Caroline Bennett assaults ex-boyfriend with table leg during argument

22-year-old Caroline Bennett had an incident with her ex-boyfriend, Arian Torabi, on November 24th. Torabi advised that he and Bennett argued, which escalated when she picked up a kid’s wooden table and slammed it on the ground until one of the legs came off. Bennett used said table leg to hit him on the head and elbow after punching him in the back of his head, causing him to collapse. Then, Torabi stated he tried to leave, but Bennett caught up with him and began biting his stomach as his mom and sister tried to make her let go. Torabi provided officers with partial footage of the incident. Due to the attack, Torabi has suffered numerous headaches and was treated on December 13th at Vanderbilt Hospital. The hospital’s report stated he has Post-Concussive Syndrome, which they believed could be a result of the altercation. Bennett was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Chef Chris Polley charged after liking ex-boyfriend’s tinder profile

38-year-old Christopher Polley liked his ex-boyfriend’s profile on the Tinder dating app on January 11th. Phillipe Boehm alerted the authorities, advising them that Polley had violated his order of protection, which was served to him on December 28th. The order was given due to a previous incident involving Polley stealing multiple records and bottles of cologne from Boehm on December 25th. Boehm believed that Polley did this to talk to him. Officers confirmed that a temporary order of protection was active, and their court date was on January 29th. Polley was taken into custody for criminal contempt on January 30th.

18-year-old Zahraa Malih punches brother in face for sitting on couch

18-year-old Zahraa Malih had a domestic dispute with her juvenile brother at their apartment on Old Mathews Road on January 31st. Her brother advised officers that they argued over him sitting on the couch. He advised that Zahraa told him that if he did not get off the couch, she would “beat his ass.” Then, he stood up, and Zahraa hit him in the face. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her to the ground in an attempt to stop her assault. He then got on top of Zahraa, and she continued to hit him while they were on the ground. He advised that he did not hit Zahraa back during the scuffle. Witness statements were consistent with his, saying Zahraa initiated the altercation verbally and physically. Zahraa was taken into custody for domestic assault on February 1st.

Brandon Riley hits car with metal pipe during road rage incident on I-24

26-year-old Brandon Riley had an altercation with Young Maclean Kirk on I-24 West on January 31st. Officers were working on a separate vehicle wreck near mile marker 57 that had backed up traffic when Riley and Kirk approached them regarding another car accident. Riley told officers he was trying to drive around Kirk but felt like Kirk was brake-checking him. Riley passed Kirk on the left shoulder, leading to a sideswipe collision. Both vehicles pulled over to the right shoulder, where Riley admitted to the police that he grabbed a metal pipe from his car and began hitting Kirk’s car. This left visible damage to the right rear taillight and front passenger door of Kirk’s car. Kirk remained in the vehicle while officers pulled Riley from the scene, detaining him. Riley told officers he had a “rage of emotion” because he believed Kirk was trying to hit his vehicle. Kirk spoke with officers and advised that he was scared for his life when Riley was hitting his car with the pipe. Officers observed the damage, which was estimated to be between $1,000-$2,500. Riley was taken into custody for aggravated assault and vandalism.

James Dimanoff drunkenly steals man’s phone on Broadway

51-year-old James Naum Dimanoff took an individual’s phone on Broadway in the later hours of January 21st. Officers were flagged down by the citizen, who advised them of the incident, pointing out Dimanoff as the one who stole his cell phone. Dimanoff consented to a search, which led to officers locating the phone. He was visibly intoxicated as he told them he did not have anywhere to go tonight or anyone to care for him. Dimanoff was taken into custody for public intoxication.  

