DUI: Comedian Chloe Stillwell drinks heavily before colliding with guardrail

33-year-old Comedian Chloe Stillwell collided with a guardrail on Rosecliff Drive in the late hours of February 1st. NFD personnel were the first to arrive and advised officers that Stillwell was very drunk. When officers spoke with Stillwell, she reeked of alcohol as she stumbled out of the vehicle, having a hard time standing up. Stillwell had incoherent replies to their questions, unaware of her whereabouts. Officers tried to conduct sobriety tests, but she was unable to perform them and refused to provide a breath sample. Stillwell was taken into custody for driving under the influence and an implied consent violation.

Stephen Habisreitinger goes buck wild at Nashville International Airport

28-year-old Stephen Habisreitinger was disorderly at Fugitives Public House restaurant in Nashville International Airport on February 1st. Officers arrived and noticed Habisreitinger standing with the restaurant staff members, who advised he had been intoxicated and became irate with them. The respondent remembered him from an incident earlier in the day when United Airlines denied him boarding due to his intoxication level. Habisreitinger was escorted to the taxis and taken to a hotel so he could stay the night and make his rescheduled flight the following morning. Then, a few hours later, Habisreitinger returned to the airport, where the restaurant personnel had reported him. He was taken into custody for public intoxication. Habisreitinger has a history of public intoxication, including a 2023 incident in Clarksville, TN.

Tyzek Mccorkle booked for driving on suspended license since 2021

21-year-old Tyzek Reese Mccorkle drove through a red light at the Harding Place and Belle Meade Boulevard intersection in August 2021. Officers observed this, conducted a traffic stop, and were advised that his license was suspended. Mccorkle was cited for the violation but failed to book himself. This resulted in him being taken into custody on a bench warrant for driving with a suspended license on January 30, 2024.

Douglas Harris drunkenly brings dollar bills containing cocaine to booking

31-year-old Douglas Harris tried to enter a random apartment at the Tampa Drive apartments in the late hours of January 31st. The apartment resident stated Harris was beating on the door and yelling loudly. When the officers arrived, he pointed Harris out to them, so they drove over and called out to him, but he dismissively waved his hands. When they approached Harris, he held his hands together at his waistband, so they drew their pistol in self-defense, ordering him to show his hands, to which he complied. Officers detained him and tried to conduct an interview but noticed he was visibly intoxicated. A subsequent search led to them locating a bottle of Svedka Vodka and a dollar bill folded up with a small amount of cocaine in his front pocket.  During his arrest, he screamed, “Help me!” at the top of his lungs multiple times, annoying the apartment residents. Harris was taken into custody for resisting arrest, simple possession, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct. When they got him to the booking, deputies found two one-dollar bills containing cocaine in his wallet, consistent with the illicit transport of cocaine for use. Additionally, Harris was charged with having contraband in a penal institution.

James Tweed Jr. drunkenly attempts to enter random apartment

63-year-old James Tweed Jr. tried to enter a random apartment at the Division Street apartments on January 31st. Officers spoke with the residents, who advised that they received an alert regarding a white male, later identified as Tweed Jr. wearing an orange hat and a red hoodie, pulling on the front door handle attempting to get in. When officers arrived, they did not locate him but were provided with a picture, which helped them find Tweed Jr. a few blocks away from the apartments. They conducted a Terry stop on him to get his information and realized he was visibly intoxicated. They asked if he had consumed any alcohol, to which he admitted to drinking two beers and stated he did not know why he was in the building when asked about the incident. Tweed Jr. was deemed a danger to himself and others due to his level of intoxication, so he was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Charles Cavalier III jailed after trespassing in Vanderbilt Hospital to visit his father

34-year-old Charles Louis Cavalier III was caught trespassing in Vanderbilt Hospital on November 12th. Cavalier III was trying to visit his father at the hospital after being told he was not allowed to. Then, he went to his father’s floor but was turned away by security. Officers observed him in the lobby and detained him. Cavalier III was booked on the citation of criminal trespassing on January 31st.

Mohd Shams threatens to kill family, assaults wife during altercation

31-year-old Mohd Shams had a domestic incident with his wife, Susan Raufi, at their shared Amalie Drive residence on January 25th. On January 31st, Raufi went to the Family Safety Center and reported that Shams had a history of abusing her. She advised that on January 25th, he confronted her regarding a testimony she was supposed to provide to an immigration officer. Shams told her that if she did not lie to them, he would kill her and her son. Raufi stated she took the threats seriously due to the alleged abuse history. Raufi tried to run from Shams and hide in her bedroom, but he forced his way into the room. Shams grabbed her and yelled at her before slapping her, asking if she understood what he was saying regarding lying to the immigration officers. Raufi told them that the slap to her head caused her to feel dizzy, and her shoulders were sore from when he grabbed her. Shams was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Calvin Faulkner throws girlfriend’s phone during argument

33-year-old Calvin Cortez Faulkner had a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Ella Rine Hall, at their shared apartment on Athens Way on January 31st. Officers spoke with Hall, who advised that Faulkner kicked in their front door because it was locked, sparking an argument that led to him grabbing and throwing her phone. Officers observed the damage to the door and phone. Officers then tried to speak with Faulkner about the incident, but he refused. He was taken into custody for vandalism on February 1st.

Jacqueline Mccowan pushes security guard at Elizabeth Duff Transit Center

57-year-old Jacqueline Michelle Mccowan pushed a security guard, Jonathon Cortez Henderson, at the Elizabeth Duff Transit Center at WeGo Central on Martin Luther King Boulevard in the late hours of January 31st. When officers arrived, Mccowan was yelling at the transit center’s security officers and getting in their faces. Officers tried to get her to stop, but she continued as she walked to another location employee. Mccowan began interfering with officers attempting to detain another individual in an unrelated incident. She was visibly intoxicated and deemed a danger to herself, so they detained her. Officers were told that Henderson attempted to get her to leave repeatedly and stop interfering with the police. Then, she walked up and pushed him, causing him to stumble backward. The incident was caught on camera, so officers reviewed it and were told that Henderson wanted to prosecute. Mccowan was taken into custody for assault, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication.