19-Year-Old Labrya Knott tells mother to “stand on business” before pouring cat litter on her doorstep

19-year-old Labrya Knott had a domestic dispute with her mother, Bonita Ann Swafford, at Swafford’s Sennadale Lane residence on January 6th. Swafford spoke with officers, advising them that Knott had not lived there for several weeks and was coming to grab her belongings from the house. Knott arrived, refusing to answer the officer’s questions while shouting insults at Swafford, telling her “God is going to take care of you” and to “stand on business and do something.” Then, as she left, she told Swafford, “It’s okay b*tch, you will see what is going to happen.” Officers were dispatched again about an hour later. When they arrived, Swafford informed them that Knott had taken her security camera out of the base and thrown it on the ground, destroying it as she returned for her remaining items. Then, Knott told her, “That is what happens, b*tch,” and poured cat litter over her doorsteps before fleeing. Knott was taken into custody for vandalism on January 30th.

Faith Britton drives through mother’s yard in U-Haul truck

23-year-old Faith Britton had a domestic disturbance with her mother, Bonita Swafford, at Swafford’s Sennadale Lane residence on January 6th. Swafford advised officers that Britton had arrived in a U-Haul truck with her sister, Labrya Knott, and drove through her yard. Swafford said they ran over two yard lamps before fleeing. She also told officers she could only buy the lamps in a set and valued the damage at $60. Britton was taken into custody for vandalism on January 29th.

Elizabeth Newland attacks bartender with Red Bull can in downtown Nashville

50-year-old Elizabeth Victoria McCormick-Newland, the wife of Nashville Fire Captain John Newland II, had an altercation with Kourtney Jane Smith, a bartender at the Lucky Bastard Saloon, in downtown Nashville on January 27th. Smith told officers that McCormick-Newland threw a Red Bull can at her during an argument, leaving a minor laceration on her forehead. She refused medical treatment but advised officers that she wanted to prosecute for the unprovoked attack. Officers reviewed surveillance from the bar, which was consistent with Smith’s statement. Security at Lucky Bastard had McCormick-Newland detained until officers arrived. After their investigation, McCormick-Newland was taken into custody for assault.

Ryania Odom attacks boyfriend with scissors during argument

20-year-old Ryania Odom had an altercation with her boyfriend, Jarvis Burthlong, at their home on 12th Avenue South on January 26th. Officers spoke with Odom, who told them that she and Burthlong only argued verbally. When they talked to Burthlong, he stated that she attacked him with a pair of scissors as they observed the visible lacerations on his body. Odom later admitted that she scratched him in self-defense, stating that she did have a pair of scissors during the argument. She was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Jackie Johnson scoots across floor attempting to kick husband during argument

63-year-old Jackie Johnson had a domestic dispute with her husband, Frank Johnson, at their Apache Lane home on January 27th. Officers spoke with Mr. Johnson, who advised them that his wife hit him on the back over an argument about him letting a family member use their shared car. He said after she hit him, he put his hands up, telling her to leave him alone. Jackie moved toward him again, but he managed to push her away. Then, Mrs. Johnson fell and scooted across the floor, kicking at him, so he backed away. A juvenile helped her out of the room and shared a similar statement regarding the incident. Mrs. Johnson was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Samuel Smith smokes meth before trespassing into woman’s home looking for his “friend”

32-year-old Samuel Smith trespassed in Angelina Mahran’s home on Goodbar Drive around 7 p.m. January 27th. Mahran was not home but observed this from her security cameras and alerted the authorities. When officers arrived, Smith was in the front room of the residence, advising them that he did not live there, and entered through the unlocked rear door. Then, he stated he was there to visit his friend “Jeremy” but did not notify him that he was coming over. Officers confirmed that Mahran lived there with her partner, as she told them that Smith did not have permission to enter the house, which caused concern for her safety. She also told officers that no one named “Jeremy” lived there. Officers then detained Smith and searched him. The search yielded a small clear plastic bag containing less than 0.5 grams of methamphetamine and a pipe used to smoke methamphetamine in his backpack. Smith was taken into custody for the possession of meth, the unlawful use of drug paraphernalia, and aggravated criminal trespassing.

Billy Hardwick assaults wife at Scoreboard Bar and Grill on his birthday

51-year-old Billy Hardwick had a domestic incident with his wife, Melissa Hardwick, at Scoreboard Bar and Grill in downtown Nashville on January 28th. Mrs. Hardwick’s friend, Christy Hubbard, alerted the authorities, advising them that she, her fiancé, Melissa, and Billy, were in Nashville celebrating his birthday when he allegedly hit Melissa on the forehead, knocking her off her barstool. Then, Hubbard stated they had to put him in an Airbnb on Alameda Street, where officers were dispatched. Hubbard advised they separated him for the night due to his aggression and figured he would cool off while they continued enjoying their time. Mrs. Hardwick spoke with detectives, informing them that she was fine and Christy was just worried about her. Melissa told officers that they have been married for 18 years, and he tends to be an “asshole,” admitting that he bopped her on the head. She informed them that he does not talk much, and when she does or says things to “piss him off,” he gets angry. Mrs. Hardwick did not wish to prosecute for the incident, stating she wanted to let things go so they could return to Kentucky in the morning. Then, officers spoke with Hubbard’s fiancé, who said he did not witness the altercation at the Airbnb but claimed Mr. Hardwick was aggressive at the bar and that he got an Uber for him to leave and cool off. Hardwick was taken into custody for domestic assault.   

Jacob Underwood assaults wife during dispute over finances

33-year-old Jacob Christopher Underwood had a domestic dispute with his wife, Cam-Ranh Chandler, at their residence on Rolling Fork Court in the later hours of January 28th. Officers spoke with Chandler, who advised that she and Underwood had argued over finances. She provided footage showing Underwood sitting on the bed, bickering with her before walking toward her, cursing and yelling. Underwood then knocked the phone out of her hand. Chandler told officers she thought Underwood would hurt her when he walked towards her. Officers then spoke with Underwood, and he initially denied the video before stating there was one but also mentioned that she tried to slap him before she started recording. Underwood was deemed the primary aggressor and was detained for the incident. On the way to booking, he admitted to hitting the phone out of her hand, saying he did not believe that constituted assault. Underwood also told officers that Chandler had a history in California of assault against him. Underwood was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Michael Brockway aggressively calls officers slurs at Nashville International Airport

50-year-old Michael Brockway was found lying on the ground incoherently muttering to himself in the Ground Transportation Center at Nashville International Airport on January 29th. Brockway was highly intoxicated when officers arrived, aggressively stating he would beat the hell out of them. He was boisterous as he yelled obscenities at officers, calling them “f*ggots” and “n*ggers” while causing a disturbance to nearby passengers. They asked him if he had anyone coming to pick him up, but his responses were unclear. Officers spoke with his friend over the phone, who said he would order an Uber for him. Brockway was deemed a danger to himself and others, so he was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Inmate Franklin Caceres-Ortega spits on DCSO Corporal multiple times

20-year-old Franklin Caceres-Ortega, an inmate in Davidson County Sheriff’s Office’s custody, had an altercation with Bryson Hayes, a DCSO Corporal, on December 1st. DCSO investigators provided detectives with surveillance of the incident, which showed Caceres-Ortega spit on Corporal Hayes on two separate occasions. During an interview, he admitted to spitting on him both times, and then he was charged with the assault of a first responder on January 26th.