DUI: Katrina Chambers found passed out in GMC Yukon on Korean Veterans Boulevard

52-year-old Katrina Chambers was booked on February 17th after reports of an individual passed out behind the wheel of a GMC Yukon at a red light on Korean Veterans Boulevard and 2nd Avenue. Officers observed Chambers in the vehicle with the ignition on and her foot on the brake. Chambers admitted to having two “Tito’s and Sprite” drinks at a cigar bar and was headed home. Chambers had bloodshot, watery eyes, slurred speech, and was unsteady on her feet when she exited the vehicle. After performing poorly on sobriety tests, Chambers was taken into custody. While in transit to booking, Chambers admitted that she was also at another location aside from the cigar bar, where she had an additional drink. While at booking, Chambers consented to a breath sample, which resulted in a .104% BAC.

DUI: Douglas Holmes caught drunk in McDonald’s drive-thru

58-year-old Douglas Holmes was jailed on February 17th after reports of an intoxicated individual in the drive-thru at the McDonalds on Robinson Road. Officers arrived and found Holmes in the driver’s seat of a silver Hyundai Sonata. He was asked to park his car and perform sobriety tests. When he stepped out of the vehicle, he couldn’t keep his balance and admitted to having one beer at a Mexican restaurant a few hours prior. He performed poorly on sobriety tests and was transported to General Hospital for a blood sample.

Dennis Pethke jailed after stealing $459,485 worth of his brother-in-law’s belongings

30-year-old Dennis Michael Pethke housesat for his brother-in-law, William Richey Jr., and his family while they were out of town from February 8th to February 11th. When they returned, they discovered several missing items, including high-end, luxury designer clothing, jewelry, handbags, and collectibles. They asked Pethke if anyone else had been in the house or if the doors had been unlocked while they were gone, and he told them that he was the only one in there. Then, after Richey Jr. told him that he alerted the authorities, Pethke called them and can be heard on a recorded call admitting to stealing over 200 items and selling them to pawn shops, consignment stores, and online retailers. Detectives located and placed a hold on one of the reported jewelry items in a pawn shop out of Murfreesboro. They discovered the seller was Pethke after verifying him by his Tennessee driver’s license. Officers were provided with text messages between the owner of a consignment store and Pethke, stating he wanted to sell several items listed in the police report. The owner was cooperative with the Richey family and willingly returned their items. The owner of the two other stores confirmed that Pethke sold the items and advised officers that he called them, stating he needed to retrieve them because they were stolen. The total cost of the stolen belongings was $459,485 at the time, but they had not finished tallying all their missing things and had only recovered 25 out of the 200 listed. Pethke was taken into custody for theft of property on February 21st.

Deandrecus Ford caught driving stolen Audi A5 without a license

31-year-old Deandrecus Ford was jailed on February 19th when officers observed an Audi A5 with no tags driving on Glastonbury Road toward Massman Drive. Officers initiated a traffic stop, and Ford could not provide a registration. It was also discovered that Mr. Ford was driving on a suspended license. Officers ran the vehicle’s VIN and determined the car was stolen out of Memphis on February 17th. Ford was taken into custody and said he purchased the car from a friend for $900. A search of the vehicle yielded one marijuana bud and a digital scale. Officers also located an open bottle of Jack Daniels in the car. Ford admitted to knowing it was there from the day before. In the trunk of the vehicle, officers located signs for “Shelandra Ford” for office in Shelby County. Mr. Ford told officers that it was his mother. When officers called the unnamed victim, they accurately described Mr. Ford as the thief. The victim said he gave Mr. Ford a ride and stepped out of the vehicle to run something inside. When he came back out, the car was gone. The 2010 Audi A5 is valued at approximately $5,482. Mr. Ford has an extensive criminal history in Shelby County, including two robberies, two attempts at identity theft, burglary, theft, and multiple drug charges. Ford was taken into custody on February 19th for theft of a vehicle, drug paraphernalia, and driving on a suspended license.

