Fort Campbell Soldier Christopher Jackson assaults security guard at Jason Aldean’s Rooftop Bar

21-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Christopher Jackson had a scuffle with a security guard, Travis McMullen, at Jason Aldean’s Kitchen and Rooftop Bar in the early hours of January 1st. Officers observed Jackson hit him, but McMullen was not injured and advised officers that he wanted to prosecute for the assault. During the investigation, a firearm fell from Jackson’s waistband, prompting Jackson to admit he had consumed alcohol. Jackson was taken into custody for assault and being in possession of a weapon while under the influence.

DUI: Jasen Hightower drinks 5-6 Yuengling beers before flipping his Ford F-250

44-year-old Jasen Hightower was involved in a single-car accident on I-40 West near Exit 208 in the later hours of December 20th. He advised officers that he had been drinking since around noon and had five to six Yuengling beers, having his last one an hour before crashing. Hightower stated he lost control of his F-250 and hit the roadside barrier, which flipped the truck on its side. Officers noticed an empty Yuengling in the vehicle and Hightower’s strong odor of alcohol. Officers then searched his vehicle, which yielded a Taurus G2C 9mm handgun. Hightower declined when asked if he would perform SFSTs, telling officers, “I’ll fail them all anyways!” Hightower did consent to a breathalyzer test, which resulted in a BAC of 0.179. Hightower was taken into custody for driving under the influence and possessing a handgun while under the influence.

Alex Sheffer jailed after breakup with girlfriend in Nashville

21-year-old Alex Myer Sheffer was screaming at his at-the-time girlfriend on a bench near Broadway early January 1st. Officers patrolling nearby overheard the yelling, went toward it, and observed Sheffer being aggressive, so they separated him from her. Sheffer was visibly intoxicated as he advised them that he had broken up with his girlfriend and that they got into a verbal altercation. Sheffer admitted to consuming alcohol and was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Drunken tourist Kameron King attempts to fight everyone he meets in Nashville

21-year-old Kameron King of Chunky, MS, was irate and yelling at security at The Lookout at Ole Red late Saturday night when he escalated to fighting other patrons. As he was being removed from the bar by security, he continuously shouted, ‘I’ll fuck that motherfucker up!” While en route to booking, King told police he was glad he was arrested; otherwise, he would “kill that motherfucker!” Once at booking, he attempted to fight other arrestees in the transfer room.

Tourist David Poulin kicks bouncer on the ground, destroys his cell phone at Layla’s Honky Tonk in downtown Nashville

21-year-old David Poulin observed a bouncer at Layla’s Honky Tonk tackle a patron, Luke Lovorn, to the ground Saturday evening, and as he approached, they began to wrestle on the ground. Poulin kicked the bouncer, Rodney Cook, and took the bouncer’s cell phone and smashed it onto the ground, destroying it. Officers arrived and placed Poulin into cuffs as he attempted to flee and fell to the ground a short distance away.

Tourist ‘Lake’ Lovorn fights with police officers, bouncers, drinks downtown using fake ID

20-year-old John ‘Lake’ Lovorn was taken to the ground by a bouncer at Layla’s Honky Tonk on Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning, and the two began to wrestle on the sidewalk. Metro Nashville Police Officers noticed the commotion and separated the two. According to a friend with him, Lovorn had been drinking nearby at The Stage on Broadway, but it was unclear what prompted the altercation with the other security staff. Lovorn fought with officers as they pulled him away, eventually causing them also to tackle him to the ground to detain him. One officer injured his hand during the struggle. In addition to his actual valid license, Lovorn had a fake North Carolina ID in his possession under the name ‘Lake Lee Leonard,’ which stated he was 21 and contained the actual ID number belonging to a Mark Carr.

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