DUI: Cecilia Mula drinks one shot of whiskey at Shulman’s Bar before hitting parked car

27-year-old Cecilia Mula drove her white Jeep and struck a parked Subaru BRZ at Shulman’s Bar in the parking lot late February 10th. Matthew Musquiz, a manager at Shulman’s, spoke with officers when they arrived. Musquiz advised officers that he observed Mula drive into a bollard after hitting the Subaru and then exited her vehicle. Officers talked to Mula, and she stated that she consumed one alcoholic beverage at the bar before driving. Officers noticed she was visibly intoxicated, speaking rapidly, and getting off topic repeatedly. Mula consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly, nearly falling over at the end of the walk-and-turn test.  Officers reviewed the parking lot security footage, which confirmed Musquiz’s statement regarding her colliding with the parking bollard. Then, officers spoke with Ryan Gray, the bartender who served her and were told that he watched her consume one shot of whiskey, struggle to find money in her purse to pay for it, and then Gray cut her off due to her level of intoxication. Gray stated that Mula left around twenty minutes after the shot and went outside to get in her Jeep. Officers observed a receipt for Mula showing the purchase of two shots of whiskey and a beer. Gray explained that the other shot and beer were for a friend she was with. Mula consented to provide a blood sample and was transported to booking. At booking, Mula told officers she was not driving and that her friends at the bar would testify that. Mula was taken into custody for driving under the influence.

Robert Dellion booked after getting into fight at Whiskey Row

27-year-old Robert Dellion got into a fight at Whiskey Row in downtown Nashville in the early hours of February 11th. Officers observed this when they arrived, separated the parties, and spoke to them. Dellion was visibly intoxicated as officers remembered him from earlier that night when they told him to get a cab and go home due to his level of impairment.  Dellion was deemed unable to take care of himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

Massachusetts Tourist Errol Walshe deemed too drunk for Broadway

61-year-old Massachusetts tourist Errol Walshe was jailed in Nashville early February 11th after becoming too intoxicated to remain inside Honky Tonk Central on Broadway. Bouncers attempted to escort him outside, but Walshe refused to leave the venue. Walshe remained disorderly and was given a chance to leave with his friends once the police arrived. Walshe also refused that opportunity to walk away. Walshe began to get into officer’s faces and was eventually taken into custody and transported to booking.

Alexandra Peterson drunkenly punches girlfriend during altercation on Broadway

24-year-old Alexandra Peterson had an altercation with her girlfriend, Alexis Jean Daniel, on Broadway near Representative John Lewis Way in the early morning of February 10th. Peterson was intoxicated and crying when she flagged officers down. Peterson told them she could not get to her hotel and had met someone downtown who left her there. She said she knew a friend named “Lexi,” who stayed in Nashville, but when officers tried to call “Lexi,” there was no answer. So, officers agreed to give Peterson a ride to her hotel in the Hermitage area. While they drove westbound on Broadway, Peterson told officers she saw “Lexi,” so they stopped and approached a male and a female, later identified as Alexis Jean Daniel and an unknown male. Officers asked the pair if they were looking for Peterson, and they explained that she was probably looking for them. Officers let Peterson out of the patrol car, and she began crying hysterically as Daniel advised that she thought Peterson left with her mom. Based on Peterson and Daniels’ behavior towards each other, officers separated both parties to speak with them. Peterson said that she and Daniel argued, so she tried to walk away, but Daniel grabbed her shoulders. Peterson admitted to punching Daniel in the face because of this. Daniel said they had no physical altercation but confirmed the verbal argument. Officers noticed redness to the left side of Daniel’s face, consistent with being punched. Daniel explained that Peterson had hit her a couple of days prior in a separate altercation. Peterson was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Aimee Trevino deemed too drunk for Bridgestone Arena

44-year-old Aimee Trevino was detained by security at Bridgestone Arena late February 9th after becoming extremely intoxicated and disorderly inside the venue. Metro Nashville Police were contacted and arrived to find Trevino unable to stand without assistance. As Trevino was being escorted to the patrol car, she began to actively resist arrest by pulling away and kicking officers at the scene. Trevino was taken into custody for public intoxication on February 10th.

John Griffin mistook himself for a snack, fell asleep in snack room of building

36-year-old John Griffin was jailed for public intoxication on February 11 in Nashville. Officers responded to the call of a person asleep in the snack room of the building and located Griffin in a deep slumber. They woke him up and noticed he was inebriated and unable to walk by himself without falling over. They tried to let him call someone to retrieve him, but he kept giving them a street address instead of a phone number for them to call. Griffin was taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking in all of his glory.

Scott Miller charged in DUI crash after drinking Bourbon shots before driving

55-year-old Scott Miller and his wife attended a concert in Madison Saturday night before he crashed their vehicle on I-40 on the way home just before 1 a.m. Metro Fire responded to the scene, but Miller and the passengers denied all assistance and stated their son was coming to pick them up. Metro Nashville Police arrived a short time later to find Miller still in the driver’s seat with his eyes closed. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and admitted to consuming Bourbon shots prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody for DUI.

Vanderbilt Wrestler Brayden Thomas Edman jailed after being too drunk to care for himself in public

21-year-old Vanderbilt wrestler Brayden Thomas Edman was found wandering through the lobby of a building at 2 a.m. Saturday, while attempting to gain access to restricted upper floors. Building security alerted Metro Nashville Police, who responded to the scene. “B.T.” Edman initially told officers he was simply attempting to find his vehicle. He had extremely slurred speech and kept pulling out his wallet when asked if he could use his phone to arrange a rideshare away from the scene. He eventually stated his phone was “in the hallway,” but it was not found. The officer also attempted to locate the party that Edman claimed brought him to the address without success. Edmon admitted to consuming two shots of alcohol and drinking three cocktails. He refused all medical assistance and was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Deidre Kyzer assaults sister for entering her room, throwing her belongings

29-year-old Deidre Kyzer had a domestic altercation with her sister, Kathryn Kyzer, at their family home on Gordon Lane in the early hours of February 8th. When the officers arrived, they spoke with Kathryn, who advised them that her sister had been throwing away items belonging to their parents and was arguing with them about it. Then, Kathryn started throwing Deidre’s items in the hallway, trying to get her to understand what she was doing to her parents. This caused Deidre to push Kathryn in the chest and into the wall. Kathryn said that she pushed Deidre back to get away from her. Their parents, who witnessed the incident, corroborated Kathryn’s statement. Deidre stated she was not trying to put her hands on Kathryn and was trying to get her to stop touching her things and entering her room. Deidre Kyzer was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Diana Rivera assaults husband with phone, destroys mirrors on his truck during altercation

37-year-old Diana Marie Rivera had a domestic disturbance with her husband, Ramon Ramirez Rivera, in the early hours of January 24th. Officers were dispatched to Century Farms Hospital, where Ramon reported that his wife struck him four times in the face and five times with a cell phone. This resulted in multiple scratches on his ears and face. Then, Ramon said Diana also destroyed two side view mirrors on his pick-up truck. Many Melgar Marcia witnessed Diana destroying the mirrors on Ramon’s vehicle. Officers observed the injuries, and his ripped shirt was consistent with a struggle. Mrs. Rivera was taken into custody for vandalism and domestic assault on February 9th.