Heather Spears kicks beer bottle at woman during altercation with husband

53-year-old Heather Spears was booked on a citation for her involvement in an altercation near her home on Laurel Park Drive on December 24th. Officers arrived at the area responding to a fight between Heather Spears and Jennifer Harwell. Officers spoke to both women and a witness to the incident, Brandall Gower, who is also Spears’ husband. Harwell advised that she met Gower when they were walking their dogs around the apartment complex. Harwell and Gower were sitting, talking, and having drinks when Spears came out of her and Gower’s apartment upset. Spears was upset because Gower was hanging out with people in the apartment complex instead of spending Christmas Eve at home. Spears proceeded to kick a beer bottle at Harwell, shattering it and causing the glass to land in Harwell’s lap. Harwell advised that she feared for her safety and was afraid Spears would continue to escalate the situation. Gower corroborated the story given by Harwell. Spears admitted to kicking the beer bottle and was cited. Heather Spears was booked on the citation on January 8th.

Herschel Bischoff accuses daughter’s husband of kidnapping her to Jamaica

52-year-old Herschel Bischoff was jailed on January 10th after his daughter and her husband reported him for harassment. On November 15th, 2023, Brittany McQueen and her husband, Steve McQueen, reported to police that Bischoff had repeatedly been harassing them. Brittany also stated that she has made it clear that she does not want any contact with her family. Despite this, Bischoff posted on social media numerous times advising that Brittany is missing and that her husband had kidnapped her, taking her to Jamaica. He would then ask family members to help and contact Brittany regarding the supposed kidnapping. Bischoff has also repeatedly called Brittany and Steve from multiple numbers made on WhatsApp to contact them. Steve stated that Bischoff would repeatedly call him and accuse him of kidnapping his daughter in addition to trafficking underage girls. Steve advised that Bischoff would also call him numerous racial slurs and derogatory names as well. Brittany recently obtained an order of protection against Bischoff, which has yet to be served. Brittany and Steve have had to change their numbers multiple times to get Bischoff to stop calling them. Herschel Bischoff was taken into custody and charged with two counts of harassment on January 10th.

Tony Willis causes property damage on 8th Avenue South during work-related accident

41-year-old Tony Willis was booked after causing property damage on 8th Avenue South on December 13th. Willis left the scene after initially stopping. Willis only returned when the other involved party messaged his company, prompting them to text him to return to the scene. Willis returned about thirty minutes after the accident had occurred. Officers spoke with Willis, who advised that he wasn’t familiar with the area. Willis was given a citation for the incident. Tony Willis was booked on the citation on January 8th.

DUI: Rebecca Wetherbee has “a couple of drinks” at Red Door Saloon before hitting utility pole

31-year-old Rebecca Wetherbee was booked after crashing her car on Old Hickory Blvd on December 16th. Upon arrival, officers observed a trail of debris leading to Wetherbee’s gray Mercedes GLE-350, which had struck a guard rail and utility pole. Officers then observed Wetherbee and two other passengers outside the vehicle needing medical attention. Wetherbee reeked of alcohol, was unsteady on her feet, and had bloodshot eyes. When questioned by officers, Wetherbee admitted to having “a couple of drinks” earlier that night. Wetherbee and the two other passengers of the vehicle were transported via separate ambulances to multiple hospitals due to concerns about spinal and head injuries. Officers then spoke to a witness who stated that Wetherbee, in the driver’s seat of her vehicle, stated to the witness that she was coming from the Red Door Saloon Bar. Officers went to Vanderbilt Hospital and spoke with Wetherbee. Wetherbee refused to provide a blood sample after being read implied consent. Officers issued Wetherbee a citation for driving under the influence. Wetherbee was booked on the citation on January 8th. Wetherbee also has a prior history of incidents regarding intoxication.

