DUI: Camden Jones has two beers at Kung Fu Saloon before causing crash

21-year-old Camden Jones crashed into another vehicle at the Thompson Lane and Powell Avenue intersection in the late hours of February 16th. NFD personnel spoke with officers when they arrived and advised them that Jones was highly intoxicated in the back of the ambulance. Jones was unaware of how the collision occurred and told officers he was headed home from Kung Fu Saloon. Jones stated that he had two shots of liquor and two beers an hour before driving. Officers noticed he was visibly impaired and had him transported to St. Thomas Medical Center for treatment. The other party involved told officers that Jones ran a red light and collided with his vehicle, resulting in him being transported to Vanderbilt for a broken leg. Jones was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Bryan Rodriguez-Teletor charged with rioting after being a spectator at a Nashville street takeover

18-year-old Bryan Rodriguez-Teletor reportedly observed a “street takeover” as a spectator on Nolensville Road late Saturday night, where multiple vehicles drove recklessly and took over the street, preventing lawful citizens from going about their business. Bryan was a passenger in a vehicle that was driven by a juvenile. When police attempted to conduct a stop on the vehicle, it fled, and the juvenile failed to fully stop at three subsequent traffic stops.

Soldier Rico Brennan charged with DUI after leaving PLAY Dance Bar in Nashville

23-year-old soldier Rico Brennan reportedly drove through a flashing red light without stopping at 7th & Commerce in downtown Nashville on Saturday. Nearby officers observed and eventually caught up with the vehicle. During a traffic stop, officers noted visible signs of intoxication, and had to brace himself to stand once he exited the vehicle. He admitted to drinking “a couple of beers” at PLAY Dance Bar prior to driving. Once in custody, Brennan fell asleep multiple times and was transported to booking.

Ohio tourist Marilyn Richards assaults man after accepting his invitation to dinner at Opryland Hotel

40-year-old Marilyn Richards is charged with the assault of Justin Slade Dowdy, a man she met while in Nashville Friday. Dowdy invited her to dinner at 9 p.m. at a restaurant inside the Opryland Hotel, and she accepted. He arrived at the hotel before her, and she arrived a short time later with multiple members of her family. A male family member begins to assault Dowdy while Marily stands beside him. Marilyn then reaches down, picks up an item, and hits Dowdy in the forehead, causing him to bleed. She was charged with assault and transported to booking. 

DUI: Jonathan Yancey jailed after falling asleep behind the wheel at intersection 

25-year-old Jonathan Yancey was found asleep at the wheel of his vehicle while stopped in the middle of the roadway near Lebanon Pike and Donelson Pike just after 2 a.m. Saturday. NFD arrived and kept him warm in the back of the ambulance until police arrived. He admitted to drinking alcohol earlier in the night, had slurred speech, and was visibly intoxicated. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody for driving under the influence. He later clarified that he consumed one Bud Light Beer and one shot of Tequila prior to diving.

Illinois tourist Ryan Villanueva assaults police & bouncers at Kid Rock’s bar in Nashville

26-year-old Illinois Tourist Ryan Villanueva began to knock things from the bar and stage at Kid Rock’s bar late Friday evening. Security told him to stop, which only caused Villanueva to get aggressive with them. He grabbed the arm of one of the security staff, William Tomlinson, and ripped open the top of his shirt. Tomlinson then escorted him to the ground, at which time Villanueva kneed him in the side of the head. He was detained for Metro Nashville Police, and when they attempted to take him into their custody were also met with resistance. While being searched, he kicked backward and hit Officer Chetan Babbar’s knee.

Aidan Chenoweth now charged in death of Sofia Balk after last summer crash

23-year-old Aidan Chenoweth was jailed this week as a result of a crash from June 2023 that took the life of Sofia Balk, a teenager from Missouri. The new warrants, which were issued earlier this month, charges Chenoweth with reckless homicide and two counts of reckless endangerment for injuries sustained to Dyln Jones and Cody Shelton. Police say both cars were traveling on I-24 when the Honda Accord, driven by Chenoweth, lost control and collided with the Ford Fusion, driven by Balk, before both crashed into a rock wall. All involved parties were transported to Vanderbilt. A witness stated Chenoweth passed him and multiple other vehicles while changing lanes at a high rate of speed. Police say data from the vehicle shows it was traveling at 95 mph seconds before the crash and was not in control of the vehicle. The two passengers in the Ford Fusion sustained major injuries to their bodies, and Chenoweth was pronounced dead at the hospital. He is free on a $55,000 bond.

Charles Owens charged with multiple counts of sexual exploitation of a minor

21-year-old Charles Owens was taken into custody for three counts of sexual exploitation of a minor on January 25th. Officers received a NCMEC CyberTip on March 5th, 2023, stating that the user named “BiTribs69” sent an image containing child sexual abuse material, CSAM, to another user, which showed a nude pubescent minor female in various states of being exposed. A subsequent investigation found Owens to be the likely owner of the account. On January 4th, officers conducted a scheduled interview with him at his residence in Davidson County. Owens admitted that the account was his and that he possessed CSAM images. He consented to a search through his iPhone, where they located more CSAM images. He advised them that similar material may be on his iPad, which he allowed them to seize. On January 5th, a search of the devices yielded more than 100 CSAM images on each device. Charles Owens was taken into custody and charged with 3 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $150,000.

Preston Milburn assaults girlfriend, traps her in residence during altercation

26-year-old Preston Milburn had an altercation with his girlfriend, Peyton Manning, at their residence on January 24th. Manning reported waking up because Milburn yelled at her, screaming, “I hate you.” Milburn threw hangers at her as he was leaving. Manning then started to record the incident with her phone, and Milburn grabbed it, shattered it, and threw it into the woods in their backyard. Manning tried to leave, but Milburn forced her back into her bedroom, hindering her from leaving. Milburn then placed his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. About twenty minutes later, Manning was able to get away to a neighbor’s house so she could call the police. When officers arrived, Milburn fled the scene, so officers spoke with Manning and noticed her left hand was bleeding with a couple of broken fingernails. Milburn called the police to meet up but did not give any statements regarding the incident. Officers deemed Milburn the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Genca Santana drunkenly attempts to assault ex-boyfriend with knife

27-year-old Genca Santana approached her ex-boyfriend, Joseph Ramos, with a knife late January 23rd. Ramos pulled beside Officer Hillis and advised him that Santana had been threatening him all day. When Joseph saw her walking down the road towards his house, he told her to leave him alone. This is when Santana pulled out a knife and started to approach Ramos’ vehicle with it raised. Officer Hillis located Santana and observed her to be visibly intoxicated. Santana admitted to having a knife, that she had been drinking, and told officers that she was going to Ramos’ house to see their kid. Ramos provided several text messages of her threats and photos of her holding the knife up to the screen. Santana was taken into custody for aggravated assault and public intoxication on January 24th.