Jo Allen was being disorderly near Southside Place on the night of March 4th. When officers arrived, Allen’s friends advised them that she had been consuming alcohol before driving off in her black BMW. After a brief search, officers located her in an alleyway behind Southside Place, lying back in the driver’s seat of her BMW i3, fully reclined. When officers approached the car, they shined a flashlight through the window, causing Allen to jump up in her seat and become responsive. Allen exhibited multiple indicators of intoxication, such as having bloodshot eyes. When Allen noticed the officers, she began reversing her BMW, nearly hitting Officers Bene, Mendoza, and Ireland. Then, officers told her to park her car and exit, which she ignored as she maneuvered past them, nearly hitting them again before she fled. After officers searched the area, they found Allen near 9th Circle South and Olympic Street, where she had crashed her BMW into a yard, hitting a parked car. Allen started running away between two nearby houses until detectives pursued her and told her to stop, which she complied with. Allen was taken into custody for driving under the influence, leaving the scene of an accident, and three counts of aggravated assault on a first responder on March 6th.

DUI: Cierra Harrington drinks three Vodka Cranberries before crashing her car

23-year-old Cierra Harrington had a motor vehicle crash near Harding Place and I 65 North in the early hours of March 7th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Harrington, who admitted to drinking three Vodka Cranberries before the collision. Harrington stated that she knew she messed up and should not have been drinking. Officers noticed Harrington was visibly intoxicated as she declined to take sobriety field tests. Harrington was informed of implied consent and agreed to provide a breath sample, which resulted in 0.196 BAC%. Cierra Harrington was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

60-Year-old Gica Nechifor shows woman his “package” outside post office

60-year-old Gica Nechifor was taken into custody for indecent exposure on March 7th. On January 10th, AV, the complainant, filed a report regarding an incident on August 25th, 2023. AV stated that when she was leaving the Post Office on East Old Hickory Boulevard, she observed a male, later identified as Nechifor, standing between his open passenger side door and the passenger seat making kissing faces at her. Then, she quickly realized his genitals were exposed and that he was masturbating. She described him to the officers and provided photos of his truck when he left the scene, showing the license plate registered to Nechifor.

Jacob Garza drunkenly screams, runs into street before resisting arrest

31-year-old Jacob Garza was running and yelling in the middle of the road near President Ronald Reagan Way late on March 6th. When officers arrived, a passerby flagged them down, stating that an intoxicated male, later identified as Garza, nearly ran into his vehicle on Rutledge Street. Garza was screaming and refusing to move for traffic when officers located him. Garza showed multiple signs of impairment and was deemed a danger to himself. Officers attempted to detain Garza, during which he resisted, pulling away from them and had to be taken to the ground. After a brief struggle, Garza was taken into custody for refusing to disperse, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest.  

Mohamed Al Sabeel found overdosing on Fentanyl in Dodge Challenger

21-year-old Mohamed Al Sabeel overdosed inside his Dodge Challenger near Twice Daily on West End Avenue early February 19th. A concerned citizen observed this and alerted the authorities. NFD and EMS personnel arrived and found Al Sabeel foaming at the mouth as they pulled him out of his car and placed him in an ambulance. Officers were informed about the overdose and conducted an inventory search of the Challenger before it was towed. During the search, officers located a Glock 19 behind the passenger seat, and a white, unknown substance spread throughout the vehicle. Al Sabeel was transported to Saint Thomas Midtown for further medical assistance. The nurses told police that he was an addict who had relapsed on Fentanyl. Al Sabeel was taken into custody for possessing a weapon while being under the influence and driving with a suspended license on March 7th.

Alexis Rodriguez-Guzman slides into jail after shooting fireworks at MNPD Helicopter during Nightriderz Takeover

22-year-old Alexis Rodriguez-Guzman was taken into custody for reckless endangerment and rioting on March 6th. On May 27th, 2023, Rodriguez-Guzman was identified as a street racer who had been heavily involved in the Nightriderz Hosted Memorial Day takeover event. Rodriguez-Guzman actively participated in riotous activities, including sliding, drifting, and whipping his motor vehicle through the intersection of Nolensville Pike and Elysian Fields Road, where pedestrians were present. Detectives discovered that Rodriguez-Guzman was a minor host and a well-known “slider” within the takeover community. Officers deemed his conduct to contribute to the overall chaos of the events from that night, which resulted in the lasering of an MNPD Helicopter and fireworks being fired off at it. Rodriguez-Guzman was taken into custody on March 6th.

Dannel Kubi refuses to leave DMV after not receiving ID

31-year-old Dannel Kubi refused to leave the DMV at the Tennessee Towers near 7th Avenue North early March 6th. Officers arrived and spoke with Kubi, who told them he could not get a state ID and would only leave once he was given one. The DMV workers advised Kubi that he did not have the proper paperwork and could not receive a state ID. DMV workers asked him to leave repeatedly, but Kubi kept telling them he would not. Kubi was taken into custody for criminal trespass.

DUI: MMA Fighter Matt Carey falls asleep after causing crash on I-24 East

23-year-old MMA Fighter Matthew Carey was involved in a two-vehicle crash on I-24 East in the early hours of March 6th. Medical personnel were on the scene, taking the involved parties to the ambulance for evaluation as detectives arrived. Officers observed Carey walking unsteadily and were told by the other driver that he was asleep after the collision. Medics also advised officers that Carey had been drinking. When questioned about it, Carey admitted to having drinks nearly three hours before the accident. Carey was transported to Skyline Medical Center for further evaluation and treatment. While there, officers Mirandized Carey, and he admitted to drinking at a work event. Officers discovered that Carey’s license had been suspended and informed him about implied consent. Carey then agreed to provide a blood sample. Carey was taken into custody for driving with a suspended license and driving under the influence.