Ivan Voloder tries to learn why wife was banned from Walmart, gets banned

30-year-old Ivan Voloder was booked for trespassing at Walmart on Charlotte Pike on December 3rd. Walmart staff repeatedly warned Voloder to leave the property, and he refused to do so. Voloder stated that he was there to ask why his wife was banned from Walmart. Voloder also said he wouldn’t be scared off by Walmart employees. Walmart staff have stated they wished to prosecute. Voloder qualified for a citation and was cited for criminal trespass. Ivan Voloder was booked on the citation of criminal trespass on January 8th.

Ricardo Warfield booked after drunkenly refusing to leave Barstool Bar

46-year-old Ricardo Warfield was booked after refusing to leave Barstool Sports Bar on January 6th. Barstool Security waived down officers regarding Warfield. Officers observed Warfield standing at the entrance of the bar. Officers observed that Warfield reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech. Officers instructed him to leave the bar and go home. Warfield walked away from the door, then turned around and began yelling at Barstool staff and officers. Officers warned Warfield to leave a second time. Warfield walked away from the door, only to turn around and yell at everyone again. Ricardo Warfield was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Russell Watkins consumes multiple drugs before breaking into room at Comfort Inn

54-year-old Russell Watkins was booked after breaking into someone’s room at the Comfort Inn on White Bridge Place on January 9th. Officers arrived and located Watkins, who was inside of a closet on the property. The manager on duty advised that Watkins had broken into someone’s room and hopped over the counter. Officers spoke to the room’s occupants, and they did not want to prosecute. The manager on duty stated he also did not want to prosecute. Watkins was intoxicated and admitted to consuming multiple drugs, including cocaine and marijuana. Watkins smelt of alcohol, was sweating, and had dilated pupils. Watkins stated he had a room at the hotel, which officers confirmed. Officers decided to take Watkins into custody as he was deemed unable to care for himself.

Daniel Gillette found passed out drunk in his car after getting into fight

32-year-old Daniel Gillette was found passed out drunk in his car after a fight on January 9th. Officers received a call regarding a fight on Richard Jones Road. Upon arrival, officers spoke to the complainant, who stated that Gillette had fled the scene before officers arrived. Simultaneously, officers received a separate call stating that Gillette had entered the inside of his vehicle and passed out further along Richard Jones Road. Officers found Gillette passed out in his car and removed him from the vehicle. Gillette reeked of alcohol and admitted to drinking earlier that night. Gillette believed he was on Main Street, which was 10 miles away. Gillette could not answer any questions about anything prior to when officers found him. Officers believed Gillette was too intoxicated to care for himself. Daniel Gillette was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Geoffrey Shyatt drunkenly harasses bartender at Pushing Daisies on Broadway

40-year-old sports agent Geoffrey Shyatt was booked after drunkenly harassing the bartender at Pushing Daisies on Broadway on January 7th. Officers arrived on the scene and contacted Shyatt, who was in handcuffs. Shyatt had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and the odor of alcohol on his person. Officers were advised by Pushing Daisies staff that Shyatt was inside the bar, harassing the bartender, and was asked to leave. Once outside, Shyatt stayed in the area, insulting the employees and being a nuisance to the business. Officers asked Shyatt to get himself an Uber and leave. Shyatt began taking pictures and videos of police instead of booking an Uber. Officers determined that Shyatt could not care for himself and took him into custody.

DUI: Byron Maaz crashes car after drinking three Corona beers before driving

26-year-old Byron Maaz was jailed after crashing into a car late January 9th. When speaking with Maaz, officers learned he did not have a valid driver’s license or insurance on his vehicle. Maaz had a strong odor of alcohol on his person and had bloodshot eyes. Footage of the incident was found on a neighbor’s Ring doorbell, which showed Maaz crashing into the vehicle in front of him without slowing down. Maaz consented to sobriety tests and was unable to follow directions to finish the tests. Maaz admitted to drinking three Corona beers before driving. Officers then performed a probable cause search on his vehicle, finding multiple empty beer cans inside. Byron Maaz was taken into custody and charged with DUI, Driving without a license, and having no insurance.