Overton High School Asst. Basketball Coach Kayesean Coverson jailed for kidnapping girlfriend

27-year-old Kayesean Coverson had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Alexis Streeter, at her apartment late February 10th. Officers were dispatched to Thornton’s Gas Station nearby regarding a kidnapping. Officers spoke with the complainant, Mikayla Marin, who advised them she heard her downstairs neighbor, Streeter, fighting with her boyfriend. Marin witnessed Coverson pull Streeter by the arms and push her into her car. Marin said Streeter was crying about not wanting to enter the vehicle as she held onto the door frame. She also stated that Coverson used both hands to force her into it before driving off to Thornton’s Gas Station. Officers started to search for Streeter and pinged her phone’s location to the Nashville West Shopping Center parking lot, where they found her vehicle unoccupied. Then, officers were flagged down by a bystander who advised them that Streeter was at Thornton’s. Officers located and brought Streeter back to her apartment, where she explained her situation. Streeter stated she and Coverson argued before he left, and then when Coverson returned, he grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer. Coverson held it in the air, yelling, “Happy Birthday,” and walked out again, so Streeter locked the door. Streeter explained that they argued over the phone for 30 minutes about Coverson trying to gain entry to the apartment before he left the scene. Then, Streeter said Marin came to check on her, which was when she told Marin to alert the authorities if she had seen Coverson or heard any commotion. Streeter had believed that her door was locked when Coverson returned and gained entry. Streeter said Coverson then rushed into the bedroom and pushed her onto the bed while stating, “Now you deserve to die.” Coverson punched Streeter in the jaw and temple area and continued to swing punches near her hip while Streeter tried to kick him off. Streeter said Coverson went outside again and was arguing with the neighbors when Marin tried to give Streeter her phone to speak with 911 operators, but Coverson grabbed it from her hand and hung up the call. Then, Coverson dragged Streeter into the car so they could leave before the officers arrived. Streeter said she told Coverson that she did not want to go with him but permitted him to use her car. However, Coverson refused and forced her into the car anyway. While in the car, Streeter told Coverson that she needed to use the restroom, so they pulled into Thornton’s Gas Station, where she waited and asked bystanders to call the police. Coverson then entered the store, demanding Streeter come with him, but she refused, and he left the scene. Coverson was taken into custody for interfering with a 911 call, kidnapping, and domestic assault on February 16th. Kayesean Coverson is an assistant basketball coach at John Overton High School and has been placed on administrative leave since his arrest.

Daniel Moore calls band singer a “Wh*re”, throws drink at security guard’s face

27-year-old Daniel Jacob Moore was being disorderly on Broadway at Whiskey Row in the early hours of February 21st. Officers arrived and observed Moore detained by security, sitting on the ground. Officers spoke with Whiskey Row security, who advised that Moore called the lead singer of the performing band a “wh*re,” and was asked to leave. While security escorted Moore outside, he threw his drink at a Whiskey Row security guard, Brandon Antonio Valentin, hitting his face. Officers noticed Moore showing signs of impairment and detained him. While being detained, Moore started yelling and calling officers expletives. Moore was taken into custody for public intoxication and assault.

DUI: Jameiko Shaw drives Jeep Wrangler into the woods

24-year-old Jameiko Shaw had a single-vehicle accident where she drove her black Jeep Wrangler off the roadway on I-24 East near mile marker 58.2 and into the woods on February 17th. Officers arrived and observed NFD personnel attempting to safely get Shaw out of the driver’s seat. Shaw denied medical attention as she showed signs of impairment. They asked for her driver’s credentials, and she told them it was in her Jeep, even though it was later found in the wallet in her hands. She told them she was coming from her home in north Nashville near TSU but did not know the address. Officers transported her to the Panera Bread parking lot to take sobriety tests, and she performed poorly. Shaw consented to a blood draw after being informed of implied consent and then was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

19-year-old Aniya Kirk assaults ex-girlfriend for no reason #Snatched

19-year-old Aniya Kirk had a domestic dispute with her ex-girlfriend, Antwionette Mason, at her Creekwood Drive apartment in the early hours of February 18th. Officers arrived and observed Kirk banging on the apartment door and screaming. Officers detained and placed Kirk in the patrol car to keep her warm. Ms. Mason spoke with officers, advising them Kirk had come to the apartment. She initially allowed her inside to vent about her night drinking at the club. Then, Mason said Kirk tackled her to the ground out of nowhere and began punching her in the face until she was able to lock herself in her bedroom. Ms. Mason stated that Kirk started kicking the bedroom door, causing it to break. Once inside the bedroom, Kirk began to punch Mason in the face again until Akeyla Allen, Mason’s friend, physically removed her and put her outside. Allen provided a statement to officers consistent with Ms. Mason’s. Once Kirk was in custody, Allen advised officers that her iPhone 14 was missing and believed Kirk had stolen it.  She used the Find My iPhone app, which started pinging near Kirk, and officers located it after searching her. The iPhone 14 is worth approximately $1200. Kirk was charged with domestic assault and felony theft.