Kimberly Wormack deemed too drunk for Nashville International Airport

56-year-old Kimberly Wormack was jailed on February 16th after reports of a female passenger who was refused boarding at BNA due to being intoxicated. Officers found Ms. Wormack near gate C27 displaying obvious signs of intoxication. Officers ordered Kimberly to leave the airport and rest so she could fly back in the morning. Initially, Kimberly was cooperative, but she became belligerent and started to scream, stating that she wasn’t going to leave. Based on Kimberly’s escalating behavior along with her level of intoxication, officers concluded that she was a danger to herself, and she was placed under arrest.

Kirhee Young points gun at woman during confrontation over racial remarks

32-year-old Kirhee Young had an incident with Jennifer Lackey at his Rio Vista Drive residence on the afternoon of February 16th. Lackey spoke with the officers when they arrived, advising them that she and Young argued over racial remarks he made on the phone with his brother. Then, Lackey told Young since he “does not like white people,” she would leave and started packing her things to leave the residence. Lackey said that it was at this time that Young walked into the bedroom, pointing a firearm at her, and told her to “Try him,” so she walked outside and called the authorities. Officers spoke with Young, who said he had a firearm but did not point it at her. Then, Young agreed to let them enter the residence and showed them where the gun was. Young was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Michael Wright admits to drinking at Barstool Nashville before driving to work

29-year-old Michael Wright was speeding in a vehicle with expired tags near 4th Avenue and Lafayette Street in the early hours of February 19th. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and noticed a strong odor of alcohol as they approached the driver’s side. Wright was unsteady on his feet as they asked him to exit his vehicle, and then he admitted to having a couple of drinks at Barstool before driving to work. Wright consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and agreed to provide a breath sample after being informed of implied consent, which resulted in 0.121 BAC%. He was then taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Jason Counce charged with DUI — blows 0.259% BAC

54-year-old Jason Parker Counce swerved through traffic lanes, nearly striking a cement truck on Briley Parkway South on February 21st. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop near Karen Drive. They approached the driver’s side and asked Counce why he was swerving, and he told them he had been drinking. He further explained that he had “two Vodkas” as officers noticed him showing multiple signs of impairment. Counce consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and provided a breath sample, which resulted in 0.259% BAC. He was taken into custody for driving under the influence and transported to booking.

Jackson Batson indicted on 1 count of aggravated sexual battery

A Davidson County Grand Jury indicted 19-year-old Jackson David Batson for aggravated sexual battery on February 14th. The indictment alleges that Batson, on a date between the 1st day of April 2023 and the 31st day of May 2023, in Davidson County, Tennessee, and before the finding of this indictment, did intentionally engage in unlawful sexual contact with A.S. (DOB 6/29/2018), a child less than thirteen years of age, against the peace and dignity of the State of Tennessee. Batson was taken into custody on February 20th.

18-year-old Brandon Ostein Jr. jailed after police find gun, marijuana in vehicle at Hillsboro High School

18-year-old Brandon Ostein Jr. drove his mother’s 2022 Nissan Sentra to Hillsboro High School on Hillsboro Pike on the morning of February 7th. The School Security Officer James conducted “random air sniffs” of vehicles on school property when his K-9 “Dezi” was alerted by the Sentra. The registration returned belonging to Ostein Jr.’s mother, Jamie Dean. Staff requested that Ostein Jr. unlock the car for a search; however, Ostein Jr. refused. When staff advised him that he would be expelled from the school if he did not allow entry to the Sentra, Ostein Jr. fled the campus. When officers arrived, they noticed a strong odor of marijuana coming from the Nissan. Officers then found small amounts of a green leafy substance, later identified as marijuana, in plain view throughout the vehicle. While on the scene, Demetria Stuart, Ostein Jr.’s aunt, claimed the Sentra was hers, wanting to pick it up. His aunt explained that she usually drives it, but Ostein Jr. took it this morning by mistake. Then, his aunt told officers that she may have a Glock 9mm pistol with a laser in the car, which she did have a carry permit for. The Sentra was towed to the MNPD lot, and a subsequent search of it resulted in the discovery of a Glock 17 pistol with a laser and a 24-round magazine under the driver’s seat. As well as about .5 grams of marijuana, one 9mm shell casing, and four gaming dice. Ostein Jr. was taken into custody for simple possession and for having a weapon on school property on February 16th.