Austin Brown threatens couple with gun at Nashville International Airport

28-year-old Austin Brown had an altercation with Richard and Kristin Diaz at Nashville International Airport on January 29th. Both parties flagged officers down regarding the incident, so they separated them to investigate. As they approached Brown, they were advised by dispatch that the passenger of the second car, Mrs. Diaz, who had called the police, advised that Brown had pulled a gun on her and her husband. Officers spoke with Brown and asked him if he had a gun, to which he replied, “Yes,” so they had him exit the vehicle as they secured it, with his consent, before further questioning. Then, Brown said the other vehicle, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, followed him off from the departure level and showed aggression while sitting in traffic, so he pulled over to let them pass. He said they pulled alongside him while waiting at the red light on Terminal Drive and started yelling at him, which prompted him to pull the magazine attachment out of his pistol, showing it, asking them, “If they were going to have a problem.”

Officers then went to speak with Richard and Kristin, who provided similar stories, stating when Mr. Diaz was picking his wife up from departure, Brown was behind him, blowing his horn and being aggressive. When Mrs. Diaz entered the car, Brown sped past them, giving the middle finger. They said he was holding a small black item in his hand, waving for them to approach him. As they approached the stoplight on Terminal Drive, Brown stopped next to their vehicle, even though no cars were in front of him. Brown rolled down his window and presented his firearm, asking them, “Are we going to have a problem?” Mrs. Diaz was still shaken up during questioning. However, both Richard and Kristin told officers they were certain he was holding the firearm when he threatened them. Brown was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

Samuel Pearson assaults police officer with hammer

45-year-old Samuel Eugene Pearson swung a hammer at the residents of a Rock Creek Trace Drive home on January 29th. Officers arrived and tried to speak with Pearson, but he was uncooperative. He opened the door, saw the police officers, and tried to close the door quickly. Officer Worstall attempted to keep the door open when Pearson hit Worstall’s right index finger with a hammer. Pearson was taken into custody for the assault of an officer.

Sidar Tas assaults roommate during argument over living situation

23-year-old Sidar Tas had an altercation with his roommate, Veysel Bulgaz, at their shared residence on Elm Hill Pike on January 28th. Bulgaz spoke with officers, advising them that he and Tas argued over their living situation. The argument occurred because Tas demanded that Bulgaz move out on January 30th despite his rent being fully paid until February 11th. Bulgaz got up to speak with Tas and slipped on the wet floor. Tas then charged toward him and tried to kick him while he was helpless on the floor. Bulgaz pushed Tas’ leg away, and then Tas called the police. Officers could not see any physical evidence of the incident but deemed Tas the primary aggressor. Tas was taken into custody for domestic assault on January 29th.

Jalen Transley performs U-turn across multiple lanes, crashes car attempting to flee from police

20-year-old Jalen Transley failed to use his turn signal when turning right onto Murfreesboro Road from Hamilton Church Road late January 28th. Officers observed this and initiated a traffic stop. Transley pulled over before driving off in an attempt to flee. Transley then caused a crash when he performed a U-turn across multiple lanes. Officers had ordered all occupants to exit the vehicle when Transley’s two passengers quickly jumped out of the car and fled the scene. Transley exited the vehicle but did not flee and was detained. A subsequent search of Transley and his vehicle yielded marijuana paraphernalia and an open container of alcohol. Further investigation showed Transley had a suspended license and an outstanding failure-to-book warrant. Transley was taken into custody for driving with a suspended license, an open container violation, reckless driving, the unlawful use of drug paraphernalia, and evading arrest.

Trey Mccorkle attempts to assault brother, accidentally punches sister

21-year-old Trey Mccorckle had a domestic disturbance with his twin brother, Tyzek Mccorckle, and his sister, Kailynn Mccorckle, at her apartment on Lady Nashville Drive in the later hours of January 29th. Tyzek advised the authorities that Trey and Kailynn argued after he had been drinking heavily throughout the night. When he tried to intervene between them, Trey swung at him. Tyzek ducked, causing Trey to punch Kailynn’s jaw accidentally, so he pushed him away from her to create space between them. Then, Trey smacked him, leaving a minor laceration on his cheek. Kailynn confirmed Tyzek’s statement about the incident. Officers then spoke to Trey, who advised that he had argued with Kailynn but denied physical interaction and said he was unaware of how Tyzek sustained his injury.  Officers observed multiple broken glasses and disarray within the apartment, which were never explained. Officers deemed Trey to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.