Noah Kelley charged with buying crack cocaine in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Noah Kelley was booked on a citation for simple possession on February 16th. On January 24th, officers observed Kelley on Broadway walking to an ATM to pull out money with two other individuals before conducting a hand-to-hand transaction with one of them. Detectives stopped Kelley, who admitted to buying “something,” later identified as crack cocaine, from the black male in a blue coat. Kelley told them that he did not know what the substance was. He was cited for the incident.

Stephen Giordano booked on outstanding domestic assault warrant

37-year-old Stephen Giordano had a domestic incident with his wife, Jessica Giordano, on Hillsboro Pike on July 15th,2023. On November 22nd, 2023, Mrs. Giordano reported this to the Family Safety Center. She advised them that Mr. Giordano was driving her and her son to a bookstore on Hillsboro Pike, and when they stopped at a red light, he swung his fist down on her elbow, which caused her to cry. Then, he told her she was overreacting. Later that day, she went to an Urgent Care, reporting the assault and injury to the medical staff. Urgent Care gave her nurse notes, which she brought to the Family Safety Center. Mrs. Giordano also showed officers a video of Mr. Giordano that was taken two days after he hit her, showing bruising to his right wrist. They deemed him as the primary aggressor and got a warrant issued for his arrest at that time. Giordano was booked on the summons of domestic assault on February 15th.

Anterio Duncombe strangles girlfriend multiple times during altercation

21-year-old Anterio Daeshon Duncombe had an altercation with his girlfriend, Catelynn Franklin, at their Edmonson Pike apartment on the afternoon of February 19th. Franklin spoke with officers when they arrived and advised them that she and Duncombe were arguing about their relationship when it turned physical. Franklin stated that Duncombe hit and scratched her repeatedly. Then, Franklin said Duncombe strangled her multiple times, but she was unsure if she lost consciousness. Officers observed extensive bruising and scratches on Franklin’s neck, hands, and arms. They spoke with Duncombe, who said he pushed her to keep her away but would not elaborate further. Duncombe was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Connor Hill caught texting while driving on revoked license

31-year-old Connor Hill was texting while driving his gray Toyota Tacoma without his seatbelt on I-65 North on February 19th. Officers observed this, activated their emergency equipment, and conducted a traffic stop. Hill yielded before getting off at the Rosa Parks Boulevard exit, where officers approached him and requested his driver’s credentials.  Officers checked Hill’s driving status and history, which returned with one revocation, a DUI out of Williamson County in March 2021, restricting his license to an interlock device. Officers then asked Hill if he knew about his revoked driving status. Hill told officers that he was unaware of the revocation and was told his DUI was resolved in 2022. Officers noticed no interlock device in his Tacoma as dispatch confirmed his driving status and restriction. Hill was taken into custody for driving with a revoked license.

19-year-old Makayla Driver drunkenly punches mother in head during altercation

19-year-old Makayla Driver was in a group of people that officers observed fighting on Tanglewood Court in the early hours of February 18th. When officers arrived, they noticed Driver reeked of alcohol and was acting disorderly. When officers tried to calm Driver down, she got up and punched her mother in the head. Her mother spoke with officers and refused to provide her personal information. Her mother also did not wish to prosecute for the attack. Driver was taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: Nashville Fire Fighter Aaron Johnson tells police “I F*cked Up, Man” after causing crash

32-year-old Nashville Fire Fighter Aaron Johnson was jailed on February 18th for causing a three-vehicle crash on Jefferson and Cowan Street. When police arrived, they saw three cars crashed on the road and the occupants of the vehicles waiting on the sidewalk of the bridge. While police spoke with Aaron, they noticed his eyes were very glassy; he was slurring his words and swaying back and forth. Aaron did not consent to field sobriety tests and kept repeating, “I f*cked up, man.” Johnson was then placed in the patrol vehicle, where officers noticed he smelled of alcohol. Johnson was arrested for DUI and transported to booking.